Shamsher Prakash Foundation solicits nomination (no application) for the 2013 SHAMSHER PRAKASH RESEARCH AWARD for young engineers, scientists and researchers (40 years or younger, Date of Birth 03-31-72 or later) from all over the world. Nominations are invited so as to reach the Honorary Secretary on or before March 31, 2013.
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Category Archives: Events
Géotechnique Symposium-in-Print on Bio- and Chemo- Mechanical processes in geotechnical engineering
The Géotechnique Symposium in Print on “Bio- and Chemo- Mechanical processes in geotechnical engineering” will be held in London. Event registration for the 3rd June 2013 at the Institution of Civil Engineers is open here, and a summary programme can be accessed on that page. The volumes of the Symposium are to be published as the two March 2013 editions of the journal.
ComGeo 2013
The Third International Symposium on Computational Geomechanics (ComGeo III) will take place at the Radisson Blu Hotel, Krakow, Poland, 21-23 August, 2013. The last date for electronic submission of one-page abstracts for ComGeo III is January 31, 2013. Abstracts should be submitted in MS Word (.doc) or Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format. Please send the file by email to with a copy to For details, see the conference website.
Unsaturated granular medium and clay engineering
A session devoted to Unsaturated granular medium and clay engineering will take place within the International Congress CERMODEL 2013 – Modeling and Simulations meet
Innovation in Ceramic Technology at Trento, Italy, July 10-12, 2013. For further details see and pdf.
W(H)YDOC 2012
The 2012 issue of the W(H)YDOC Workshop was successfully held in Paris (Ecole des ponts) from 21 to 23 November. Like in previous issues (2002, 2005, 2008), ALERT was a partner of the event with various doctors from ALERT partners presenting their work. The Workshop was also supported by the GEOEXCEL European network (Pierre and Marie Curie actions) between Europe and Latin-America. Keynote lectures have been given by Profs K. Scrivener (EPF Lausanne), M. Coop (City University, Hong-Kong) and L. Guimaraes (University Federal of Pernambuco, Brasil). The attendance was quite international with the presentations of doctors from Belgium, Brasil, China, Czek Republic, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, UK, USA. The W(H)YDOC 2012 prize has been given to Anna Ramon from UPC Barcelona for her work entitled “Crystal growth under bridge foundation” conducted under the guidance of Prof. E.E. Alonso.
Alert Summerschool 2013: Geology and Mechanics
The ALERT Summerschool (Olek Zienkiewicz Course) 2013 entitled Geology and Mechanics will be organized by Prof. Dimitrios Kolymbas and held in Innsbruck, 16-20 September 2013.
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Workshop on Thermoactive Geotechnical Systems for Near-Surface Geothermal Energy
A two and a half day workshop will be held at the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne in Switzerland for the purpose of exploring and advancing the use of Thermo-active Geotechnical systems for Near-surface Geothermal Energy as a sustainable geoengineering practice. Continue reading
Mini-symposium “Numerical modelling of the failure and instabilities in geomechanics”
As part of COMPLAS XII (XII International Conference on Computational Plasticity. Fundamentals and Applications) to be held in Barcelona, Spain, 3-5 September 2013, Manuel Pastor and Frédéric Dufour are proposing a mini-symposium entitled
Numerical modelling of the failure and instabilities in geomechanics
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French-Polish Colloquium on Multiscale Modelling in Soil and Rock Mechanics
The XVI French-Polish Colloquium of Soil and Rock Mechanics “Multiscale Modelling in Soil and Rock Mechanics” will be held from 8th to 10th of July 2013 in Montpellier, France. The deadline for abstract submission is the 16th of November 2012. More information is provided at the web site: and in pdf.
Minisymposium on “Multiphysics numerical modelling of geomaterials and computational strategies”
Francesco Pesavento, Lorenzo Sanavia and Bernhard Schrefler are organizing the Minisymposium MS22 on “Multiphysics numerical modelling of geomaterials and computational strategies” at the 5th Biot conference on Poromechanics,, July 10-12, 2013, Vienna, Austria
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