Postdoctoral Researcher Colorado School of Mines- Experimental

We are currently accepting applications for a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in experimental soil behavior with application to tunnel design and construction, urban excavations, horizontal directional drilling and ground improvement. The successful candidate will work within the Center for Underground at Colorado School of Mines where we explore behavior of geomaterials (soils, soft rock, transitional materials) in complex civil underground environments, advance new testing equipment and methods, and seek to characterize the behavior of geomaterials during construction. The full-time position is initially for two years with possibility for advancement to the title of Assistant Research Professor. The position will ideally begin January 1, 2025 or shortly thereafter.

The successful candidate should have:

  • A PhD in a related field, e.g., geotechnical engineering, soil mechanics, soil physics, mechanical engineering, underground engineering, mining engineering. Note that consideration will be given to post-Masters candidates with extensive laboratory experience.
  • Experience in the conduct of detailed testing of geomaterials.
  • The ability to work effectively as part of a multi-disciplinary team, plus the motivation and discipline to carry out self-directed research.
  • Ability to mentor research students.
  • A record of strong written and oral communication skills.

The selected postdoctoral researcher will work with Professor Mike Mooney and will interact with numerous students across multiple disciplines in the Center for Underground.

To be considered for this position, please send a detailed CV, a cover email detailing your experience and how it will qualifies you for this opportunity, 1-3 recent publications and contact information for three professional references to Professor Mike Mooney ( The review of applications will begin December 1, 2024 and will continue until the postdoctoral position is filled. Please feel free to contact Mike for more information.

Postdoctoral Researcher in Geotechnical Engineering at SCUT (China), in Collaboration with UGA and NU (France)

We invite applications for a Postdoctoral Researcher position at the School of Marine Science and Engineering, South China University of Technology (SCUT), ranked #187 in the US News 2024 rankings. The successful candidate will contribute to an innovative research project titled: “Seismic Analysis of Offshore Wind Turbines Considering Soil-Foundation Interaction: Deterministic and Probabilistic Approaches.” This project is in collaboration with Grenoble Alpes University (UGA) and Nantes University (NU) in France. The position is full-time and offered for two years. Further details are provided in the attached file: Postdoctoral information.

The application deadline has been extended to November 27, 2024.

8th International Symposium on Pressuremeters (ISP8)

Dear Colleagues,

We are pleased to announce the 8th International Symposium on Pressuremeters (ISP8), marking the 70th anniversary of this esteemed conference series that takes place from September 2nd to 5th, 2025 at the University of Luxembourg.

The symposium will provide an excellent platform to exchange knowledge and experiences among contractors, manufacturers, geotechnical engineers from design offices, scientists, and academics. A technical exhibition will showcase the latest methods, technologies, and cutting-edge testing equipment and materials.

We also invite you to visit the ISP8 website, available in both English and French, at:

We invite the researchers and practitioners to submit abstracts on topics relevant to the symposium’s themes. The deadline for the submission of the abstract is on 1st December 2024, and all necessary details on submission of the abstract and can be found here.

All papers accepted by the scientific committee will be published in the Symposium Proceedings, which will be made available during the event.

We look forward to receiving your valuable contributions to ISP8 and hope to welcome you all in Luxembourg.

Should you have any questions or require further information, please don’t hesitate to contact us at

Best regards,
(Organization committee)
Arash Lavasan
Romain Meyer
Robert Heintz
Monique Rodesh
Jean-Frank Wagner

ALERT OZ SCHOOL on Constitutive Modelling of Geomaterials Detailed Programme

Detailed programme of the ALERT OZ SCHOOL has now been released:

DATES: February 3 to February 7, 2025
VENUE: Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic
REGISTRATION FEE: Free, but space is limited to 60 participants and, should the place be fully booked, ALERT institution PhD students will be provided access with a priority. Priority held till November 30, 2024.

Prof. David Mašín, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic
Prof. Claudio Tamagnini, University of Perugia, Italy
Prof. Ivo Herle, Technical University of Dresden, Germany
Dr. Gertraud Medicus, University of Innsbruck, Austria
Dr. Alexandros Petalas, Durham University, UK
Dr. Merita Tafili, University of Bochum, Germany
Dr. Filippo Masi, University of Sydney, Australia

EMI 2025 | Geomechanics and Geophysics MS

The 2025 Engineering Mechanics Institute Conference will be hosted by the University of California, Irvine and held in Anaheim, California from May 27—30, 2025.

Ghassan Shahin (EPFL), John Rudnicki (NU), and Giuseppe Buscarnera (NU) would like to invite you to contribute to the mini-symposium ADVANCES IN GEOMECHANICS AND GEOPHYSICS FOR SUB-SURFACE TECHNOLOGY AND NATURAL HAZARD. MS code (needed for abstract submission) 1a9yv. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • multiscale and multiphysics mechanics of porous rocks
  • fault mechanics, fracture mechanics, and deformation banding
  • field and laboratory methods
  • constitutive, multiscale, and data-driven modeling approaches

Abstract submission is now open and will remain open until December 1, 2024. Information on submitting an abstract may be found here.

We hope you will submit an abstract to the conference and meet in Anaheim, California!

KRATOS WORKSHOP 6, 7, 8 November 2024, Padova, Italy

We are glad to announce that the information and detailed program of the 
VII KRATOS WORKSHOP that will be held in Padova, Italy, on November 6,7,8 2024 is now online.

Please, visit the following web for information and registration:

The attendance is free but registration is required (deadline for registration October 29, 2024)

Important info:
KRATOS WORKSHOP November 6, 7 2024
KRATOS Course November 8 2024

Department of Mathematics “Tullio Levi Civita”, University of Padova, Italy via Trieste 63, 35121 Padova
Sala Gialla, Library floor -1 (entrance from stair B)

Postdoctoral position at the University of Twente

The Chair of Soil Micro Mechanics of the Civil Engineering and Management Department at the University of Twente is seeking a full-time postdoctoral researcher (24 months) with research interests in geomechanics, geophysics, multiphysics, and multi-scale methods (e.g., discrete element method and finite element method) to join the University of Twente (Netherlands). You will work on multi-scale modeling of coupled thermo-hydro-mechanically processes in fault gouges leading to earthquake ruptures.

The post-doc position is part of the “FastSlip” project funded by the DeepNL programme of the Dutch Research Council (NWO). You will join a multidisciplinary team of leading experts in the fields of Granular Mechanics, Earth sciences, and Tribology from the University of Twente (UT) and Utrecht University (UU).

Detailed information regarding the postdoctoral position can be found here: postdoctoral.pdf

Post-doctoral Fellowships in Machine Learning/Numerical Analysis in Geotechnical Engineering at Shandong University

Post-doctoral Fellowship positions in Machine Learning/Numerical Analysis in Geotechnical Engineering are open at the Geotechnical Engineering Research Group, Shandong University, Jinan, China. Candidates should have graduated with a Ph.D. within the last three years and have experience in machine learning/numerical analysis in geotechnical engineering. Successful candidates will engage in interdisciplinary research in applying machine learning/numerical analysis in transportation geotechnics or offshore geotechnical engineering. Interested applicants are encouraged to contact Prof. Kai Yao by emailing

The salary package could be referred to

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Postdoctoral Openings in Geomechanics at Tongji University

A postdoc position is now open in geomechanics at Department of
Geotechnical Engineering of Tongji University, China (ranked 1st for
civil engineering by U.S. News and ARWU). The project is on the
characterization of the inelastic processes of geomaterials under
multi-physics processes (i.e., drainage and imbibition process of
hydrogen storage in underground porous media, breakage mechanisms of
granular materials, and Thermal-Hydro-Chemo-Mechanical coupling in
carbon dioxide sequestration).

The postdoc will perform independent research under the supervision of
Dr. Xianda Shen. This is a two-year fixed term contract with possible
extensions if needed and can be started immediately. Annual salary is
around EUR 40,000 with extra bonus based on performance and
contributions to the department.

Interested applicants can forward a single PDF consisting of a 1-page
cover letter, a full CV, and contact details of two references to Dr.
Xianda Shen ( The review of candidates will begin
on November 1st, 2024, and applications will be accepted until the
position is filled. For any additional information, see the attached
pdf, visit the lab website (, or please
write a message to