GEOLAB Blind Prediction Contest:  Submission Open & Prize

The submission period for the GEOLAB Blind Prediction Contest (BPC) is now officially open until September 15, 2024.  

The BPC results will be presented during a dedicated session at the 5th International Symposium on Frontiers in Offshore Geotechnics (ISFOG) in Nantes, France (June 9-13, 2025). A representative from each winning team will be invited to attend the conference, receive public recognition during the session, and benefit from a covered registration fee and substantial contribution to travel expenses.

For instructions on submitting your prediction and detailed participation rules, please visit the event webpage [ ].

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Phd/Postdoc openings at EPFL

The Data-Driven Mechanics Laboratory at EPFL is inviting applications for two open positions:

1) A fully-funded PhD position at the intersection of geomechanics and machine learning

2) A two-year Postdoc position exploring the mechanics of architected granular materials

Details about the positions and the application process can be found in the attached flyers: PhD, Postdoc

The deadline is July 15th.

PhD position at Montanuniversität Leoben

One vacant position for a full-time university assistant (m/f/d) at the Chair of Geoenergy Production Engineering, in the Department Geoenergy. Start from the earliest possible date in an employment contract limited to four year. Salary Group B1 according to the Uni-KV, monthly minimum salary excl. Szlg.: € 3.578,80 for 40 hours per week (14 x per year), actual classification is according to previous relevant experience.


Energy and environmental aspects of geoscience remain the greatest challenges that our society will face in the coming decades. To offer various tools for energy transition and environmental protection, we develop an open-source code that enables us to simulate multi-physical processes in sub-surface, such as fluid and heat transport, rock deformation, and geochemical reaction. We are looking for a PhD candidate who will write a dissertation with the following possible topics:
– multi-scale modeling via surrogate model
– computational geomechanics
– fracture mechanics

– Degree in Engineering or Natural Science
– Familiarity with numerical methods for solving PDE systems

More information on this pdf file: Click to access MBL%201332324%20-%20Stellenausschreibung_EN.pdf

Two PhD positions and a PostDoc positions at BOKU University

We are looking for two PhD and one post-doc researchers in granular mechanics, granular physics and computation mechanics.

These positions are offered within an Advanced Grant of the European Research Council awarded to Prof. Wei Wu at BOKU University, Vienna. MOTRAN (Modelling Transient Granular Flow) will develop a high-fidelity numerical model for the multiscale simulation of the transient behaviour during the phase transition of granular materials. MOTRAN pursues the following objectives: (1) constitutive model; (2) fully coupled SPH-DEM numerical model; (3) unique lab experiments on granular flow for calibration and validation.

Please download the Flyer for more information.

PhD position in advanced experimental geomechanics and 3D imaging.

The geomechanics team at laboratoire 3SR-UGA (Grenoble, France) is looking for PhD candidates to work on X-ray and Neutron characterization of ciment damage evolution in cohesive granular materials. The candidate will be supervised by A. Tengattini, C. Couture and C. Viggiani. The attached document provides further details on the context and requirements for this position. The deadline for sending an application is the June 15th 2024.

PhD offer in Grenoble: Plant root growth and its interaction with the soil

Dear Colleagues,

My name is Alexander Erlich and I work at a CNRS laboratory, the LiPhy, in Grenoble. My research focus is on solid mechanics and growth, focussing on growth and its application to biological systems (more info:

I would like to kindly ask you to share an advert for a PhD position that I am offering.

The advert is attached, and briefly, I am looking for a motivated PhD student to work on a computational model to understand plant root growth in interaction with soil.

This project is in collaboration with Cino Viggiani (Grenoble). Studying the interaction of a growing root against an elastoplastic soil, where the root generates stress and soil relaxes it, is a novel perspective at the frontier between mechanics and biophysics. The starting date is the 1st October 2024 (it can be slightly delayed if necessary).

The position was funded for three years by the CNRS 80 PRIME programme, with a net salary of approximately 1716€/month.

I would be very grateful if you could please share this advert.

Thank you and best wishes,

Alexander Erlich

PostDoc Position at South China University of Technology (SCUT)

The School of Marine Science and Engineering at South China University of Technology (SCUT) in Guangzhou, China, ranked #219 in the U.S. News 2023 World University Rankings, is seeking highly motivated and talented postdoctoral researchers to join their team in geotechnical engineering. Multiple positions for postdoctoral researchers in geotechnical engineering are available, typically for a duration of 2 years. Details about this position can be found in the attached PDF file.

Save the date: 16th EuroConference on Rock Physics and Rock Mechanics – 19 to 23 January 2026

Dear colleagues,

We are excited to announce that the 16th EuroConference on Rock Physics and Rock Mechanics will take place January 19 to 23, 2026 in Les Diablerets, Switzerland

The conference is being jointly organised by the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne, Switzerland) and the Ecole et Observatoire des Sciences de la Terre (EOST, School and Observatory of Earth Sciences, Strasbourg, France).

The theme of this next EuroConference is: Pursuing Innovation in the Study of Rock Physics and Rock Mechanics under Extreme Geological Conditions. You can find more information – including the list of confirmed keynote speakers – on our conference website:

While registration is not yet open, we warmly invite you to save the dates for this event in your calendars. 

We look forward to welcoming you to the 16th EuroConference in Switzerland in 2026!


The 16th EuroConference Organising Commitee

Alexandra Kushnir (EPFL)

Marie Violay (EPFL)

Michael Heap (EOST)

PhD position on Real-time modelling of temperature field around borehole heat exchangers

A PhD position on PhD position on Real-time modelling of temperature field around borehole heat exchangers is now open in Belgium, in a collaboration between Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB) and Université de Liège (ULiège).

This PhD project takes place in the field of closed-loop geothermal energy systems. It will explore the development of modelling tools for the real-time predictions of the temperature field around borehole heat exchangers (BHEs) based on monitoring data collected at the ground source heat pump (GSHP). Such modelling tools can progressively contribute to a more sustainable control of GSHPs of shallow geothermal systems, considering not only the energy demand of the buildings and the geothermal properties of the ground but also the current state of the heat reservoir in the subsurface.

The position has a duration of 4 years and the PhD is expected to start on 1st September 2024.

Application deadline (detailed resume + motivation letter + names and e-mail addresses of two referees who may be contacted by those in charge of evaluating applications) : 25th May 2024.

Further enquiries on the vacancy and application must be directed to Prof. Pierre GERARD (

More information on this pdf file.

Three PhD scholarships at Durham University, UK

There are three doctoral scholarship opportunities in Geotechnical Engineering/Geomechanics available for 2024 in AURA CDT. These scholarships are for individuals seeking to pursue a PhD at Durham University, UK.

  • Innovative decommissioning for offshore foundation systems (supervisor Prof. Charles Augarde)

Innovative decommissioning for offshore foundation systems – Aura Centre for Doctoral Training (

  • Numerical modelling of deep penetrating anchors for floating wind installations (supervisor Prof. Will Coombs)

Numerical modelling of deep penetrating anchors for floating wind installations – Aura Centre for Doctoral Training (

  • The role of fabric anisotropy on cyclic loading of offshore soils: a grain-scale investigation (Dr Alexandros Petalas and Prof. Will Coombs)

The role of fabric anisotropy on cyclic loading of offshore soils: a grain-scale investigation – Aura Centre for Doctoral Training (

For more information about Aura CDT, visit here: Scholarships – Aura Centre for Doctoral Training (

Deadline: 16th of May