Call for abstracts to EGU 2021 session on shallow geothermal energy

We are pleased to inform you that a new session dedicated to shallow geothermal energy for building heating/cooling has been proposed in the context of the vEGU21: Gather Online (#vEGU21), the virtual event hosted by the European Geoscience Union EGU. The meeting dates are 19–30 April but all technical sessions are scheduled during the last week of April.

The ERE 2.6 session is entitled Shallow geothermal systems for heating and cooling: geoscience and engineering approaches, coordinated by Giorgia Dalla Santa (University of Padua, Italy), Fleur Loveridge (University of Leeds, UK), Jean De Sauvage (IFSTTAR Université Gustave Eiffel, France), Francesco Cecinato (University of Milan, Italy) and Witold Bogusz (Polish Building Research Institute, Warsaw, Poland).

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14th Euroconference in Rock mechanics and Rock Physics

Dear all,

I hope you and your families are keeping well!

On behalf of the organisation committee of the 14th Euroconference on Rock Mechanics and Rock Physics, I have the pleasure to let you know that the

14th Euroconference on Rock Mechanics and Rock Physics will take place from the 30th of August to the 3rd of September 2021 in Glasgow (Scotland).

The themes of the conference are presented in the following video:

Please note that this is a very first announcement for you to save the days, please. Further information on the conference (including the organisation committee, the registration fee and abstract submission) will follow towards the end of the year in the conference website.

Until then, it would be great if you could participate in the survey below and provide your feedback, please.

See you all in late summer 2021!

Best wishes,


Granular Matter webinar: To the Continuum and Beyond! (Tuesday, 24 November)

The 4th Granular Matter Series Webinar will take place next Tuesday, 24 November. The speaker is Ken Kamrin, the topic and abstract are: 

To the Continuum and Beyond!

The ability to predict granular flows efficiently has been a major challenge for years.  An accurate and robust continuum model would be ideal, as it could lead to fast simulation of industrial and geo-scale problems.  However, there are a number of granular flow behaviors that complicate the development of a continuum treatment including coupled history effects, nontrivial phase change, pressure-sensitive yielding, nonlocal effects, and shear banding phenomena.  Rather than attempt to combine all these effects together, this talk will begin by identifying a class of problems that tend to be well-predicted using a very simple continuum treatment.  These are problems based on intrusion, where the intrusive dynamics of solid objects (e.g. locomotion, impact) is the primary interest.  We then discuss two ways to extend this basic continuum framework with nonstandard “add-ons”, in order to handle various complications.  First, we will discuss the state of affairs in nonlocal modeling approaches, and focus on some new results pertinent to the physics of nonlocality.  Secondly, as an alternative to adding more complexity to the continuum model, we will discuss a hybridized DEM/continuum method that allows us to adaptively choose subdomains in a problem to be treated with continuum modeling vs discrete element modeling.  This allows us to keep a simple and fast-to-solve continuum model almost everywhere, while providing a more precise DEM treatment in zones that fall outside the scope of the continuum model. 

For more information, this is the landing page:

And this is the link to the meeting room:

Online Lecture on “Improvement of Soft Soils with special reference to Transport Infrastructure”

The organising committee of AGERP is pleased to invite you to the 10th installment of the Lecture series, which will be on ‘Improvement of Soft Soils with special reference to Transport Infrastructure‘. This is scheduled to be hosted on 13th November 2020 (AEST). Registration (free and mandatory) for this lecture closes at 00:00, 12th November 2020 (AEST). This Lecture will be delivered by Professor Buddhima Indraratna (University of Technology Sydney, Australia) and  Dr. AHM Kamruzzaman (Transport for NSW, Australia).
Further info. and registration (free but mandatory):

For further information, please refer to the attached flyer.

Dr. Partha Mishra and Professor Sarat Das,Convenor, AGERP

ICONHIC 2021 : Session on Physical and Numerical Modelling of Landslide-Structure-Interaction

Dear All,

I am glad to invite you to participate in the Special Session: Physical and Numerical Modelling of Landslide-Structure-Interaction (LSI) in ICONHIC 2021 (22 – 24 June 2021 in Athens :

Attached flyer.

Sabatino Cuomo
University of Salerno, Italy

9th Lecture of AGERP on ‘Energy Geotechnics’

The organising committee of AGERP is pleased to invite you to the 9th installment of the Lecture series, which will be on ‘Energy Geotechnics’. This is scheduled on 30th October 2020 (AEST). Registration (free and mandatory) for this lecture closes at 00:00, 29th October 2020 (AEST). This Lecture will be delivered by Professor Marcelo Sanchez (Texas A&M University, USA) and Dr. Fleur Loveridge (University of Leeds, England).
Further info. and registration (free but mandatory):

For further information, please refer to the attached flier.

Dr. Partha Mishra and Professor Sarat Das,Convenor, AGERP

Webinar Dr. Adrian Mifsud, 28 October 2020

Dear Colleagues,
on Wednesday 28 October 2020, at 15:30 CET, Dr. Adrian Mifsud, lecturer at the University of Malta, Msida, will be deliveringa webinar titled:

The Middle Globigerina Limestone, Malta: A study into the geotechnical characteristics with reference to engineering situations.”

The webinar is organised by the Geotechnical Research Group of DICATECh, Politecnico di Bari, Italy, and will be held on Microsoft Teams. No registration is required, participants can join the event by clicking on the following link:

Please see the attached file for further details.

Geotechnical Advances and Challenges in Urban Development – 2020 AGS Sydney Golden Symposium

Speakers: Prof Robert Mair, Dr Chris Haberfield, Idy Li, Theva Muttuvel and Philippe Vincent

The 21st Australian Geomechanics Society, Sydney Chapter will be organised on Friday 13 Nov 2020 8:30 am – 5:00 pm (AEST), fully online.

The symposium will showcase state-of-the-art practices, new research findings and case histories that demonstrate geotechnical advances and challenges in urban development. The organising committee invites papers on geotechnical aspects of urban development, underground structures, restoration of geotechnical structures, innovative and cost-efficient solutions, groundwater modelling and application of smart technologies. The symposium presents an opportunity for professional engineers, researchers, specialist contractors, regulators, educators and students to meet and share their knowledge and experiences in geotechnical engineering.

We invite you all to check the Programme and register as webinar attendant at our website

The registration for non members is AU$30.

For further information please contact Ali Parsa: