2016 EMI International Conference at Metz

International Engineering Mechanics Institute (EMI,www.asce.org/emi) Conference of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE www.asce.org) will be held on October 25-27, 2016 in Metz in partnership with the Université de Lorraine. The EMI annual conferences are held each year, usually in the United Stated, and are organized in partnership with the host university. As instance, this year’s the conference was held at Stanford University: www.emi2015.info. The announcement of the conference can be found in the attached pdf flyer.

Ph.D. Research Assistant Position in Geotechnical Engineering at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville/ Carbondale

A research assistant position for supporting a PhD degree applicant is available in the geotechnical engineering program at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville. There are several main research fields for the assistantships in geotechnical engineering in the areas of underground construction/mining, resilient infrastructures and soil/rock erosion characteristics.
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PhD position at BAM, Berlin

A PhD position is available at Division “Buildings & Structures” at Federal Institute for Materials Research in Berlin, Germany. The research project is concerned with the modeling of plastic strains of cyclically loaded pile and bucket foundations for Offshore Wind Energy Converters. Applications are invited for a 3 year contract to work on a PhD thesis. More details in the pdf-file.

PhD position at RWTH Aachen University and Université Joseph Fourier Grenoble

We are seeking motivated candidates for a PhD project to study the mechanical properties and deformation mechanisms of mudstones. The project is a joint study between RWTH Aachen University and Université Joseph Fourier Grenoble, making combined use of unique facilities of both laboratories. The student will spend 2 years in Aachen and 1 year in Grenoble, and receive training in both laboratories. Results will be reported in joint publications and in team visits to both laboratories.
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W(H)YDOC International Workshop for Young Doctors in Geomechanics

The W(H)YDOC International Workshop for Young Doctors in Geomechanics is periodically organized (2002, 2005, 2008 and 2012) at Ecole des ponts ParisTech in link with the ALERT European Network and other first rank universities over the world. The idea is to bring together the best young geotechnical doctors within an informal three days invited Workshop, so as to allow for a detailed presentation of their PhD research. Students completing their last PhD year are also welcome.

Three outstanding Professors from various Universities act as Keynote lecturers (one each day) and/or discussion leaders during the sessions. The 2015 Session will welcome Prof. Antonio Gens (UPC Barcelona), Prof. Henri Vandamme (CNRS-MIT research group) and Prof. C. Spiers (U. Utrecht). Typically, around 20 contributions (including the 3 Keynote Lectures) are presented during the three days. Proceedings containing extended summaries (3 pages each) are made available on the web.
A W(H)YDOC prize (1000 €) for the best PhD presentation is also organized, according to the decision of a Committee made up with the invited Professors (3 keynotes and 3 Session chairs).

The attendance is free with at least 60 persons attending. The venue of the next W(H)YDOC 15 is planned from 2 to 4 December 2015. More details can be obtained from Prof. Pierre Delage and will be announced later at the website of ALERT Geomaterials.

Post-doc position at Nottingham Centre for Geomechanics

The Nottingham Centre for Geo-mechanics (NCG) will be undertaking a large multi-disciplinary project related to the assessment, monitoring, and risk analysis of slopes within open-pit lignite mines. NCG brings together expertise from the worlds of civil, geotechnical, and mining engineering as well as mathematics and material sciences to solve all forms of soil and rock-related design and construction problems. The project is funded by the European Commission Research Fund for Coal and Steel (RFCS) and includes project partners from across Europe. We seek a highly motivated researcher to join our team to work on this challenging project.
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PhD position at Nottingham Centre for Geomechanics

There is a new fully funded PhD position (for UK/EU students), working with the Nottingham Transportation Engineering Centre and the Nottingham Centre for Geomechanics at the University of Nottingham, UK.The student will work on a large multi-disciplinary EPSRC-funded project related to the assessment of new materials within railway track drainage systems.
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