Geological Engineering Professor Position at Polytechnique Montréal

Polytechnique Montréal’s Department of Civil, Geological and Mining Engineering is looking for a person who has a particular interest in geostatistics as applied to one or more of the following specialties, but not limited to: Mineral resource assessment, hydrogeology, geophysics, environment, numerical modelling, machine learning or deep learning.

The candidate specializes in one or several of the aforementioned areas, and their research program uses both an experimental and/or modelling approach and in-situ investigation. Finally, the candidate should have an interest in developing interdisciplinary collaborations within and outside the Department of Civil, Geological and Mining Engineering.

START DATE: As soon as possible.

APPLICATIONS: Candidates are invited to submit an application file that includes:
• A cover letter
• A CV
• A statement of main achievements and teaching philosophy
• A statement of major research achievements and prospects
• Proof of university degrees
• Up to three significant contributions related to the position
• Teaching evaluations, if available

For more information about this position, please contact: Professor Richard Simon, Eng., PhD ( We encourage all qualified applicants to apply. In accordance with immigration rules, priority will be given to Canadians and permanent residents.

More information on this pdf file.

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