PhD and Postdoctoral research positions at EPFL, Switzerland (Snow and Avalanche Modeling)

The new group of Prof. J. Gaume at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology of Lausanne (EPFL, Switzerland) invites applications by highly motivated, committed, and talented students/researchers for 2 PhD and 1 PostDoc positions in the field of Computational Mechanics for Snow and Avalanche Modeling.

Positions are opened as of January 1st 2019 or later upon agreement. Detailed information can be found in the attached document. Interested candidates should submit their application to

More information in the attachment.

PhD and Postdoctoral research positions at EPFL, Switzerland

The Laboratory of Soil Mechanics (LMS) at EPFL is currently looking for two PhD students and a Postdoctoral researcher to conduct research in THM testing and modelling of geomaterials as part of research activities on nuclear waste storage.

The positions are open as of January 1st 2019, or upon agreement. More information on these positions can be found in the attached document. Interested candidates should submit their application to

Two post-doc positions at Northwestern University, USA

The newly established Mechanics and Energy Laboratory (MEL) of Northwestern University, directed by Prof. Alessandro F. Rotta Loria, is seeking two post-doctoral researchers interested in developing research activities addressing fundamental and applied problems centered on the mechanics of geomaterials and structural systems in the context of energy production and storage. The scope of one post-doctoral position is predominantly experimental while the other one is predominantly theoretical.

More information about these positions can be found in the two dedicated documents attached to this call experimental and theoretical. Interested candidates are encouraged to contact Prof. Alessandro F. Rotta Loria at the following e-mail address:

Computational & Geoenvironmental Geomechanics for Underground and Subsurface Structures (COGGUS2)

Dear colleagues the registration is now open !

Registration for Computational & Geoenvironmental Geomechanics for Underground and Subsurface Structures (COGGUS2) International symposium is now open.

Please follows registration instructions on the web site

Best regards.

Laouafa, M. Souley, P. Bigarré, J. Pironon, M. Ghoreychi

Special Session: “Understanding, modelling, and design of offshore wind turbine foundation”

A Special Session, entitled ‘”Understanding, modelling, and design of offshore wind turbine foundation”, will be organised by Britta Bienen, Domenico Lombardi and Amin Barari in the 2nd International Conference on Natural Hazards & Infrastructure (ICONHIC2019) , Chania, Greece, 23-26 June 2019.

More information in the attachment and the website

12 HSTAM2019 International Congress on Mechanics in memory of Ioannis Vardoulakis

The organizers of the 12 HSTAM2019 International Congress on Mechanics Profs. Euripides Papamichos, George Manolis and Vlasis Koumousis would like to invite you to submit an abstract to the Congress which is planned for 22-25 September in Thessaloniki, Greece

The conference is dedicated to the memory of late Professor Ioannis Vardoulakis on the occasion of 10th years from his death in recognition of his contributions and achievements in Mechanics. A special session in honor of Professor Vardoulakis is organized by Professors Panos Papanastasiou (University of Cyprus) and Ioannis Stefanou (Ecole des Ponts, Paris Tech, France).

Abstract submission is open until 30 December 2018.

Please visit the website of the congress for more information and a list of the specialized Mini-Symposia that you can submit your abstract including the Special Session for Prof. Ioannis Vardoulakis.

Mini symposium: micromechanics of rock deformation and its impact on rock-fluid system interactions

A mini symposium, entitled ‘Micromechanics of rock deformation and its impact on rock-fluid system interactions’, is organised by Elli-Maria Charalampidou, Sergei Stanchits and Francesco Cecinato during the 12th HSTAM 2019 International Congress on Mechanics, which will take place in Thessaloniki (Greece) from the 22nd to the 25th of September 2019.

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Post-doctoral grant within the I&D Project CEN-DynaGEO

A call is open to award one post-doctoral grant within the I&D Project CEN-DynaGEO – Coupled Experimental and Numerical Approaches Toward Reliable Dynamic Characterization of Geomaterials, PTDC/EAM-GTC/29923/2017, funded by the Portuguese Science and Technology Foundation (FCT). The recipient is expected to conduct research in the field of Computational Geomechanics at the University of Lisbon.

Important information from the publisher: The application site is currently experiencing glitches. If you are unable to access it, please write me an email at

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Postdoc position in geomechanics at UGA (France) on inherent rock heterogeneity using a double scale numerical approach

The goal of this project is to investigate the multi-scale behaviour of clay rock, going from microscopic to macroscopic scale. The research will be based on multi-scale
approach and numerical method allowing to model microstructure media in a double-scale framework (FEMxFEM). The postdoc position is available at 3SR Laboratory (P. Bésuelle, CNRS, UGA).

Applications should be submitted by emailing a CV together with the academic grades (detail of marks) to the supervisor Pierre Bésuelle

More information in the attached document.