PhD Position at University Gustave Eiffel

A PhD on “Helical pile: physical and numerical modeling for marine geotechnical applications” is now open in Université Gustave Eiffel – Campus de Nantes (ex IFSTTAR), at the centrifuge team – lab-CG. A short stay (4 weeks) in Brazil is also planned for the Ph.D candidate within the framework of this thesis, according to the work progress and experimental plans in connection with the University of Sao Paulo.

More information in the following link:

Researcher Position in Geotechnical Engineering at Université Gustave Eiffel (Nantes, France)

The Geotechnical Centrifuges laboratory of the Université Gustave Eiffel at Nantes (France) is searching for a new researcher in Geotechnical Engineering.  

The lab is looking for an exceptional individual to develop a significant independent research program as well as pursue synergistic collaborative research in geotechnical engineering related to physical modelling in centifuge and also to numerical modelling. Please see the attached description for more details regarding this position. 

Application will open on February 13, 2023 until March 17, 2023 on this link :

Contact :

PhD-position available in Innsbruck at soil mechanics group

We are offering a fully founded 3 years PhD-position in the field of numerical and experimental soil mechanics (Barbara Schneider-Muntau) at the University of Innsbruck starting in March/April 2023. We are looking forward to applications of motivated people to strengthen our team. Please apply until 21. February 2023 under:

Postdoc position at University of Twente

A postdoc position is open in the Soil MicroMechanics group at the University of Twente (Netherlands) on the topic “Bio-inspired burrowing robot for soil penetration in limited-access sites”. 

The project involves the design, instrumentation and realization of a prototype probe for underground inspection and soil characterization.

The postdoc will work in a multidisciplinary team, in close contact with experts in the sector of soft robotics. He/She will closely collaborate with another postdoc on the geotechnical and geomechanics aspects of the project.

Applications are expected before 15 March 2023. For more and information and application, please follow the link

PhD Position at University of Portsmouth (UK)

Applications are invited for a fully-funded three-year PhD to commence in October 2023.
The PhD will be based in the Faculty of Science and Health at University of Portsmouth, and will be supervised by Dr Arash Azizi, Dr Nick Koor and Dr Philip Benson. The project will be carried out in collaboration with University of Durham (Led by Prof. David Toll, up to 1 year placement) and Ramboll (up to 6 months placement).

More information on this pdf file and on the website:

Postdoc position at Politecnico di Milano

A 1-year post-doc position is available at Politecnico di Milano, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, on Molecular Dynamics simulations of superlubric granular particles.

The position is part of the project “SSLiP: Scaling-up SuperLubricity into Persistence” funded by an HORIZON-EIC-2021 Pathfinder-Open Grant. The project aims at studying the advanced lubricant properties of particular granular materials to establish a radically new way to drastically reduce friction.

A full description and information how to apply is given in the attached pdf and at

Candidates must hold a PhD degree in one of these disciplines: Computational Mechanics, Mechanical/Mathematical/Civil Engineering, Granular Physics, Computer science, Tribology or similar fields.

A background in computational mechanics, especially on molecular dynamics simulations, and in data processing is preferential.

For any additional information, see the attached pdf or please write a message to: or

Project starting date: April 1st, 2023

Net salary per month: ~EUR 2,000

Supervision: Prof. Diego Berzi, Dr. Dalila Vescovi

Application deadline: February 21st, 2023

PhD position at Université de Lorraine

In the context of deep nuclear wastes storage deep galleries will be backfilled with clay-based materials. These backfill must have specific hydromechanical properties to prevent water circulation along the repository after its closure. The backfill material will be partly made from the excavated material, i.e. Callovo-Oxfordian argillite that would have been stored at surface during the exploitation period, and mixed with sand to reach the target design properties. The hydromechanical properties of the backfill must remain stable over time. It is thus necessary to determine the relative impact of several factors such as the setting conditions, nature and dosage of treatment product, etc. on the properties of the backfill. The thesis will be focused at understanding the cross relationship between macroscopic hydromechanical properties, the reorganization of the material microstructure due to the swelling of clay particles upon hydration as well as the alteration processes associated to the circulation of alkaline water.

More information on this pdf file.