ALERT Poster session 2018

The ALERT Poster session will be held during the ALERT Workshop in October 1-3, 2018 in Aussois. Those who are interested are asked to submit their abstracts (both word/openoffice and pdf files are required) by email to the coordinators Nadia Benahmed ( and Antoine Wautier ( using the attached abstract form (Template). The deadline for the abstracts submission is September 1, 2018. No abstract will be accepted after this date.

VIIІ International Geomechanics Conference. 2 to 6 July 2018. Varna, Bulgaria.

The Scientific and technical union of mining, geology and metallurgy in Bulgaria is the fundamental organizer of the VIIІ International Geomechanics Conference. The Conference will be held from 2 to 6 July 2018, at International House of Scientists “Fr. J. Curie”, Resort “St. St. Constantine and Elena”, Varna, Bulgaria.

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China-Europe Conference on Geotechnical Engineering, Vienna 13-16 August 2018

We are pleased to invite you to participate in the China-Europe Conference on geotechnical Engineering, in Vienna, 13-16 August 2018. There will be a large delegation from China including Hongkong and Taiwan, Europe and beyond. Please find the invitation bulletin for this conference in the attachment.

Please note that the abstracts are due on the 31st December, 2017. Abstracts can be uploaded via the conference website. The conference proceedings will be published in “Springer Series in Geomechanics and Geoengineering”.

More information on the conference is available at the website 

2nd Yet Another Discrete Element Workshop — Discrete-based modeling of multi-scale coupled problems

Irstea and the international research network GdRI GeoMech invite you to participate in the 2nd Yet Another Discrete Element Workshop — Discrete-based modeling of multi-scale coupled problems to be held in Aix-en-Provence (France) on April 26-27, 2018.

This international workshop will discuss DEM or DEM-based modeling approaches in geomechanics, and is free of registration fees.

Abstract submission and registration are currently open, please see the workshop website.

ALERT Olek Zienkiewicz Winterschool 2018

The ALERT Olek Zienkiewicz Winterschool 2018 on Natural versus compacted clayey soils: from micro to macro behaviour and modelling will be held from 5th to 9th of November 2018 in Bari, Italy. The school is organised by The Alliance of Laboratories in Europe for Education, Research and Technology (ALERT), the Politecnico di Bari and the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya.

For further information:;;

Mini-symposium on Mechanics and Physics of Granular Materials. EMI 2018 – MIT Boston

The mini-symposium MS40 – Mechanics and Physics of Granular Materials will be held in the EMI 2018 – MIT Boston, May 29 – June 1, 2018. Researchers are invited to submit an abstract to MS40 organized by the EMI Granular Materials Committee, from Oct 15, 2017 to Jan 31, 2018 in the link: ABSTRACT SUBMISSION, and register at: REGISTRATION

For more information, visit: CONFERENCE WEBSITE
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