Dear Colleagues,
From April 14th to 17th, 2025, we are organizing an international workshop titled “International Workshop on Granular Materials & Regolith” at the University de Lorraine, Metz, France. The theme of the event will focus on: “Granular Materials Fundamentals, Applications, and Concepts for Extraterrestrial Regolith, including the Moon, Mars, and Asteroids.”
The event will bring together specialists and established researchers from academia, government agencies (including NASA, ESA, CNES) and industry. Participants will exchange and discuss ideas and topics related to regolith issues, particularly how knowledge and methods developed for granular media can help to approach extraterrestrial regolith behavior under extreme temperature, thin atmosphere, radiation, meteorite impact and other extreme environmental conditions.
The Workshop will have 10 sessions including 10 invited researchers/specialists delivering keynote presentations and 14 invited Feature presentations,18 quick-talks, and a poster session with more than 40 presentations.
We are pleased to invite you to participate in this event, and we will be grateful if you could circulate the attached flyer to those interested.
More information can be found on the workshop website at: https://regolith-metz.event.univ-lorraine.fr/ or here. We look forward to seeing you at the workshop in Metz, France. Thank you.
With all the best,
On behalf of International Organizing Committee
Mahdia, Anil and Ramesh
Mahdia Hattab (Workshop Co-Chair),
Professor, Université de Lorraine-LEM3-CNRS/Member ASCE/EMI-GMTC and Member IRN GeoMech,. France.
E-mail: mahdia.hattab@univ-lorraine.fr,
Ramesh B. Malla (Workshop Co-Chair),
Professor, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT, U.S.A.Chair, ASCE/Aerospace Division (ASD) -Space Engineering and Construction Technical Committee (SEC TC).
E-mail: Ramesh.Malla@uconn.edu,
Anil Misra (Workshop Co-Chair)
Professor, Florida International University, Miami, FL, U.S.A.Chair, ASCE/Engineering Mechanics Institute (EMI) -Granular Materials Technical Committee (GMTC).
E-mail: anmisra@fiu.edu