Course “Fundamentals of Hypoplasticity“, hold at Kiel University, 08-10 March 2016, by David Masin / Charles University Prague. Course content: Theory of hypoplasticity / Modelling of small strain stiffness in hypoplasticity / Determination of material parameters / Advanced modelling approaches. Further information on:
Category Archives: Events
Minisymposium on unsaturated poromechanics at InterPore 2016
A minisymposium entitled Mechanics of unsaturated porous media: the interplay of phases and interfaces in various phenomena (MS 1.10) will be held in InterPore 2016 conference (May 9 – 12, 2016, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA). For further information and abstract submission instructions, please click here.
EGU 2016
The abstract submission for EGU 2016 is now open! A new session Emerging technologies and challenges in the development of deep geothermal energy has been announced. In this session, novel contributions are invited on laboratory experiments, numerical modeling and field work (or a combination of these) covering the following aspects of deep geothermal energy:
– New developments in hot reservoir characterization (measurements, interpretation techniques etc.)
– Transfer of technologies from oil and gas (completion systems, stimulation techniques etc.)
– Characterization and control of the induced seismicity risk
– Long term processes (chemistry, fluids & mechanics) and their importance for the economics of deep geothermal reservoirs production
The deadline for support applications is 01 December 2015, and the abstract deadline is 13 January 2016. More details from
W(H)YDOC 2015
Following the previous W(H)YDOC workshops organised in Paris (2002, 2005, 2008, 2012), the scope of W(H)YDOC 15 is to bring together young doctors in geomechanics within an informal three days invited Workshop to allow for the presentation of the researches carried out during their PhD thesis.
The workshop is aimed at favouring informal and constructive exchanges about recent research results and ideas. No specific research topics are suggested, in order to highlight the variety of the researches presently carried out in the invited universities. The number of contributions has been limited so as to allow for individual presentations and discussions of all contributions.
- Prof. Antonio Gens (UPC Barcelona),
- Prof. Christopher Spiers (U. Utrecht),
- Prof. Henri Van Damme (MIT-CNRS).
In 2015, 18 selected PhD students from Austria, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Switzerland, Netherlands, Spain, Switzerland, UK and USA will present their work.
The W(H)YDOC 2015 Prize will be given to the best presentation made during the workshop.
Any interested person is warmly encouraged to attend the Workshop. Participation to the workshop is free but registration is mandatory.
Further information are provided on the website of W(H)YDOC 2015.
Presentations of the ALERT workshop 2015
The presentations of the ALERT workshop 2015 are now available online.
6th European Geosynthetics Congress, Istanbul 2016
The 6th European Geosynthetics Congress will take place in Istanbul 25-28 September 2016. The deadline to submit an abstract is 30th October 2015. Detailed information is available at
ALERT Doctoral School 2015
The presentations of the ALERT Doctoral School 2015 on Coupled and Multiphysics Phenomena are now available online. This year’s Doctoral School in Aussois was organised by Bernhard Schrefler, Lorenzo Sanavia and Frédéric Collin. The accompanying book of the Doctoral School can be downloaded here.
ALERT Geomaterials Doctoral School 2016
The title of the ALERT Doctoral School 2016 is Modelling of instabilities and bifurcation in Geomechanics. It will take place in Aussois, October 6-8, 2016. The school organisers are J. Sulem (ENPC Paris), I. Stefanou (ENPC Paris), E. Papamichos (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki), M. Veveakis (UNSW Sydney).
ALERT Geomaterials Workshop 2016
The ALERT Geomaterials Workshop 2016 will be organized from Monday, 3 October till Wednesday, 5 October in Aussois, France. It will include the following sessions:
Session 1 (Monday, October 3)
New trends in micromechanical approaches of Particulate Materials – experiments and modelling aspects
Coordinators: M. Karstunen, N. Benahmed, M. Hattab
Session 2 (Tuesday, October 4)
Mechanics of multiphase porous media in modelling cementitious materials: from early ages to durability issues
Coordinators: F. Pesavento, M. Briffaut, L. Sanavia
(a half-day workshop)
Session 3 (Wednesday, October 5)
Geomechanics of faults, with applications spanning from earthquake nucleation to landslides
Coordinators: M. Veveakis, I. Stefanou, K. Regenauer-Lieb, J. Sulem
ALERT Doctoral School on Modelling of instabilities and bifurcation in Geomechanics will follow the workshop.
ICGRE’16 – International Conference on Geotechnical Research and Engineering in Prague
International Conference on Geotechnical Research and Engineering will be held on March 30-31, 2016 in Prague, Czech Republic. More details can be found at the conference website.