CALL for Abstracts for the Third Workshop on the Future of Machine Learning in Geotechnics (3FOMLIG)

The Third Workshop on the Future of Machine Learning in Geotechnics (3FOMLIG: Ethics and intelligences for a geotechnical Renaissance) will take place in Florence, Italy, on October 15-17, 2025 (

The deadline for extended abstract submissions is April 15, 2025.

The technical program of 3FOMLIG includes a wide variety of sessions and initiatives aimed at fostering collaboration and interaction between geotechnical students, researchers, and practitioners:

  • Welcome lecture
  • Keynote lectures
  • GEOAI Distinguished Lecture
  • ISSMGE Bright Spark Lectures
  • Parallel technical sessions
  • Hackathons
  • 3FOMLIG NextGen initiatives
  • 7th Machine Learning in Geotechnics Dialogue
  • Free short course for students

Advanced CISM Course on “Crack Initiation and Failure in Complex Structures”

The advanced CISM Course on “Crack Initiation and Failure in Complex Structures” will be organized in Udine, Italy, on June 9-13, 2025 



       * Pedro Camanho – Universidade do Porto, Portugal 
       * Pietro Cornetti – Politecnico di Torino, Italy 
       * Aurélien Doitrand – MATEIS, INSA Lyon, Villeurbanne, France 
       * Vladislav Mantič – Universidad de Sevilla, Spain 
       * Philipp Weissgraeber – University of Rostock, Germany 
       * Zohar Yosibash – Tel-Aviv University, Ramat Aviv, Israel 

This course offers an in-depth exploration of the novel Finite Fracture Mechanics (FFM) technique for modeling crack and failure initiation, with practical applications to real-world problems. It is designed for post-graduate students, expert researchers, and engineers who wish to understand, apply, or develop this approach. Various theories predict failure initiation in complex structures with stress concentrations or singularities, such as holes or V-notch tips. FFM allows to identify the structure-specific intrinsic length scale and extends the concepts of traditional fracture mechanics to more general configurations with stress concentrations or singularities beyond just a crack tip with a square root singularity. FFM has been validated through numerous experimental observations, successfully predicting failure initiation in complex geometries. In recent years, it has been extended to 3D domains, geometrical and material nonlinearities, and dynamic aspects, including subsonic crack propagation. It has proven effective in assessing fractures at the micro- or nano-scale, in bio-inspired and 3D-printed materials and composites. Additionally, it has provided a physical explanation for the regularization parameter in phase-field models for fracture and established a link with traction-separation profiles of cohesive zone models. These extensions, applications, and interactions with other fracture models make FFM a cutting-edge approach in failure modeling, which will be thoroughly discussed. Practical applications and hands-on exercises will enable participants to master FFM techniques. 

The proposed CISM course brings together six researchers who have extensively studied and applied FFM techniques. It will begin by addressing the framework and origin of FFM, including related experimental and theoretical aspects as well as numerical implementation. It will then focus on applications for a wide range of materials and configurations. Recent FFM extensions, including 3D applications, material nonlinearities such as plasticity or nonlinear elasticity, geometrical nonlinearities, dynamic and fatigue loadings, and FFM as an optimization problem, will be covered. The relationship of FFM to other fracture models will also be reviewed in detail. 

Venue: CISM (International Centre for Mechanical Sciences), Lectures will take place in the beautiful Palazzo del Torso in the center of Udine 
Format: The course is offered in hybrid format (presential and online). 

If you are interested in participating to the course, please contact the course coordinators to declare your interest ( and register online at

Early Bird On-Site Participation deadline: April 9, 2025 
Registration deadline: May 27, 2025 (On-site places are limited and assigned on first come first served basis) 

For any questions feel free to contact us! 
Vladislav Mantič, Aurélien Doitrand (Coordinators) 

Cone Penetration Testing workshop

Dear colleagues,

We are hosting and delivering a Cone Penetration Testing 2-Days practical workshop at Abertay University on 15th and 16th May. Purpose of the workshop is to provide opportunity for participants to work directly with our modern Cone Penetration Testing, collect field data and apply them to geotechnical design.

For more detailed information, please view the attached flyers here and here.

Call for Abstracts: Mini-Symposium on Geomechanics at EMI 2025 IC

We are excited to invite you to submit an abstract for the mini-symposium “MS-18: Geomechanics and Related Applications from Micro to Macro” at the EMI 2025 International Conference (EMI 2025 IC), which will take place from July 17-19, 2025, at Tsinghua University in Beijing, China.

The mini-symposium will cover a wide range of topics, including, but not limited to:

  • Advanced geotechnical micro-test methods, such as Computed Tomography (CT) technology
  • Numerical modeling of geotechnical materials at micro to macro scales
  • Ecological geotechnical engineering and field applications, such as improving slope stability through vegetation
  • Biogeotechnics, including Microbially Induced Calcium Carbonate Precipitation (MICP) and Enzymatically Induced Calcium Carbonate Precipitation (EICP)
  • Emerging trends in ecological geotechnics and future technologies

Abstract submissions are now open and will remain open until March 10, 2025. To submit your abstract, please visit the submission portal at Please make sure to select MS-18 as the MS Code when submitting your abstract.

For further details about the mini-symposium, please refer to the attached PDF. We look forward to welcoming you in Beijing!

Call for abstracts for the session: Clays in Geotechnics – Problems and Applications

Dear colleagues and friends,

this is a call for abstracts for the session: Clays in Geotechnics – Problems and Applications ( ) that is organised in the field of the 18th International Clay Conference (ICC; ), 13-18 July 2025, Dublin, Ireland.

Clays and clay minerals are incredibly important in geotechnical engineering because of their unique properties which can both benefit and challenge applications such as foundation engineering, tunnelling and environmental barriers. Clay properties are influenced by pore water chemistry and soil texture, resulting in variability that can complicate tasks. On the other hand, this variability also creates exciting opportunities for tailoring materials using salts or polymers. Issues such as the impact of pollution on sediment properties and the stability of tailings dams highlight the need for sustainable mitigation strategies. Contributions on clay characterisation, modification and mitigation in geotechnical and geo-ecological applications are encouraged.

A special issue in Environmental Geotechnics journal for selected contributions is foreseen.

Deadline for abstract submission: 11th April 2025,

Michael Plötze (Eth Zurich, Switzerland)
Bharat Venkata Tadikonda (Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, India)
Rossella Petti and Claudia Vitone (Politecnico di Bari, Italy)

Student for Student Summer School (S4SSS): Soil as a Key Factor in Mountain Hazards near Innsbruck

Opportunities for (PhD) Students in Geosciences

Applications are now open for the Student for Student Summer School (S4SSS) on “Soil as a Key Factor in Mountain Hazards” taking place at Obergurgl, near Innsbruck.

Travel Grants:
Abstract Submission:

Deadline for abstracts: 20.02.2025

Summer School dates: 07.09.2025 – 12.09.2025
Location: Obergurgl, Austria

Looking froward to the discussions and contributions! 
(Alaq, Maria, Mehdi and Mona)

Mini-Symposium on Computational Geomechanics at GACM Colloquium 2024

Event Details:

This session will highlight the latest advancements in computational geomechanics, with a focus on multi-physical couplings such as thermo-hydro-mechanical-chemical (THMC) processes. Key topics include:

  •  Constitutive modeling of complex visco-elasto-plastic material behavior  
  • Fracture propagation and damage evolution in geomaterials, including advanced regularization techniques such as gradient-based and nonlocal approaches (e.g., phase-field methods)  
  • Applications in geothermal energy, CO2 sequestration, oil and gas recovery, and nuclear waste disposal  

For further details, see attached flyer.

Monitoring and Modeling of Landslides at the International Mountain Conference IMC2025 in Innsbruck

Call for Abstracts! Session on Monitoring and Modeling of Landslides (FS 3.147) at the International Mountain Conference IMC2025 in Innsbruck!

We are looking forward to your enriching contributions to our session on landslides. Please find further details on:

Abstract submission:

Deadline for abstracts: 20.02.2025

Conference date: 14.09.2025 – 18.09.2025
Location: Innsbruck, Austria

See you there for an exciting exchange,
Barbara Schneider-Muntau, Christina Rechberger, Christine Fey (Chairs)

LARAM Hong Kong, 2-7 June 2025

Dear All,

as a Coordinator of LARAM School I am pleased to share this announcement with ALERT Geomaterials community. Looking forward to meeting you in Hong Kong, in June 2025.

Best regards,

Sabatino Cuomo

LARAM Course 2025

2 – 7 June 2025, The University of Hong Kong, HKSAR, China


The LARAM international training course in Hong Kong (China) is an initiative jointly conceived by the University of Salerno (UNISA), the University of Hong Kong (HKU), Geotechnical Engineering Office (GEO) of the HKSAR Government, and the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.

The aim the initiative is to develop and conduct a training course dealing with landslide risk management, to be delivered by renowned landslide experts of international reputation.

Detailed information at: and attached the file

within the framework of LARAM School “LAndslide Risk Assessment and Mitigation” ( – “a long-term dissemination action”

Computational Geomechanics Minisymposium at USNCCM

We welcome submissions to Computational Geomechanics at the US National Congress on Computational Mechanics. The conference will be in Chicago, July 20-24, 2025. Full description below. We would love to have contributions from you, your students, or your collaborators in this area. The abstract submission deadline has been extended to January 31. Abstracts may be submitted at The minisymposium number is 1205. Please feel free to share.

Please feel free to contact Craig Foster,, if you have any questions.

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