The ALERT Geomaterials Workshop 2016 will be organized from Monday, 3 October till Wednesday, 5 October in Aussois, France. It will include the following sessions:
Session 1 (Monday, October 3)
New trends in micromechanical approaches of Particulate Materials – experiments and modelling aspects
Coordinators: M. Karstunen, N. Benahmed, M. Hattab
Session 2 (Tuesday, October 4)
Mechanics of multiphase porous media in modelling cementitious materials: from early ages to durability issues
Coordinators: F. Pesavento, M. Briffaut, L. Sanavia
(a half-day workshop)
Session 3 (Wednesday, October 5)
Geomechanics of faults, with applications spanning from earthquake nucleation to landslides
Coordinators: M. Veveakis, I. Stefanou, K. Regenauer-Lieb, J. Sulem
ALERT Doctoral School on Modelling of instabilities and bifurcation in Geomechanics will follow the workshop.
Bonjour, comme suite à mes echanges avec Jean Sulem, merci de m’inscrire pour le 3 em jour u workshop.
J’arriverai le mardi 4 ausoir, et repartirai le jeudi 6 au matin.