Two PhD positions at Institute of Geotechnical Engineering, Universität für Bodenkultur Wien (BOKU), Vienna, Austria.

Two 4-year PhD positions on the research project “Creep Failure of Landslides in Partially Saturated Soil (CREPASS)” funded by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) is now open at Institute of Geotechnical Engineering, Universität für Bodenkultur Wien (BOKU), Vienna, Austria.

Two PhD students will be recruited for this project. The successful candidate for Position 1 will perform experimental investigation, including (i) carrying out field work, including field survey of selected slow-moving landslide, in-situ creep tests, and sample gathering; (ii) performing laboratory soil testing, e.g., suction-controlled triaxial creep tests and ring-shear creep tests. The successful candidate for Position 2 will perform numerical simulation, including (i) developing a hypoplastic constitutive model to include both time-dependency and unsaturation effects; (ii) developing a numerical model advanced by phase-field to simulate localized failure of unsaturated slopes.

The potential candidates are required to have a Master’s degree in civil engineering or geology engineering with specialisation in geotechnics or related area. Candidates from other scientific disciplines with experience in scientific testing are also welcome. Demonstrated laboratory experience is required for position 1. Demonstrated experience in undertaking research in the fields of constitutive modelling, finite element method, and/or multiscale modelling is required for position 2. Furthermore, demonstrated programming skills (C/C++/CUDA preferred) or field testing is a plus.

Project starting date: 01.10.2022 for a total duration of four years.

Gross salary per month: EUR 2,300.30 (14 months for one year).

Supervision: Prof. Dr. -Ing Wei Wu.

Application deadline: 30.07.2022

How to apply?

Please send your application to the Institute of Geotechnical Engineering at with the subject “CREPASS-Position 1” or “CREPASS-Position 2” alongside with the following documents:

(1) A detailed curriculum vitae or resume outlining the academic and industry achievements and the educational background. A list of publications and completed projects or products should be included if applicable

(2) A short cover letter of maximum one page introducing yourself and describing how the position matches your skills and interests

More information on this pdf file.

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