The 2025 International Engineering Mechanics Institute Conference will be hosted by Tsinghua University in Beijing, China from July 17-20, 2025. Ghassan Shahin (EPFL), John Rudnicki (NU), Giuseppe Buscarnera (NU), and Dawei Xue (Tongji U.) would like to invite you to contribute to the mini-symposium ADVANCES IN GEOMECHANICS AND GEOPHYSICS FOR SUB-SURFACE TECHNOLOGY AND NATURAL HAZARD (MS-20). Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- multiscale and multiphysics mechanics of porous rocks
- fault mechanics, fracture mechanics, and deformation banding
- field and laboratory methods
- constitutive, multiscale, and data-driven modeling
Abstract submission is now open and will remain open until February 3, 2025. Abstracts can be submitted here.
We hope you will submit an abstract to the conference and meet you in Beijing, China!