9 PhD positions at Ecole des Ponts ParisTech

Ecole des Ponts ParisTech is looking for 9 PhD candidates within the framework of an EU MSCA COFUND project: https://www.miscea-program.fr/en/home/.

Among these, 5 PhD  positions are open at Navier Laboratory:
– Multiphysics simulation of 3D concrete printing process: from printability to structural resilience
– Design and monitoring of tunnels facing energy and numerical transitions
– Offshore wind turbine monopile foundation: experimental and numerical study of soil-structure interaction
– Experimental Investigation of Caprock Sealing in Geological Formations: Implications for Natural White Hydrogen Accumulations and Green Hydrogen Storage
– Eco-innovative shape memory architected dampers for the seismic protection of infrastructures

Details about the application process can be found on Euraxess:

Call for Abstracts – ALERT Workshop 2025

We are pleased to announce that the ALERT Workshop 2025 will be held in Aussois, France, from 29 September to 4 October 2025. Abstract submissions are now open for the following three sessions:

Session 1: “It is about time – time-dependent response of geomaterials”

Session 2: “Ice in porous media”

Session 3: “Nature-based geotechnical engineering”

This workshop explores the application of bio-inspired principles to address key challenges in geotechnical engineering, focusing on the intersection of biology and geomechanics. Key topics include bio-mediated ground improvement through bio-mineralization, the use of root-like structures for soil reinforcement, and animal-inspired burrowing techniques for more efficient tunnelling. The sessions will cover experimental methods to investigate bio-soil interactions, advanced numerical modelling of bio-inspired systems, and how knowledge on natural processes can be leveraged to enhance the stability, resilience, and sustainability of geotechnical systems. The emphasis will be placed on understanding the fundamental mechanisms driving natural processes, and scaling challenges from laboratory to field scales. 


How to Submit Your Abstract:
Please email your abstract directly to the respective session coordinators using the Workshop Abstract Form (DOC). Due to the limited time available for presentations, only a selection of the submitted abstracts will be chosen for oral presentations.

Submission Deadline:
All abstracts must be received by 15 May 2025.

For any inquiries regarding your participation or further information about the sessions, please contact the respective session coordinators directly.

We look forward to your contributions!

Call for abstracts for the session: Clays in Geotechnics – Problems and Applications

Dear colleagues and friends,

this is a call for abstracts for the session: Clays in Geotechnics – Problems and Applications (https://icc.aipea.org/sessions-list/icc-30 ) that is organised in the field of the 18th International Clay Conference (ICC; https://icc.aipea.org/ ), 13-18 July 2025, Dublin, Ireland.

Clays and clay minerals are incredibly important in geotechnical engineering because of their unique properties which can both benefit and challenge applications such as foundation engineering, tunnelling and environmental barriers. Clay properties are influenced by pore water chemistry and soil texture, resulting in variability that can complicate tasks. On the other hand, this variability also creates exciting opportunities for tailoring materials using salts or polymers. Issues such as the impact of pollution on sediment properties and the stability of tailings dams highlight the need for sustainable mitigation strategies. Contributions on clay characterisation, modification and mitigation in geotechnical and geo-ecological applications are encouraged.

A special issue in Environmental Geotechnics journal for selected contributions is foreseen.

Deadline for abstract submission: 11th April 2025, https://icc.aipea.org/abstracts/

Michael Plötze (Eth Zurich, Switzerland)
Bharat Venkata Tadikonda (Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, India)
Rossella Petti and Claudia Vitone (Politecnico di Bari, Italy)

Student for Student Summer School (S4SSS): Soil as a Key Factor in Mountain Hazards near Innsbruck

Opportunities for (PhD) Students in Geosciences

Applications are now open for the Student for Student Summer School (S4SSS) on “Soil as a Key Factor in Mountain Hazards” taking place at Obergurgl, near Innsbruck.

Details: https://imc2025.info/summerschool/s4sss25/focus-group/soil-as-key-factor-in-mountain-hazards/
Travel Grants: https://imc2025.info/summerschool/travel-grants/
Abstract Submission: https://imc2025.info/summerschool/submission/abstract/

Deadline for abstracts: 20.02.2025

Summer School dates: 07.09.2025 – 12.09.2025
Location: Obergurgl, Austria

Looking froward to the discussions and contributions! 
(Alaq, Maria, Mehdi and Mona)

Mini-Symposium on Computational Geomechanics at GACM Colloquium 2024

Event Details:

This session will highlight the latest advancements in computational geomechanics, with a focus on multi-physical couplings such as thermo-hydro-mechanical-chemical (THMC) processes. Key topics include:

  •  Constitutive modeling of complex visco-elasto-plastic material behavior  
  • Fracture propagation and damage evolution in geomaterials, including advanced regularization techniques such as gradient-based and nonlocal approaches (e.g., phase-field methods)  
  • Applications in geothermal energy, CO2 sequestration, oil and gas recovery, and nuclear waste disposal  

For further details, see attached flyer.

Permanent academic position at Navier Laboratory

Université Gustave Eiffel is opening a permanent academic position in ” poromechanics and numerical modelling” at  Navier Laboratory (Paris, France).

More details more details on the scientific profile sought can be found in the description of the position.

Application file should be submitted here (in French or English).

🗓️Deadline: 14 March 2025.

📬 Prof. Jean-Michel Pereira, Director of Navier Lab., jean-michel.pereira@enpc.fr
📬Prof. Siavash Ghabezloo, Head of the Géotechnics group, siavash.ghabezloo@enpc.fr

2 funded PhD positions at the University of Luxembourg

The research group Computational Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering- COMPSOIL is currently seeking 2 motivated PhD candidates to join our team and contribute to cutting-edge research on:

1. Experimental and Numerical Assessment of Deep Foundations Under Combined Loading in the context of offshore geostructures.

2. Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical (THM) behavior of geomaterials in the context of climate change and geoenergy resources.

Candidate Requirements:

– Proven skills in laboratory testing and development of experimental setup

– Familiarity with numerical modeling in geotechnics

Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. However, the screening of received applications has already begun, and early submission is encouraged. Both EU and non-EU students are encouraged to apply.

For more details, please click here for the PhD position or here for the Postdoctoral position.

For further information, please feel free to contact arash.lavasan@uni.lu.

Monitoring and Modeling of Landslides at the International Mountain Conference IMC2025 in Innsbruck

Call for Abstracts! Session on Monitoring and Modeling of Landslides (FS 3.147) at the International Mountain Conference IMC2025 in Innsbruck!

We are looking forward to your enriching contributions to our session on landslides. Please find further details on: https://imc2025.info/imc25/sessions-n-workshops/focus-session/fs-3-147-monitoring-assessment-and-multi-scale-modeling-of-landslides-approaches-for-hazard-analysis/

Abstract submission: https://imc2025.info/imc/submission/abstract/

Deadline for abstracts: 20.02.2025

Conference date: 14.09.2025 – 18.09.2025
Location: Innsbruck, Austria

See you there for an exciting exchange,
Barbara Schneider-Muntau, Christina Rechberger, Christine Fey (Chairs)

LARAM Hong Kong, 2-7 June 2025

Dear All,

as a Coordinator of LARAM School I am pleased to share this announcement with ALERT Geomaterials community. Looking forward to meeting you in Hong Kong, in June 2025.

Best regards,

Sabatino Cuomo

LARAM Course 2025

2 – 7 June 2025, The University of Hong Kong, HKSAR, China


The LARAM international training course in Hong Kong (China) is an initiative jointly conceived by the University of Salerno (UNISA), the University of Hong Kong (HKU), Geotechnical Engineering Office (GEO) of the HKSAR Government, and the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.

The aim the initiative is to develop and conduct a training course dealing with landslide risk management, to be delivered by renowned landslide experts of international reputation.

Detailed information at: https://www.laram.unisa.it/school/2025hk/2025hk and attached the file

within the framework of LARAM School “LAndslide Risk Assessment and Mitigation” (www.laram.unisa.it) – “a long-term dissemination action”

The ALERT Olek Zienkiewicz School on Constitutive Modelling of Geomaterials 2025

The ALERT Olek Zienkiewicz School on Constitutive Modelling of Geomaterials 2025 is currently underway at Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic. This event brings together researchers and practitioners from around the world for an intensive deep dive into the latest advances in constitutive modeling. With a fully booked registration, the overwhelming interest in this year’s edition highlights the growing demand for cutting-edge discussions on geomaterial behavior.

For further details, see https://soilmodels.com/alert-oz-school-2025/.