Postdoctoral position at RECOVER INRAE Aix-Marseille University

PostdocĀ position: Flow kinematics in transparent replicas of geomaterial samples using innovative 3D printing/molding techniques.

The research unit RECOVER from INRAE Aix-Marseille University is pleased to invite applications of talented and motivated candidates for a postdoctorate position (24-30 months) dedicated to the experimental characterization and direct flow visualisation in optically transparent porous media replicating as closely as possible the microstructure of real porous material and geomaterial samples scanned via X-ray tomography. The replicas will be obtained by elaborating innovative 3D printing and molding techniques. Achieving such transparent replica of real soil samples will allow for in-depth investigation of the transport processes in complex 3D porous microstructures.

The postdoctoral position is part of project KiWiPoM (2024-2028) supported by the French National Research Agency (ANR):

Detailed informations regarding the position are available here:

Keywords: Experimental, 3D printing, (sacrificial) molding, flow visualization, transport process, porous media

Inquiries and applications can be sent by email to

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