PhD position at the Center for Geosciences and Geoengineering of Mines Paris

The Center for geosciences and geoengineering of Mines Paris, PSL research University, is offering a PhD position devoted to the investigation of interactions between CO2 and potential caprocks, such as clayey rocks. The goal of this research project is to analyze data issued from several meso-scale field tests of CO2 injection in order to identify potential correlations between hydrological, thermal, geomechanical and geochemical signals, including quantitative and qualitative uncertainty analysis. As some injection tests are running are more are planned, the successful candidate will work on the development of monitoring strategies and workflows to better characterize natural and anthropogenic signals. This PhD position is part of a Marie Curie EU action, SMILE, or “MultidiSciplinary and MultIscale approach for coupLed processes induced by geo-Energies” (see details in the attached pdf file).

We are looking forward to receiving applications from highly motivated and curious candidates with a Master’s degree (or equivalent) in earth sciences. Applications are expected ASAP, with a deadline on July 20, 2023. The supervising team includes researchers in geomechanics, hydrogeology and geochemistry.

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