[Final year Master internship offer] On the role of extreme drying-induced surface soil degradation on contaminant transport in the vadose zone: A numerical investigation

An exciting 6-month internship opportunity (February–July 2025) is available at the Institut de Génie Civil et Mécanique (GeM), Ecole Centrale de Nantes, France. The project focuses on investigating the impact of extreme drying-induced surface soil degradation on contaminant transport using advanced numerical modeling techniques, coupling phase-field modeling and advection-diffusion equations. The position offers a stipend of approximately 600€/month (4.35€/hour) and requires strong skills in continuum mechanics, finite element methods, Python/Matlab programming, and proficiency in English. This internship is ideal for those passionate about vadose zone research and porous media mechanics. There is also a possibility to advance this work with a PhD thesis.

Interested candidates should read the pdf (attached) and email their CV & academic transcripts to Siddhartha H. Ommi at siddhartha-harsha.ommi@ec-nantes.fr

Proposal for a Master’s internship: Optimal sensor placement for parabolic PDEs – a PINN approach

The aim of the project is to propose a measure of the degree of observability of PDEs without resorting to an explicit model reduction technique (i.e. by constructing a model leading to finite-dimensional approximations) and by restricting ourselves to linear or nonlinear parabolic PDEs. Parabolic PDEs cover a wide variety of physics problems, such as the heat equation, the advection-diffusion equation, or the Burgers equation (fluid mechanics, gas dynamics, road traffic, etc.). For this purpose, we will explore the use of PINNs (Physics-Informed Neural Networks [4]). The PINN approach is a new class of neural networks that hybridizes machine learning and physical laws. We will here focus on the advection-diffusion equation (with a source estimation problem) and the Burgers equation with kinematic viscosity (with a state estimation problem).

For further information please see that attached file.

2nd level specializing master in “Tunnel Engineering”. Politecnico di Milano

In March 2019, the II edition of the 2nd level specializing master in “Tunnel Engineering” will be activated at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering of Politecnico di Milano. The Director is Professor Claudio di Prisco. The master is open to candidates who have a Master of Science in Civil or Environmental Engineering. For foreign applicants, the master is open to students holding equivalent qualifications. The deadline for the application is 13th February 2019.

Information about the course and the application can be found on the master course website and master leaflet

International master courses (M2): Mechanics and Physics in Porous Media and Computations in Civil and Coastal Engineering

We are pleased to announce the opening in September 2018 of two new
international master courses (M2) entitled Mechanics and Physics in Porous
Media and Computations in Civil and Coastal Engineering.
Both courses are located in our French Basque Coast Campus in Anglet.

Special scholarships are currently available !

Scholarship procedure, course description and ECTS details are available in the website.