Going to Aussois following the landslide

Dear ALERT members,

Many of ALERT Workshop and School participants already contacted us about the difficulty to get a train connection to Aussois. Some of you received a message related to the cancelling of their train ticket.

The reason of these canceled trains is the rock slope instability that occured in the Maurienne Valley on Sunday 27th August (see a French article here). As a researcher in geomechanics, this instability problem is really interesting.

However, its consequence is the following: the train connections, the highway and the regional roads are currently closed due to this instability.

We may hope that the highways will be open very soon but it will not be the case for the train lines. That means that the travel by car to Aussois at the end of September should be possible.

The Bureau is in contact with the Center Paul Langevin to try to find a solution to the problem.

For the people coming from France to Aussois (by train), we propose you to take a train to Chambéry and we will organise a bus between Chambéry station and Aussois the Sunday 24th at 6:30 pm.

We will organise also a bus connection between Chambéry station and Aussois the Wednesday 27th at 6:45 pm. The same organisation will be foreseen at the end of the workshop (Wednesday 27th at 6:45pm at the station) and school (Saturday 30th at 3pm at the station) .

We will send directly a message to the participant that declared to come by train to Aussois.

We will do our best to organize the transfer.

For the people coming from Italy to Aussois, the situation is a bit more complex and we would suggest to organize your travel to Aussois by car.

We will of course keep you informed in case of any changes.

Thank you again for your support and hoping to see you in Aussois!

Best regards,
Frédéric COLLIN.

12 thoughts on “Going to Aussois following the landslide

    • Hello Arthur,

      Sorry for asking again it is still not clear to me and since it is important to book the right train ticket from Chambery, let me clarify this.

      The bus will leave from Aussois at 18:45, and will arrive at Chambery at XX:XX?
      The bus will leave Aussois at XX:XX and will arrive at Chambery at 18:45?


      • No worry. The bus will leave Aussois at around 16:45 and will arrive at Chambéry at 18:45. All the times are given at the station, so people can book their train accordingly.


  1. Dear Hasnain,

    As written, it is the time at which you are expected to arrive at the station! All the time written above are always at the train station so it is easier for people to manage their train.

    Kind regards,

  2. Dear Ryunosuke,

    I don’t know exactly but the bus should be in the vicinity of the station. It won’t be hard to find.

    You don’t need to book the bus, there should be place for everyone! 🙂

    Kind regards,

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