- It is about time – time-dependent response of geomaterials. Jelke DIJKSTRA, Eleni GEROLYMATOU and Jean-Michel PEREIRA
- Ice in porous media. Jean-Michel PEREIRA, Alessandro TENGATTINI and Giulia VIGGIANI
- Nature-based (-inspired) geotechnical engineering. Nadia BENAHMED, Anne-Catherine DIEUDONNE and Leon VAN PAASSEN
- Emerging properties in geomaterials across the scales. Antoine WAUTIER, Farhang RADJAI and Francesco FROIIO
- Geomechanics in the submicron scale. Katerina IOANNIDOU and Gilles PIJAUDIER-CABOT
- Continuum-based particle methods. Claudio TAMAGNIN, Lorenzo SANAVIA, Matteo CIANTIA and Antonia LARESE
- Energy Geomechanics. Jean-Michel PEREIRA, Diego MANZANAL and Carlos SANTAMARINA
- Special Session on Extraterrestrial Geomechanics. Pierre DELAGE and Felipe PRADA
- Anisotropy in geomaterials: theory, experiments and modelling. Eleni GEROLYMATOU, Cino VIGGIANI and Angelo AMOROSI
- Mechanics of Hard Soils – Soft Rocks. Nadia BENAHMED, Elma CHARALAMPIDOU and Claudia VITONE
- Special Session on Robot-Ground Interaction. Raul FUENTES and Itai EINAV
- Multi-field approach of gravity-driven disasters in a global climate change context. François NICOT, Florence MAGNIN, Stéphane LAMBERT and Francesco CALVETTI
- Forecasting landslide displacement. Sabatino Cuomo, Jean Vaunat and Núria M. Pinyol
- Special Session on Machine learning and Geomechanics. Ioannis Stefanou and Félix Darve
- Bridging the gap between experiments and modelling: from laboratory testing to material models prediction. Béatrice Baudet, Federica Cotecchia and Cristina Jommi
Because of the pandemic, no workshops took place in 2020.
- Upscaling in Geotechnical Engineering (70th anniversary of Roberto Nova). Claudio di Prisco, Cristina Jommi, Claudio Tamagnini
- The mechanics of root-soil systems: from microscopic to macroscopic approaches. Evelyne Kolb, Luc Sibille
- Computational methods in snow and avalanche release mechanics. Johan Gaume, Pascal Hagenmuller, François Nicot, Guillaume Chambon
- Fluid flow and strain localization: fingering and fracture processes in partially saturated materials. Francesca Casini, Giulio Sciarra, Jean Vaunat
- Geomaterials under the nanoscope. Roland Pellenq, Farhang Radjai, Franz Josef Ulm
- Offshore Geotechnics. Ken Gavin, Federico Pisanò, Gudmund Eiksund
- Porous Media Mechanics from geomaterials to non-geological media. William G. Gray, Bernhard Schrefler, Claudio Tamagnini
- Must Critical State Theory for Granular Mechanics be Revisited? Yannis F. Dafalias, Cino Viggiani
- Advanced numerical modelling of geomaterials with emphasis on large deformation and flow problems. Michael A. Hicks, Pablo Mira, Lorenzo Sanavia
- New trends in micromechanical approaches of Particulate Materials. Minna Karstunen, Nadia Benahmed, Mahdia Hattab
- Mechanics of multiphase porous media in modelling cementitious materials. Lorenzo Sanavia, Francesco Pesavento, Matthieu Briffaut
- Geomechanics of faults, from earthquake nucleation to landslides. Manolis Veveakis, Klaus Regenauer-Lieb, Ioannis Stefanou, Jean Sulem
- From discrete methods to continuum methods. Yannis Dafalias, Luc Sibille and Edward Andò
- How should we teach geomechanics? Cino Viggiani and Ivo Herle
- Fracturing and fractured reservoirs. Euripides Papamichos, Helen Lewis, Gary Couples
- Constitutive modelling: what’s new? Claudio di Prisco, Roberto Nova
- Railway Geomechanics. Antonis Zervos, Farhang Radjai
- Multiphysics coupling. Robert Charlier, Lorenzo Sanavia, Jean Vaunat
- Geomechanics of slopes. Claudio di Prisco, Leonardo Cascini
- Contact problems in geomechanics. Euripides Papamichos, Jean Sulem
- Degradation in geomaterials. Erich Bauer, Ali Daouadji, Christophe Dano
- Micromechanics and critical steady states in geomaterials. Yannis Dafalias, Bruno Chareyre
- Geomechancis of underground structures. David Mašín, Claudio Tamagnini
- Geomechanics for Energy Production. Lyesse Laloui, Helen Lewis
- Multi-Scale Geomechanics: From Fabric to Material Properties. Gary Couples, Bruno Chareyre
- Geomechanical issues in CO2 storage. Gilles Pijaudier-Cabot, Jean-Michel Pereira
- Localized versus diffuse failure in geomaterials. Michael Hicks, Gioacchino Viggiani
- Engineering geostructures. Antonio Gens, Ivo Herle
- Mechanics of clay rocks. Robert Charlier, Pierre Bésuelle
- Chemo and bio mechanical couplings. Jian-fu, Benoit Garitte
- Modelling of natural hazard and vulnerability of structures in Geomechanics. M.Pastor, P.Kotronis
- Geomechanics at small scale. D.Muir Wood, P.Delage
- Erosion in Geomaterials. I.Varoulakis, S.Bonelli
- Multiphisycs of multiphase materials. E.Papamichos, L.Sanavia
- Field and laboratory testing. P.Delage, M.Arroyo
- Localisation in Geomaterials. J.Desrues, A.Zervos
- Geomechanics of Structured Materials. L. Laloui, V. De Gennaro
- Inverse and Stochastic Modelling. F. Molenkamp M. Hicks
- Time-dependent processes in geomechanics. P.Y. Hicher M. Karstunen
- Multiscale Approaches to Geomaterials. B. Cambou, C. Dascalu
- Soil-Structure Interaction. L. Vulliet, C. Tamagnini
- Advanced Computational Geomechanics. M. Pastor, M. Hicks
- Solid-liquid phase transition and transport phenomena. I. Vardoulakis, F. Dufour, H. Steeb
- Geostructural dynamics and waves in geomaterials. J. Mazars, D. Muir Wood
- Advances in experimental methods. G. Pijaudier-Cabot, E. Romero
- Degradations and Ageing of Geomaterials. B. Sluys, J. Vaunat
- Gravitational Flows and Structure Vulnerability. F. Calvetti, F. Nicot
- Multiscale Approachs in Geomechanics. M Jirasek, J.Lewandowska
- Geomechanics for transportation engineering. D. Kolymbas, M. Hicks
- Multi-physics coupling. R. Charlier, Y. Cui
- Post-failure behaviour. J. Sulem, E. Papamichos
- Geomechanics for Natural Hazards. G. Viggiani, L. Vulliet
- Geomechanics for Energy Production. I. Vardoulakis, V. De Gennaro
- Geomechanics for Cultural Heritage Preservation. R. Nova, J. Sicard.
- Quasi-Brittle Geomaterials (concretes and rocks). G. Pijaudier-Cabot, A. Huerta
- Mechanics and physics of granular materials. I. Vardoulakis, F. Calvetti
- Rate-dependency and thermo-chemo mechanics of geomaterials. P. Delage, C. di Prisco
- Environmental geomechanics. S. Wheeler, L. Laloui
- Soil-Structure interaction. A. Modaressi, C. Viggiani
- Geomechanics and energy production. R. Charlier, J.F. Shao
- Safety and reliability of geostructures. R. Nova, M. Pastor
- Geoenvironmental engineering. P. Delage, L. Sanavia
- Mitigation of natural and man-made hazards. L. Vulliet, C. di Prisco
- Failure and risk assessment of geostructures. L.J. Sluys
- Environmental geomaterial mechanics. B. Schrefler
- Geomechanics related to energy production. R. Charlier
The same 5 sessions took place from 1994 to 1997.
- Dynamics of Geomaterials. R.de Borst
- Localisation Phenomena in Geomaterials. I.Vardoulakis
- Reinforced Geomaterials. R.Nova
- Thermo-hydro-mechanical coupling. A.Gens
- Benchmarks and constitutive modelling. M.Pastor