ALERT Workshop 2024
30th – 2nd September 2023, Aussois, France
Download the Workshop and School programme.
DAY 1, MONDAY, 30th September
Emerging properties in geomaterials across the scales
Coordinators: Antoine WAUTIER, Farhang RADJAI, Francesco FROIIO
- Self-Organized Criticality in Quasistatic Granular Media and the Emergence of Plasticity (Invited lecture by Mehdi POURAGHA, Jordi BARÓ I URBEA, Richard WAN, Jörn DAVIDSEN)
- Microscale Modeling of Capillary Effects in Unsaturated Granular Soils during Wetting and Drying Cycles (Nabil YOUNES, Richard WAN, Antoine WAUTIER, Olivier MILLET, François NICOT)
- Enhancement of cohesive strength by the joint effects of interlocking and cohesive interactions in aggregates of nonconvex particles (Saeid NEZAMABADI, Trieu-Duy TRAN, Jean-Philippe BAYLE, Lhassan AMARSID, Farhang RADJAI)
- Influence of micro parameters and shape on macroscopic rotational quantities (Max WINKELMANN, Vanessa MAGNANIMO, Stefan LUDING, Stefanos-Aldo PAPANICOLOPULOS)
- From the macroscale to the mesoscale: how to define a mesoscopic second-order work? (Adriane CLERC, Antoine WAUTIER, Stéphane BONELLI, François NICOT)
- Analysis and interpretation of structures emerging from displacement fluctuations (Michail KOMODROMOS, Vincent RICHEFEU, Gioacchino VIGGIANI, Gaël COMBE)
- Digital Rock Physics framework for micro to macro homogenisation: case study on cyclic loading (Martin LESUEUR, Sijmen ZWARTS, Hadi HAJIBEYGI)
- Uncovering the role of morphological descriptors in the upscaling of rock’s structure-property relationships (Winston LINDQISTER, Martin LESUEUR, Manolis VEVEAKIS)
- A micromechanically derived elastoplastic model for granular materials incorporating fabric evolution (Invited lecture by Eleni GEROLYMATOU)
- The emergence of propagating compaction bands in porous inelastic media (Lars BLATNY, Paul BERCLAZ, François GUILLARD, Itai EINAV, Johan GAUME)
- Effect of Particle Elongation on the Strain Localisation of Sand Subjected to Biaxial Shearing: A DEM Based Micromechnaical Investigation (Madhu Sudan NEGI, Mousumi MUKHERJEE)
- The combined effect of particle angularity and friction on the bulk properties of granular aggregates (Dominik KRENGEL, Jian CHEN, Takashi MATSUSHIMA)
- Elasto-Plastic behavior of granular materials composed of soft particles (Yohann TRIVINO, Vincent RICHEFEU, Farhang RADJAI, Komlanvi LAMPOH, Jean-Yves DELENNE)
- Scaly clay as a paradigm of cross-scale interactions in real geomaterials: multi-scale experimental investigation of compression behaviour (Alessandro TARANTINO, Matteo PEDROTTI, Claudia VITONE, Antonio ANNESE3, Federica COTECCHIA)
DAY 2, TUESDAY 1st October
Geomechanics in the submicron scale
Coordinators: Katerina IOANNIDOU and Gilles PIJAUDIER-CABOT
- Clay hydration and mechanics in the submicron scale (Invited lecture by L. BROCHARD)
- Multi-modal imaging for geomechanics at the nano-scale (G. PINZON)
- Multiscale analysis of a lab seismic fault – asperity frictional system for the understanding of seismic fault behaviour (A. CLERC)
- Nanoscale origin of cryogenic damage of cementitious materials: From the viewpoints of C-S-H and ice (X. ZHU)
- Towards a DFT approach to the Mechanical Properties of Nanoporous Materials (A. KAHLAL)
- Effect of disorder on the strength properties of porous, cellular, and granular materials (F. RADJAI)
- ALERT Special Lecture 2024: The development of G-PFEM for the simulation of penetration problems. (Professor Antonio GENS)
DAY 3, WEDNESDAY 2nd October
Continuum-based particle methods
Organizers: Claudio TAMAGNIN, Lorenzo SANAVIA, Matteo CIANTIA, and Antonia LARESE
- Stability of implicit material point methods for geotechnical analysis of large deformation problems (Invited lecture by William M. COOMBS, Robert E. Bird, Giuliano PRETTI, Charles E. AUGARDE)
- An Implicit material point method for non-associated elasto-plastic Soil. Simulation using the bi-potential framework (Louis GUILLET, Vincent ACARY, Franck BOURRIER, Olivier GOURY)
- Modelling geotechnical failure with an elastoplastic Cosserat material point method (Ted O’HARE, Panos GOURGIOTIS, William COOMBS, Charles AUGARDE)
- Coupled multiphysics large deformation problems using MPM (Antonia LARESE, Veronika SINGER, Laura MORENO, Roland WUECHNER)
- The conundrum of integrating kinematics over time in the Material Point Method (MPM) (Jérôme DURIEZ, Sacha DUVERGER, Stéphane BONELLI, Pierre PHILIPPE)
- Wetting collapse and liquefaction of unsaturated soils with material point method (Gaia DI CARLUCCIO, Luís Ángel AVILÉS, Núria M. PINYOL)
- Modeling the dynamics of cohesive granular flows with a depth-averaged Material Point Method (Johann KAMMHOLZ, Lars BLATNY, Louis GUILLET, Johan GAUME)
- Application of the Lattice-Boltzmann model to granular flows and to flow-structure interaction (Alessandro LEONARDI, Andrea PASQUA, Marina PIRULLI)
- Simulating real landslides with MPM: an overview (Francesca CECCATO, Gaia DI CARLUCCIO, Alba YERRO)
- A Material Point Method approach for pile installation (Michail SPYRIDIS, Stijn FRANÇOIS, Hadrien RATTEZ, George ANOYATIS)
- An adaptive material point method for hypoplastic materials (Cristian David Rodriguez LUGO, Luis Felipe PRADA SARMIENTO, Carlos E. GRANDAS TAVERA, Torsten WICHTMANN)
- Dynamic three-dimensional rigid body interaction with highly deformable solids, a material point approach (Robert E. BIRD, Giuliano PRETTI, William M. COOMBS, Charles E. AUGARDE, Yaseen U. SHARIF, Michael J. BROWN, Gareth CARTER, Catriona MACDONALD, Kirstin JOHNSON)
- Impacts of dry and saturated granular masses against rigid obstacles: DEM and MPM analyses (Matteo ZERBI, Pietro MARVEGGIO, Claudio DI PRISCO)
- GPFEM: developing a numerical technology to support site-specific ground investigation (Invited lecture by Lluís MONFORTE, Marcos ARROYO, Josep Maria CARBONELL, Antonio GENS)
- Numerical modelling of penetrometer tests for displacement pile design in soft rocks (Marco PREVITALI, Thomas RICCIO, Matteo CIANTIA)
- PFEM to simulate earthen dikes failure due to overtopping: A coupled surface-subsurface approach (Nathan DELPIERRE, Sandra SOARES-FRAZAO, Hadrien RATTEZ)