Two PhD positions at Ecole des Ponts ParisTech

Two PhD positions are now open at Ecole des Ponts ParisTech, one on “Investigating the mechanical behaviour of frozen soils by particle and mesoscale observations” and another one on “Investigating the cyclic thermo-mechanical behaviour of an energy pile subjected to combined loading by using field tests and load transfer method”.

More information on the pdf files :

Investigating the mechanical behaviour of frozen soils by particle and mesoscale observations

Investigating the cyclic thermo-mechanical behaviour of an energy pile subjected to combined loading by using field tests and load transfer method

PhD opportunity on expansive soils at the University of Newcastle, NSW, Australia 

Prof. Olivier Buzzi and Dr. Jubert Pineda (from the Priority Research Centre for Geotechnical Science and Engineering of the University of Newcastle, Australia), Prof. Mark Jaksa (University of Adelaide, Australia) and A/Prof Marti Lloret Cabot (Durham University, UK), are seeking for a highly motivated student to undertake a PhD research on the volumetric response of unsaturated expansive soils. Such soils cause billions of structural damage every year worldwide, including in Europe and Australia, and remain a challenge for researchers and geotechnical practitioners. The response of the expansive soils will be investigated via a series of deformation tests under suction-controlled conditions with measurement of microstructure evolution. The data will be used to establish a simple yet robust constitutive framework that can predict the response of expansive soils upon loading and hydraulic actions.

The laboratory in which the research will take place is state-of-the-art and includes several advanced laboratory techniques to impose and measure suction. The scholarship is worth $32,000 per annum, tax free, for a duration of 3.5 years. In addition, the student will receive $1,500 of relocation support and $1500 per annum for their research project. Newcastle is located 160 km north of Sydney and it is a great location with vibrant life and great beaches.

The start date for the PhD can be discussed but it needs to start in 2023.  

Please contact Olivier Buzzi for information or to express your interest: 

University of Strathclyde – 4-year PhD position

This 4-year PhD project at the University of Strathclyde is funded by UK Research Waste Management Research Support Office (RWM RSO) and aims to provide an experimental characterization on the hydromechanical behaviour of compacted bentonite when wetted with high salinity water.

Bentonite is currently proposed as a backfill material for high heat generating wastes and fuels. It is also proposed as a seal material for access ways (shafts/drifts/tunnels) and investigation boreholes.

The PhD candidate will explore, at the micro and meso scales, the impact of salinity on key physical properties of bentonite (e.g. swelling pressure and hydraulic conductivity) and the fundamental mechanisms underlying these processes. The research will mainly be experimentally-based and the PhD candidate will make use of the geomechanics laboratory ( and of state of the art technologies for the investigation of the clay microstructure including X-Ray Computed Tomography, Environmental Scanning Microscopy, and Mercury Intrusion Porosimeter ( ).

The PhD candidate will be supervised by Dr Matteo Pedrotti and Prof Rebecca Lunn at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK.

Applicants will have a relevant bachelors or master’s degree, examples include civil engineering, Geotechnical Engineering, Chemical Engineering and Physics. As part of the research, the applicant will be expected to participate in relevant national and international conferences, meet with the industrial/university partners and to develop journal papers within the research field.

How to apply:

Please contact

University of Strathclyde website:

IRN GeoMech workshop series on “hydromechanical instabilities”, Aix-en-Provence, May 2-3 2023

Dear colleagues,

In the framework of the IRN GeoMech and the INRAE department AQUA, we organise a workshop on “hydromechanical instabilities” in Aix-en-Provence the 2nd and 3rd of May 2023.

The main objective of this workshop is to review recent advances in the understanding of the elementary mechanisms of destabilization of granular materials and their impact on failure modes (e.g. liquefaction, strain localization).

The topics addressed during the workshop may be related, for instance, to the mechanical response and stability of geomaterials in the presence of capillary or solid bridges (sintering, bio-calcification, dissolution/precipitation, …), internal erosion (suffusion and clogging), surface erosion, etc.

You will find more information on the workshop and all practical details on the following page:

Please note that the workshop is as usual free of charge which includes meals and accommodation (see details on the web page).

For people presenting, we ask you to send an extended abstract (2-4 pages) ahead of the workshop so that we can publish a booklet.

Here is the registration link (before March 31st) :

We are looking forward to see you in Aix-en-Provence next spring and enjoy thriving scientific discussions in an outstanding natural setting at the foot of the “montagne Sainte-Victoire”.

Best regards

The local organizing committee: Antoine Wautier, Nadia Benahmed, Pierre Philippe (INRAE, UMR RECOVER)

PhD Position at University Gustave Eiffel

A PhD on “Helical pile: physical and numerical modeling for marine geotechnical applications” is now open in Université Gustave Eiffel – Campus de Nantes (ex IFSTTAR), at the centrifuge team – lab-CG. A short stay (4 weeks) in Brazil is also planned for the Ph.D candidate within the framework of this thesis, according to the work progress and experimental plans in connection with the University of Sao Paulo.

More information in the following link:

WLF6 Call for Abstracts

Dear All,

We sent an application some months ago, later approved, about the Session 3.4 @ the next WLF6 ( to be held in Sept 2023, in Florence.

The WLF6 call for abstracts is open.

The abstract submission is only possible online at the following link:

The deadline is 28 February 2023.

All submitted abstracts will be reviewed by the scientific committee after the submission deadline. Acceptance will be notified to the presenting author within 15 May 2023.

We need to promote WLF6 abstract submission and to invite researchers to join Session 3.4:

Please find attached:

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Researcher Position in Geotechnical Engineering at Université Gustave Eiffel (Nantes, France)

The Geotechnical Centrifuges laboratory of the Université Gustave Eiffel at Nantes (France) is searching for a new researcher in Geotechnical Engineering.  

The lab is looking for an exceptional individual to develop a significant independent research program as well as pursue synergistic collaborative research in geotechnical engineering related to physical modelling in centifuge and also to numerical modelling. Please see the attached description for more details regarding this position. 

Application will open on February 13, 2023 until March 17, 2023 on this link :

Contact :

PhD-position available in Innsbruck at soil mechanics group

We are offering a fully founded 3 years PhD-position in the field of numerical and experimental soil mechanics (Barbara Schneider-Muntau) at the University of Innsbruck starting in March/April 2023. We are looking forward to applications of motivated people to strengthen our team. Please apply until 21. February 2023 under: