PhD offer in Grenoble: Plant root growth and its interaction with the soil

Dear Colleagues,

My name is Alexander Erlich and I work at a CNRS laboratory, the LiPhy, in Grenoble. My research focus is on solid mechanics and growth, focussing on growth and its application to biological systems (more info:

I would like to kindly ask you to share an advert for a PhD position that I am offering.

The advert is attached, and briefly, I am looking for a motivated PhD student to work on a computational model to understand plant root growth in interaction with soil.

This project is in collaboration with Cino Viggiani (Grenoble). Studying the interaction of a growing root against an elastoplastic soil, where the root generates stress and soil relaxes it, is a novel perspective at the frontier between mechanics and biophysics. The starting date is the 1st October 2024 (it can be slightly delayed if necessary).

The position was funded for three years by the CNRS 80 PRIME programme, with a net salary of approximately 1716€/month.

I would be very grateful if you could please share this advert.

Thank you and best wishes,

Alexander Erlich

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