“Multi-scale approach to study the effect of fines content and particle shape on static liquefaction potential of loose mine tailings”
The main objective of the proposed PhD project is to develop a general multi-scale framework to assess the static liquefaction potential of loose tailings as a function of fines content and grain shape, based on experimental testing and numerical DEM simulations.
We offer a fully-funded 4-year PhD position, as part of a collaboration between academic institutions, Polytechnique Montréal (Canada) and Université de Montpellier (France), and industrial partners SRK Consulting (Canada) and Peñoles Mining Company (Mexico).
We invite the candidates to send a detailed CV to Prof. Carlos Ovalle (carlos.ovalle@polymtl.ca) & Prof. Emilien Azéma (emilien.azema@umontpellier.fr).
More information in the attached pdf.