2 PhD positions are available in the Geotechnics Section of the Dept. Civil and Environmental Engineering at Imperial College London. The positions are part of the MatheGram ITN funded by Horizon 2020. The work will involve advancing understanding of the effects of temperature on soil behaviour. The first PhD will be an experimental analysis of thermal effects on micromechanics of packed granular beds and will be supervised by Dr. David Taborda (d.taborda@imperial.ac.uk). The second PhD will consider DEM analysis of thermal effects on micromechanics of packed granular beds and will be supervised by Prof. Catherine O’Sullivan (cath.osullivan@imperial.ac.uk).
Author Archives: Albert Argilaga
Doctoral student position in dam foundation grouting at KTH Royal Institute of Technology (Sweden)
The Division of Soil and Rock Mechanics at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden, has a vacant doctoral student position. The doctoral student will mainly carry out research within the project “Remedial grouting of dams – development of design concepts for grout curtains in the rock foundation”. This research project was initiated because there is a need to investigate how to perform remedial grouting of both new and existing dams in Sweden.
Note that this position targets the intermediate two-year Licentiate degree, but that the university will aim to secure the remaining funding to possibly let the candidate to continue to a PhD degree. More information is available on the KTH website
3rd International Conference on Information Technology in Geo-Engineering (3rd ICITG)
The 3rd International Conference on Information Technology in Geo-Engineering (3rd ICITG) will take place in Guimarães between September 29 – October 2, 2019
Deadline of abstract Submission: Extended to September 30, 2018
More information in the website
Instructions for Day 3 of the ALERT Doctoral School 2018
Participants are kindly requested to bring a laptop with a working installation of FEniCS and matplotlib.
Instructions for the installation of FEniCS may be found at the fenics project website
Note that in Windows 10 installation is also possible in the Windows Subsystem using the method outlined for Ubuntu. Instructions may be found at the website
To test your installation save the code on the attached document as test.py and execute using python.
PhD and postdoc positions in geomechanics at UCL (Belgium) in colaboration with UGA (France) on inherent rock heterogeneity using a double scale numerical approach
The goal of this project is to investigate the multi-scale behaviour of clay rock, going from microscopic to macroscopic scale. The research will be based on multi-scale
approach and numerical method allowing to model microstructure media in a double-scale framework (FEMxFEM). The PhD position is available at iMMC (UCL) in collaboration with the 3SR Laboratory (P. Bésuelle, CNRS, UGA). A postdoc position with a similar subject is also available.
Applications should be submitted by emailing a CV together with the academic grades (detail of marks) to the supervisor Benoît Pardoen.
More information in the attached document (updated version)
6th European Symposium on Comminution & Classification (ESCC 2019)
The 16th European Symposium on Comminution & Classification (ESCC 2019) will take place in Leeds (UK) in the last week of August 2019.
More information in the attached pdf file
Organiser contact: Mojtaba Ghadiri M.Ghadiri@leeds.ac.uk
Professor position in Structural Engineering at Lund University
A position of a professor in Structural Engineering with focus on structural safety and reliability is opened at the Division of Structural Engineering, Faculty of Engineering LTH, Lund University, Sweden.
To apply or for more information: website link
Junior Researcher position at University of Lisbon
A call is open to award one research grant to develop research activities within the I&D Project CEN-DynaGEO – Coupled Experimental and Numerical Approaches Toward Reliable Dynamic Characterization of Geomaterials, PTDC/EAM-GTC/29923/2017, funded by the Portuguese Science and Technology Foundation (FCT). The recipient is expected to conduct research in the field of Geomechanics at the University of Minho, University of Lisbon and BarcelonaTech.
PhD position: Numerical modeling of localization in (partially) saturated low permeability geomaterials. Ecole Centrale Nantes/Université de Liège
This thesis deals with the constitutive modeling of low permeability partially saturated geomaterials, in the framework of enhanced poromechanics. Partial saturation means in this context that the porous network is occupied at least by two different fluid phases, having their own wetting properties. The classical poromechanical model, based on Biot’s theory, will be therefore generalized in order to account for stress/strain localization, within the solid phase, and fluid fingering, within the fluid phases. Strain localization will be treated making use of strain gradient theory and plasticity whilst partial saturation following a phase-field modeling approach to multi-phase fluid flow. To this aim, on the one hand, a fully coupled gradient constitutive law of the porous skeleton and the saturating (mixture of) fluid(s) will be assumed, which means that the free energy of the overall continuum will be a function not only of strain and mass concentrations of the fluid components, but also of their gradients. On the other hand, irreversible deformations of the solid skeleton will be modeled adopting a suitable plasticity model. This approach stems from previous results published by the
coordinator of the project [1-2] and can be partly retrieved in a line of research pursued by Collin and Kotronis, see e.g. [3-4], for what concerns the gradient approach to (un)saturated poromechanics.
Preliminary programme of the ALERT workshop and school 2018
The preliminary programme of the ALERT workshop and school 2018 in Aussois is now online. Be aware that changes can still occur.
More information and the link to the registration script can be found here.