PhD and Post-Doc positions at Chalmers University of Technology

The research group on Engineering Geology and Geotechnics (EG2) at Chalmers University of Technology is looking for 3-5 doctoral students and a post-doc in Experimental Geomechanics  to join its activities. EG2 has unique laboratory facilities to study the hydromechanical response of geomaterials in climate-controlled conditions, and computational facilities incorporating the latest software developments for computational work. The main research focus is on modelling and characterisation of soils and rocks, and the application of that to engineering practice. EG2 has the ambition to become an internationally leading group that combines the state-of-the-art in experimental testing and modelling at laboratory and field scale.

The geotechnical PhD student positions  relate to the stability of slopes and embankments, accounting for aging and creep effects, fluctuating rainfall and temperature, as well as soil-structure interaction. The hydrogeological PhD project relates to geological and hydrogeological investigation and modelling in the urban environment, with focus on pressure and flow (requirements) and technical design. The post-doc project involves the development of a new experimental apparatus/approach to study the evolving dynamic soil properties as function of arbitrary (cyclic) stress histories in soft sensitive clays. In addition to research, the applicants are also expected to contribute to the education at undergraduate or MSc level and/or other activities within the Division and EG2 (up to 20% of their time).

For formal application and further details, please check the following links.

Application deadline: 21 March, 2017

Ref 20170051

Postdoctoral position in Experimental Geomechanics

Ref 20170050

PhD student positions in Geotechnical Engineering/Hydrogeology

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