PhD position: Innovative foundation design for offshore wind turbines

The Civil Engineering Department at KU Leuven and the engineering company FUNDEX Verstraeten BV is excited to announce an opening for a highly enthusiastic and motivated individual to pursue full-time doctoral studies in the field of Offshore Geotechnics. This opportunity is a collaboration between the Hydraulics & Geotechnics Section, led by prof. Georgios Anogiatis, known as George Anoyatis, (Campus Bruges, Faculty of Engineering Technology) and the Structural Mechanics Section, led by prof. Stijn François (Campus Arenberg – Leuven, Faculty of Engineering Science) at KU Leuven with the support of prof. Hadrien Rattez at the Institute of Mechanics, Materials and Civil Engineering (IMMC) Laboratory, UCLouvain (Louvain-la-Neuve). 

With reference to Offshore Geotechnics, the academic partners from KU Leuven and UCLouvain are actively engaged in cutting-edge research projects focusing on foundations for offshore wind turbines, suction caissons, (mono)pile installation and extraction techniques. These projects combine theoretical developments with experimental approaches. Notably, we are part of a national collaborative research project titled “SAGE-SAND” that has established a testing site for monopile foundations in Zeebrugge, Belgium. More details about this project can be found on the project’s webpage:
We look forward to welcoming a new member to our dynamic research team!

See the complete description of the position and apply via this link

3 PhD positions in offshore geotechnical engineering at the Gustave Eiffel University, Nantes, France

Gustave Eiffel University is looking for 3 highly motivated PhD candidates to work on the numerical and physical modeling in offshore geotechnical engineering :

  • Investigation of pile driving resistance in glauconite sand using centrifuge testing
  • Physical and numerical modeling of the installation of wingeg offshore pile anchors by vibro-driving 
  • Physical and numerical modeling of suction anchors for floating wind turbines under complex seabed drainage conditions

The application deadline is at the end of April 2025

Applicants must be available to start around 1st October 2022

Here are the links to these 3 subjects: position 1, position 2, and position 3.


Advanced CISM Course on “Crack Initiation and Failure in Complex Structures”

The advanced CISM Course on “Crack Initiation and Failure in Complex Structures” will be organized in Udine, Italy, on June 9-13, 2025 



       * Pedro Camanho – Universidade do Porto, Portugal 
       * Pietro Cornetti – Politecnico di Torino, Italy 
       * Aurélien Doitrand – MATEIS, INSA Lyon, Villeurbanne, France 
       * Vladislav Mantič – Universidad de Sevilla, Spain 
       * Philipp Weissgraeber – University of Rostock, Germany 
       * Zohar Yosibash – Tel-Aviv University, Ramat Aviv, Israel 

This course offers an in-depth exploration of the novel Finite Fracture Mechanics (FFM) technique for modeling crack and failure initiation, with practical applications to real-world problems. It is designed for post-graduate students, expert researchers, and engineers who wish to understand, apply, or develop this approach. Various theories predict failure initiation in complex structures with stress concentrations or singularities, such as holes or V-notch tips. FFM allows to identify the structure-specific intrinsic length scale and extends the concepts of traditional fracture mechanics to more general configurations with stress concentrations or singularities beyond just a crack tip with a square root singularity. FFM has been validated through numerous experimental observations, successfully predicting failure initiation in complex geometries. In recent years, it has been extended to 3D domains, geometrical and material nonlinearities, and dynamic aspects, including subsonic crack propagation. It has proven effective in assessing fractures at the micro- or nano-scale, in bio-inspired and 3D-printed materials and composites. Additionally, it has provided a physical explanation for the regularization parameter in phase-field models for fracture and established a link with traction-separation profiles of cohesive zone models. These extensions, applications, and interactions with other fracture models make FFM a cutting-edge approach in failure modeling, which will be thoroughly discussed. Practical applications and hands-on exercises will enable participants to master FFM techniques. 

The proposed CISM course brings together six researchers who have extensively studied and applied FFM techniques. It will begin by addressing the framework and origin of FFM, including related experimental and theoretical aspects as well as numerical implementation. It will then focus on applications for a wide range of materials and configurations. Recent FFM extensions, including 3D applications, material nonlinearities such as plasticity or nonlinear elasticity, geometrical nonlinearities, dynamic and fatigue loadings, and FFM as an optimization problem, will be covered. The relationship of FFM to other fracture models will also be reviewed in detail. 

Venue: CISM (International Centre for Mechanical Sciences), Lectures will take place in the beautiful Palazzo del Torso in the center of Udine 
Format: The course is offered in hybrid format (presential and online). 

If you are interested in participating to the course, please contact the course coordinators to declare your interest ( and register online at

Early Bird On-Site Participation deadline: April 9, 2025 
Registration deadline: May 27, 2025 (On-site places are limited and assigned on first come first served basis) 

For any questions feel free to contact us! 
Vladislav Mantič, Aurélien Doitrand (Coordinators) 

Cone Penetration Testing workshop

Dear colleagues,

We are hosting and delivering a Cone Penetration Testing 2-Days practical workshop at Abertay University on 15th and 16th May. Purpose of the workshop is to provide opportunity for participants to work directly with our modern Cone Penetration Testing, collect field data and apply them to geotechnical design.

For more detailed information, please view the attached flyers here and here.

2 PhD positions at The University of Sydney

PhD Title

A Heterarchical Model for Soil Erosion from Internal Flow to Global Failure

Supervisors: Dr Benjy Marks, Prof Itai Einav and Prof Alexander Scheuermann
Institution: SciGEM, School of Civil Engineering, The University of Sydney


This project will develop a new approach to understand soil erosion in earth dams, from internal mechanisms to large-scale failures. It fills a significant gap in existing models, which cannot fully represent the complex, multi-scale processes of internal erosion. This approach combines detailed laboratory and field experiments with sophisticated computational modelling. It will create a reliable tool for predicting and mitigating dam failures, improving safety, resource management, and sustainability in water infrastructure.

We are seeking two highly motivated and talented PhD candidates to join the team for this project. An ideal candidate will have a strong academic background in geotechnical engineering, civil engineering, computational mechanics, fluid mechanics, or a related field. Experience with numerical modelling techniques (e.g., DEM, FEM), computational fluid dynamics (CFD), and/or experimental methods (e.g., X-ray radiography, TDR) is highly desirable. Successful candidates will possess excellent analytical and problem-solving skills, a strong work ethic, and the ability to work independently and as part of a team. The project will involve a combination of numerical modelling, laboratory experiments, and potentially field work, requiring a candidate with a diverse skillset and a willingness to learn. You will receive comprehensive training in heterarchical modelling, advanced experimental techniques, and data analysis. You will also have the opportunity to collaborate with leading experts in the field and to present your research findings at international conferences.

Research Environment

With this PhD, you will join the Sydney Centre in Geomechanics and Mining Materials (SciGEM) at the School of Civil Engineering, The University of Sydney. SciGEM is leading research in applied granular physics internationally. It is a vibrant research environment with a tight-knit team of researchers: a dozen academics, several post-doctoral fellows and about 20 doctoral research students. You will directly benefit from the vast expertise in physics, geomechanics, geotechnical engineering, experimental methods and simulation techniques. You will also directly benefit from SciGEM’s cutting edge experimental facilities.

Your role

Under the guidance of your supervisors, you will be expected to:

  • Design and conduct experiments
  • Collect and analyse data
  • Develop mathematical models of excavation energy losses
  • Communicate your findings in domestic and international conferences, and via publication in scientific, peer-reviewed journals

Essential qualities

This project is to be undertaken by someone who is:

  • Passionate about it
  • Willing to learn
  • Able and willing to work in a team
  • Naturally proactive and independent thinker
  • Holds a 1st class Honours or Masters or equivalent degree in mathematics, physics, computer science or engineering

Desirable skills:

The project will involve the following skills. Your experience in any of them is desirable, your willingness to acquire them is essential:

  • Applied physics and mechanics
  • Laboratory experimentation
  • Development of new imaging techniques
  • Coding using Python
  • Writing using LaTeX


The HDR scholarship is $41,753 per year for three years. HDR candidates are encouraged to take on additional paid teaching activities (e.g. tutoring) which usually amount to an extra $5k to $10k per year

To apply

Send your application by email to Dr Benjy Marks including:

  • Your CV
  • Your transcripts (Honours and/or Master)
  • A cover letter explaining:
    • what makes you want to work on this topic,
    • what make you a good fit for this topic,
    • a short research proposal (~half page) describing your vision of the research to be done.

PhD position at ENPC in Geotechnical Engineering: Field investigation of an in-situ soil treatment solution for clay shrink-swell inhibition

PhD position

Field investigation of an in-situ soil treatment solution for clay shrink-swell inhibition

A new PhD position is available at “Ecole nationale des ponts et chaussées”, France (ENPC).

This PhD subject is part of a research project (IRGAK) funded by ADEME (French Agency for Ecological Transition), coordinated by ESTP ( and ENPC ( The project IRGAK aims to develop an in-situ soil treatment solution to inhibit the volume change of clayey soils during seasonal wetting-drying cycles. The PhD candidate will perform field-scale experiments to investigate the influence of the soil treatment solution on the hydro-chemo-mechanical behaviour of natural expansive clays. The developed solution must meet scientific, environmental, economic, and practical requirements. In particular, the solution must significantly and durably inhibit heave and subsidence associated with soil moisture variations, be harmless for the environment, remain considerably less expensive than underpinning works, and be easy to implement.

The candidate should have graduated in geotechnics, geomechanics, or environmental engineering, demonstrate laboratory capabilities, and be interested in scientific development and engineering applications.

For further information, please see the attached PDF.

Ioannis Vardoulakis PhD Prize 2025

The Bureau of ALERT Geomaterials is pleased to announce the opening of applications for the Ioannis Vardoulakis PhD Prize 2025. Since 2016, this prestigious prize has been awarded in honor of Prof. Ioannis Vardoulakis, recognizing outstanding contributions to research and teaching in the field of Geomechanics.

Eligibility: The prize is open to PhD students who have successfully defended their thesis in 2024 and had at least one official supervisor from an institution belonging to the ALERT Geomaterials Association.

Application Deadline: The deadline for applications is 31st March 2025.

Prize Details:

  • The winner will receive a 1,000€ prize.
  • Each of the other finalists will be awarded 500€.
  • The winner will be invited to give a short lecture on their research during the ALERT Geomaterials Workshop.
  • Two Finalists will have the opportunity to give a pitch presentation of their work.

Application Process: Candidates must submit their application via email to the Vice-Director for Academics and cc the Director at and, respectively, following the prescribed format.

The application dossier should include:

  • Curriculum Vitae (in English)
  • Thesis abstract (max. 5 pages, in English)
  • Two most representative papers derived from the thesis (in English)
  • Full thesis text (in the original language) including:
    • Table of Contents (in English)
    • Table of Figures (in English)

Important Notes:

  • All documents must be compiled into a single PDF file following the specified order.
  • Incomplete or incorrectly formatted applications will be automatically excluded.

For full details on the rules and agenda, including the official PDF files, please visit the ALERT website:

We look forward to receiving your applications!

PhD Position on coupled hydro-mechanical (HM) modeling at INERIS / University of Lorraine, France

Applications are welcomed for a PhD position at INERIS and GeoRessources laboratory, University of Lorraine (Nancy, France).

The induced and/or pre-existing fracturing of rock mass raises major issues of integrity, performance, and safety in many underground and subsurface operations, such as mining, underground storages, and deep geothermal energy. The aim of this thesis is to conduct 3D numerical hydro-mechanical modeling to characterise this induced fracturation in clay formation and its evolution in time under the effect of various loading conditions. He/she will notably collaborate to the CIGEO research project of Andra.

The deadline for any potential applicants to contact the supervisory team is April 1st, 2025

More information in the attachment.

Call for Abstracts: Mini-Symposium on Geomechanics at EMI 2025 IC

We are excited to invite you to submit an abstract for the mini-symposium “MS-18: Geomechanics and Related Applications from Micro to Macro” at the EMI 2025 International Conference (EMI 2025 IC), which will take place from July 17-19, 2025, at Tsinghua University in Beijing, China.

The mini-symposium will cover a wide range of topics, including, but not limited to:

  • Advanced geotechnical micro-test methods, such as Computed Tomography (CT) technology
  • Numerical modeling of geotechnical materials at micro to macro scales
  • Ecological geotechnical engineering and field applications, such as improving slope stability through vegetation
  • Biogeotechnics, including Microbially Induced Calcium Carbonate Precipitation (MICP) and Enzymatically Induced Calcium Carbonate Precipitation (EICP)
  • Emerging trends in ecological geotechnics and future technologies

Abstract submissions are now open and will remain open until March 10, 2025. To submit your abstract, please visit the submission portal at Please make sure to select MS-18 as the MS Code when submitting your abstract.

For further details about the mini-symposium, please refer to the attached PDF. We look forward to welcoming you in Beijing!

Call for Abstracts – ALERT Workshop 2025

We are pleased to announce that the ALERT Workshop 2025 will be held in Aussois, France, from 29 September to 4 October 2025. Abstract submissions are now open for the following three sessions:

Session 1: “It is about time – time-dependent response of geomaterials”

Session 2: “Ice in porous media”

Session 3: “Nature-based geotechnical engineering”

This workshop explores the application of bio-inspired principles to address key challenges in geotechnical engineering, focusing on the intersection of biology and geomechanics. Key topics include bio-mediated ground improvement through bio-mineralization, the use of root-like structures for soil reinforcement, and animal-inspired burrowing techniques for more efficient tunnelling. The sessions will cover experimental methods to investigate bio-soil interactions, advanced numerical modelling of bio-inspired systems, and how knowledge on natural processes can be leveraged to enhance the stability, resilience, and sustainability of geotechnical systems. The emphasis will be placed on understanding the fundamental mechanisms driving natural processes, and scaling challenges from laboratory to field scales. 


How to Submit Your Abstract:
Please email your abstract directly to the respective session coordinators using the Workshop Abstract Form (DOC). Due to the limited time available for presentations, only a selection of the submitted abstracts will be chosen for oral presentations.

Submission Deadline:
All abstracts must be received by 15 May 2025.

For any inquiries regarding your participation or further information about the sessions, please contact the respective session coordinators directly.

We look forward to your contributions!