13th EURO-Conference on Rock Physics and Geomechanics – The Guéguen Conference on 2-6 September 2019 in Potsdam

Dear colleagues,

With 47 oral presentations, 32 poster presentations and 8 keynote lectures on rock fracturing and fault activation experiments and models the programme of the 13th EURO-Conference on Rock Physics and Geomechanics – The Guéguen Conference on 2-6 September 2019 in Potsdam is nearly finalized. 

Registration is still open until 15 July 2019, but we highly appreciate early registrations. If you are interested in participating at this conference please register here: https://events.gfz-potsdam.de/euro-2019/registration/

More details on the conference and the programme can be found on the website: https://events.gfz-potsdam.de/euro-2019/

If you have questions, please contact us at: euro-2019@gfz-potsdam.de

With best regards,

Hannes Hofmann, 
on behalf of the EURO-Conference 2019 organizing committee

11th ALERT Olek Zienkiewicz course. 28-31 October 2019, Ecole des Ponts ParisTech, France

The 11th ALERT Olek Zienkiewicz course 2019: Petroleum Geomecganics will be held from the 28th to the 31st of October 2019 in Ecole des Ponts ParisTech, France

The course is organised by the Alliance of Laboratories in Europe for Education, Research and Technology (ALERT), the 
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and Ecole des Ponts ParisTech.

More information and contact in the website

Registration for the ALERT Workshop & School 2019 is open!

The registration for the ALERT Geomaterials Workshop and School 2019 is open now! Find the preliminary program of the Workshop and school here. Please read the hints in the registration form! After filling the form and pressing the button “Register”, a window will open with your invoice. Please print the window with the invoice for your records! You will also get an email with the registration data afterwards. In case of the registration of the ALERT members, the corresponding representative of the ALERT institution will receive the registration data too.

(inscriptions closed)

The deadline for the registration is the September 18th! The accommodation in Aussois will be processed in the order of the registrations (see the hints in the registration form). Please note that the number of rooms in the CNRS “Centre Paul Langevin“ is limited.
See also hints on how to get to Aussois!

Presentations of the ALERT Doctoral School 2019

ALERT Doctoral School 2019
3rd-4th October 2019, Aussois, France

The legacy of Ioannis Vardoulakis to Geomechanics
Coordination: Jean Sulem and Cino Viggiani

Day 1

  • Mechanics of granular materials: I. Experimental approach. Edward Andò (Université Grenoble Alples)
  • Landslide mechanics and growth of slip surfaces. Sasha Puzrin (ETH Zurich)
  • Modelling of strain localization in geomaterials – Higher order continuum theories and regularization techniques. Ioannis Stefanou (Ecole des Ponts ParisTech)

Day 2

  • Petroleum Geomechanics. Euripides Papamichos (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki) & Panos Papanastasiou (University of Cyprus)
  • Mechanics of granular materials: II. Modelling. Itai Einav (University of Sudney)
  • Hydro-mechanics of porous and granular material – Poroelasticity and beyond. Holger Steeb (Universität Stuttgart)

Training course for Ph.D. students, engineers and researchers: OOFEM (object-oriented open-source software package for solid mechanics)

The Department of Mechanics, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague, has prepared a new training course for Ph.D. students, engineers interested in simulation and researchers who wish to quickly acquire the knowledge and practical skills necessary to employ OOFEM (an object-oriented open-source software package for solid mechanics, with extensions to fluid mechanics and transport problems). Participants will learn how to create, analyze and post-process models. Moreover, they will understand the OOFEM code structure and they will learn how to implement custom material models, elements, boundary conditions, or solvers.

The course takes place in Prague on 16-18 September 2019 and it will be delivered by a team of skilled OOFEM developers. No prior knowledge of OOFEM is required; however, a basic knowledge of C++ is highly recommended.

For details see http://www.oofem.org/en/courses
Registration can be done by filling an online form. 
Questions should be addressed to oofem@fsv.cvut.cz.

Advanced course on Modeling of Localized Inelastic Deformation (LID 2019), taught by Milan Jirásek in Prague, Czech Republic, 9-13 September 2019.

This course provides an overview of modeling approaches used in the mechanics of inelastic materials and structures, with special attention to objective description of highly localized deformation modes such as cracks or shear bands. It is one of the RILEM educational courses. The course is intended for graduate students at the doctoral level, but it can be equally useful to motivated master students, post-doctoral researchers, or senior researchers who are not specialists in this field.

For details see http://mech.fsv.cvut.cz/~milan/course2019.html
For registration please contact Milan.Jirasek@fsv.cvut.cz .

Summer school CASCARIX “Cascading effects and risk management”

September 3-5, 2019 – Autrans (Grenoble’s area, Alps, France)

Objectives : 
The combination of several risks and the associated domino effects are the subject of extensive research in engineering sciences, taking into account complex models. The consideration of the social dimensions of the management of these cascading risks is less developed. The challenge is both scientific, to take greater account of multidisciplinarity in the combined risk approach, and pragmatic, to manage crisis situations or take appropriate decisions to avoid the occurrence of other events.

The objective of this summer school is to provide an opportunity for doctoral students from the CDP Risk, as well as doctoral students and researchers from other universities, to exchange their scientific knowledge and experience on cascading phenomena.

Organized by the Risk interdisciplinary Research group of Grenoble.

All informations on registration and program on the web site :



Venue : Escandille Center (Autrans, Vercors massif)- FRANCE
Language: English
Registration: https://www.azur-colloque.fr/UGA/inscription/inscription/71

External participants (non CDP RISK members): 300 euros including accommodation at Autrans

First edition of the Mediterranean PhD School. Ten scholarships of 800€ to support PhD students

The Department of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering of the University of Naples Federico II announces ten scholarships of € 800 euros each to support PhD students from foreign universities wishing to participate in the first edition of the Mediterranean PhD School. This year the School will focus on the theme: “Impacts of Climate Change and Sustainable Engineering Responses” and will be held in Naples, in Piazzale Tecchio, in the week 7-12 October 2019. Lectures will be held by 22 internationally renowned speakers from various European countries and some professors from the Department.

The School includes the thematic course on “Weather effects on sloping unsaturated soils”.

The deadline for the scholarship call is fixed at  June 25, 2019.

All information regarding the School can be found at the link:
