5 PhD Positions at Belgian Nuclear Research Centre

5 PhD Positions are available at Belgian Nuclear Research Centre (SCK-CEN) in Collaboration with Major Universities starting September 2016 (2016-2020). The topics cover research on experimental and numerical modeling of cementitious materials and bentonite. The PhD degree will be awarded by different universities listed below, with a major part of the work being planned to be carried out at the Belgian Nuclear Research Centre. Note that for the first round the candidates will be interviewed by a small team of scientists and university promoters. The selected candidates will then be asked to appear in front of a scientific committee, who will be the ultimate deciding authority. For both these interviews, web conferencing facility will be offered for foreign candidates.
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RockMech 2016

International Workshop on ‘Mechanics and transport properties of fractured/intact rocks’ (RockMech 2016) will take place in Krakow, Poland, August 31- September 2, 2016 (co-organizers: Stan Pietruszczak, Gyan Pande and Andrzej Truty). The scope will include the numerical/analytical as well as experimental research related to the main theme with applications in the areas of geological disposal of nuclear waste, carbon sequestration, petroleum engineering, etc. The workshop will comprise a series of feature lectures and regular presentations. The number of participants will be restricted in order to preserve a high technical standard as well as to provide opportunities for discussion in an informal style. Contributions will be selected on the basis of two-page abstracts, which should be sent in MS Word (.docx) or Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format to Stan Pietruszczak. Full papers may also be submitted and will be considered for publication in a special issue of a reputed International Journal. For further information, see http://rockmech-krakow.com.
Key dates:
Abstract submission: before January 31, 2016
Notification of acceptance: March 1, 2016
Full papers (optional): August 15, 2016