US-France workshop in Aussois

An international US-France workshop jointly proposed by ICACM (International Center for Applied Computational Mechanics) and INDURA (Infrastructures Durables en Rhône-Alpes) will be held in Aussois (France), May 22-24th 2013. In the following of the previous successful events (since 2007), this workshop is devoted to: Mean-stress dependent materials: recent advances and applications to natural risks. Continue reading

ALERT Workshop 2013 – Call for abstracts

As announced already in October 2012, ALERT Workshop 2013 (24th Edition) will be held in Aussois from September 30 to October 2, 2013. Please don’t forget to submit your abstracts by email directly to the coordinators using the Workshop abstract form (doc, pdf).

Since time for the presentations is limited, only part of the abstracts submitted will be chosen for oral presentations. Therefore, we invite you to submit your abstract as soon as possible. The presentation can also be submitted as a poster. The deadline for the abstract submission is April 30, 2013 . For any communication about your participation to the workshops, please contact directly the organizers of the sessions.

Marie Curie Post-Doctoral Research Fellow at University of Strathclyde

The Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Strathclyde seeks to recruit a Marie Curie Post-Doctoral Research Fellow as part of a 4 year EC/FP7 Marie Curie Industry-Academia Partnership Pathways (IAPP) consortium project entitled ‘MAGIC-Monitoring systems to Assess Geotechnical Infrastructure subjected to Climatic hazards’. Continue reading