TITLE: Analytical and discrete element numerical modeling of ceramic sintering made by additive manufacturing
ACADEMIC: 3 years Phd – october 2021 – IRCER/CEA laboratories – Limoges city in France
OBJECTIVES: This study, which is a collaboration between the IRCER (Institute of Research on Ceramics – UMR CNRS 7315) and the CEA Le Ripault, proposes to develop a model of the sintering behavior of a ceramic object with a specific porous architecture using the Discrete Element Method (DEM). Indeed, sintering involves complex phenomena such as rigidification, densification or granular coarsening, which depend on the granular packing. A key scale to understand these complex phenomena is the meso-structure, which involves a few thousand of grains interacting through mechanical contacts (at the beginning of sintering), gradually giving way to the formation of bridges (necks) between grains during sintering. The discrete element approach allows to predict in a natural way these granular rearrangements from the fine knowledge of the driving forces governing the interaction between grains. Particular attention will therefore be paid to the choice of these micromechanical interaction laws between the grains, which must be capable of representing the consolidation and densificationkinetics. These numerical developments will be carried out within the discrete element code GranOO co-developed by the IRCER laboratory. It will then be necessary to develop a numerical approach capable of simulating the material transport paths involved in the creation of bridges between particles and to predict the apparent thermo-mechanical properties in a multi-scale approach.
- Damien André, damien.andre@unilim.fr, Université de Limoges
- Denis Rochais, denis.rochais@cea.fr, CEA/Le Ripault
- Guy Antou, guy.antou@unilim.fr, Université de Limoges
- Alexandre Maitre, alexandre.maitre@unilim.fr, Université de Limoges
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