The section of Geo-Engineering at Delft University of Technology (The Netherlands) is searching for a postdoctoral researcher to enhance the understanding and the physical modelling of complex multi-physics of aging geotechnical structures, exploring scenarios of saturated and partially saturated soils subjected to gas generation and exsolution.
Geotechnical structures, like embankments, levees, dams, and landfills, experience a wide range of loads, from extreme short-term loading conditions to long-term climate-associated loading. In the long-term, the effect of these external loads leads to changes within the soil, varying the soil strength and modifying the soil phases (e.g. gas generation, soil cementing, grains breakage). Changes within the soil could lead to excessive deformations or even to failure of vital infrastructure. Physical modelling provides an opportunity for understanding the complex multi-physics of aging geotechnical structures, exploring scenarios of saturated and partially saturated soils subjected to gas generation and exsolution. This position aims at addressing the effects of these processes applied to slope stability and studying the coupled multi-physics of gas-liquid-solid interactions.
The postdoctoral project is expected to develop advanced research on:
- The role of gas and fluid in a simple slope stability model
- The scaling principles of fluid and gas within a physical model
- The formulation of smart monitoring strategies for aging geotechnical structures
More information about the vacancy and the employment conditions can be found in this PDF FILE.
Are you interested in this vacancy? Please apply before 30 July 2022 via the TU Delft website (Job details ( and upload: a detailed CV, research statement (1 page maximum), a list of three relevant publications, cover letter (1 page maximum), and contact details of 2 referees.
For further information please contact:
Dr. Stefano Muraro
Prof. Dr. Cristina Jommi