Dear ALERT colleagues,
My friend and former colleague Chris Pearce from the University of Glasgow passed me very sad news: Emeritus Prof. Nenad Bicanic passed away on Saturday at his home in Croatia. I understand that his funeral will be in Zagreb on Wednesday, followed by a memorial service in Oxford at a later date. Nenad held academic positions at Zagreb, Swansea, Glasgow and Rijeka. He held the Regius Chair of Civil Engineering at Glasgow University (the oldest Chair in Engineering in the UK) from 1994 to 2010. Nenad was a major force behind the UK Association in Computational Mechanics, and he was also very active in ALERT Geomaterials in its early days, via Swansea and later on Glasgow. I am sure many colleagues will remember him with great fondness.
Best regards,
Minna Karstunen
Sad news indeed. Nenad had an unbounded enthusiasm for his many academic pursuits as well as life in general. No doubt many people learned a great deal from him over the years. I still find myself using phrases I picked up from Nenad, on a daily basis.