Research engineer Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical-Chemical (THMC) processes in geomaterials

To test the safety and feasibility of geological disposal of radioactive waste in deep clay layers under real conditions, SCK CEN started in 1980 with the construction of a laboratory at 225 meters below ground level (HADES). Here, engineers test the safety and feasibility for building and operation of the waste repository: How can we build tunnels and side tunnels? Scientists perform research into the thermo-hydro-mechanical-chemical characteristics of clay and the interaction between the radioactive waste and the surrounding engineered barriers and host clay. How will the clay behave after excavation of the tunnels and the disposal of the waste? What is the impact of the heat-emitting waste on the clay formation? How can we study the stability of the galleries? Apply now for this job offer, and help us answering these questions.. 

More information on that website. Deadline : 17/09/2023

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