PhD position at Montanuniversität Leoben

One vacant position for a full-time university assistant (m/f/d) at the Chair of Geoenergy Production Engineering, in the Department Geoenergy. Start from the earliest possible date in an employment contract limited to four year. Salary Group B1 according to the Uni-KV, monthly minimum salary excl. Szlg.: € 3.578,80 for 40 hours per week (14 x per year), actual classification is according to previous relevant experience.


Energy and environmental aspects of geoscience remain the greatest challenges that our society will face in the coming decades. To offer various tools for energy transition and environmental protection, we develop an open-source code that enables us to simulate multi-physical processes in sub-surface, such as fluid and heat transport, rock deformation, and geochemical reaction. We are looking for a PhD candidate who will write a dissertation with the following possible topics:
– multi-scale modeling via surrogate model
– computational geomechanics
– fracture mechanics

– Degree in Engineering or Natural Science
– Familiarity with numerical methods for solving PDE systems

More information on this pdf file: Click to access MBL%201332324%20-%20Stellenausschreibung_EN.pdf

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