2 PhD positions in fault mechanics and earthquake control (France)

The appointments form part of the cutting-edge project ERC-StG CoQuake (Controlling earthQuakes), funded by the European Research Council (ERC). Both positions offer the possibility of working on a challenging and stimulating research topic. The knowledge, innovation and skills to be developed will open perspectives for career development both in industry and academia.

The PhD candidates will carry out research under the supervision of the ERC-StG holder, Assoc. Pr. Ioannis Stefanou, in the Ecole des Ponts ParisTech facilities (Navier laboratory) situated close to Paris.

More information in the attached document

Ph.D. candidate position in soil and rock mechanics at KTH Royal Institute of Technology

At KTH in Stockholm, we are currently looking for a Ph.D. candidate for a project regarding cost and time estimations in early phases of tunnel projects. The project will take interdisciplinary approach that combines state-of-the-art probabilistic modelling of geological information with studies of economic incentives in different contractual strategies.

Last application date is May 9, 2018.

More information is available on the KTH website

PhD position in numerical modelling for offshore geotechnics/engineering at MARUM, University of Bremen

We are searching for a highly motivated and excellently qualified young scientist/engineer in our starting joint research project: Long term set-up effect of XL offshore monopiles. This project is a joint research project with MARUM/Universität Bremen, Fraunhofer IWES, Innogy SE, and Geo-Engineering.org GmbH. Continue reading

Position: Associate Professor/Senior Lecturer in Geotechnical Engineering. Chalmers University of Technology

We are looking for a good person for a Faculty position in Geotechnical Engineering at Chalmers. The advert says you need some Scandinavia language knowledge, but equally we will consider people who are willing to put effort to learn Swedish, provided we find a good candidate.

Ref 20180168

Associate Professor/Senior Lecturer in Geotechnical Engineering

More information in the website

Job openings at EPFL (Lausanne) in Geotechnical engineering

The laboratory for Soil Mechanics (LMS) of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne (EPFL) is looking for 3 PhD candidates in the area of geo-technical engineering and environmental geotechnics for the project BIOGEOS (BIO-mediated GEO-material Strengthening). The project is supported by an Advanced Grant of the European Research Council, awarded to Prof. Lyesse Laloui.

Continue reading

PhD position at the 3SR laboratory in Grenoble (France) on the thermal behaviour of unsaturated soils

A PhD position is open at the 3SR Laboratory in Grenoble (France). Title: Effect of varying temperature and degree of saturation on soils THM behaviour: application to energy geostructures.

The project is mainly experimental and aims to investigate the thermal behaviour of unsaturated soils. More details can be found in the attached document. Interested and highly motivated candidates should send their application (including CV, motivation letter and master grades) to alice.didonna@3sr-grenoble.fr

See the attached document for more information.


IS-Atlanta 2018 — Geo-Mechanics from Micro to Macro in Research & Practice

This is the fourth quadrennial international symposium organized under the auspices of Technical Committee 105 (Geo-Mechanics from Micro to Macro) of the International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ISSMGE). As with these previous events, this symposium seeks to advance the objectives of TC 105 to: promote co-operation and exchange of information about the behavior of soil grains and granular interactions; promote improved modeling of soil aggregates; encourage a micro-structural understanding of significant macroscopic behavior; facilitate discussion on the use of micro-structural measurements to enhance soil characterization procedures; and clarify the selection and use of continuum parameters in geotechnical engineering practice: website

You’re still in time for submitting an abstract (via email)

Extended abstract submission deadline: April 18, 2018
Extended draft manuscript submission deadline: May 15, 2018

PhD position in EPFL: Effective stress law for partially saturated gas shales

Laboratory of Soil Mechanics (LMS) at Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne (EPFL) has an opening for a PhD Position in the field of geomechanics. PhD candidate will carry out research project in collaboration with Chevron Energy Technology Co. in U.S. in the topic: Effective stress law for partially saturated gas shales.

Suitable, highly‐motivated candidates should send an electronic application (including a cover letter describing interests and qualifications and a CV, as a single PDF) to  the email 

More information in the attached document and in the website