Professor of Experimental Soil Mechanics for Sustainability at Delft University of Technology

Applications are invited for a Professor of Experimental Soil Mechanics for Sustainability. The position is proposed to improve our understanding of the fundamental mechanical behaviour of soils undergoing ageing and cyclic environmental loads, and to provide new solutions to the present and future challenges of the built environment. The focus is on developing new experimental techniques and strategies to better understand and tune the response of soils to increasingly high (time-dependent and dynamic) loadings. Emerging sensor and imaging technologies offer the opportunity to develop a new generation of experimental techniques for soil testing in the laboratory and in the field.

The closing date for applications is 1 September 2019.

More information in the attachment:

Summer school CASCARIX “Cascading effects and risk management”

September 3-5, 2019 – Autrans (Grenoble’s area, Alps, France)

Objectives : 
The combination of several risks and the associated domino effects are the subject of extensive research in engineering sciences, taking into account complex models. The consideration of the social dimensions of the management of these cascading risks is less developed. The challenge is both scientific, to take greater account of multidisciplinarity in the combined risk approach, and pragmatic, to manage crisis situations or take appropriate decisions to avoid the occurrence of other events.

The objective of this summer school is to provide an opportunity for doctoral students from the CDP Risk, as well as doctoral students and researchers from other universities, to exchange their scientific knowledge and experience on cascading phenomena.

Organized by the Risk interdisciplinary Research group of Grenoble.

All informations on registration and program on the web site :–801697.htm?RH=1520244172263


Venue : Escandille Center (Autrans, Vercors massif)- FRANCE
Language: English

External participants (non CDP RISK members): 300 euros including accommodation at Autrans

First edition of the Mediterranean PhD School. Ten scholarships of 800€ to support PhD students

The Department of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering of the University of Naples Federico II announces ten scholarships of € 800 euros each to support PhD students from foreign universities wishing to participate in the first edition of the Mediterranean PhD School. This year the School will focus on the theme: “Impacts of Climate Change and Sustainable Engineering Responses” and will be held in Naples, in Piazzale Tecchio, in the week 7-12 October 2019. Lectures will be held by 22 internationally renowned speakers from various European countries and some professors from the Department.

The School includes the thematic course on “Weather effects on sloping unsaturated soils”.

The deadline for the scholarship call is fixed at  June 25, 2019.

All information regarding the School can be found at the link:

Finite Element Method Simulation of unsaturated soils under complex thermal, hydraulic, mechanical, and chemical (THMC) conditions

DURATION: 4 (2+2) years
START DATE: 2019, after September 2019.
SALARY: 2500+€ /month , increases in line with achievements up to 3300+€ /month in the final stage of doctorate
WHERE: Department of Civil  Engineering, Aalto University, Helsinki (Espoo)
SUPERVISOR: A. Prof. Wojciech Sołowski
CONTACT: wojciech.solowski [at]

The full details are on the Aalto website:

Workshop on Upscaling for Strategic Materials

Montpellier, 2-4 September 2019

For the first time, two international research networks M2UN and GeoMech organize a joint workshop with the goal of identifying and proposing future directions of research in the field of multiscale modelling for important and strategic classes of materials such as cement, concrete, soil, steel and ceramics. This coordinated initiative aims at promoting a shift of paradigm that enables progress at the interface of physics and engineering for a large variety of critical problems that are at the core of current societal, environmental and economic concerns in connection with durability and sustainability in construction, transportation, energy and waste management. The two networks (GdRI or Groupement de Recherche International) operate under the auspices of CNRS. The idea behind the GdRI Multi-scale Materials Under the Nanoscope (M2UN) and GdRI Multi-Physics and Multi-scale Couplings in Geo-environmental Mechanics  (GeoMech) is structuring the physics, chemistry, mechanics and materials science communities on a common ground for developing an integrated approach (combining simulations and experiments) for the prediction of texture properties and time evolution of complex multi-scale materials in close connection with engineering applications.   

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Ph.D. position (m/f/d) in The Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung (BAM)

In the field of civil engineering, physical engineering, computational science or a comparable field of study

Salary group 13 TVöD
Temporary contract for 36 months 
Full-time / suitable as part-time employment

The Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung (BAM) is a materials research organization in Germany. Our mission is to ensure safety in technology and chemistry. We conduct research and testing in materials science, materials engineering and chemistry to improve the safety of products and processes. At BAM we do research that matters. Our work covers a broad array of topics in the focus areas of energy, infrastructure, environment, materials, and analytical sciences. We offer an excellent work environment, located in Berlin, with state of the art research infrastructure and special laboratories.

We are looking for talented people to join us.

Your responsibilities include:
Scientific contribution to the binational research project COMET (Coupled micromechanical mod-elling for the analysis and prevention of erosion in hydraulic and offshore infrastructures) funded by the DFG research agency.
This will involve:

See the HTML version:

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Postdoctoral Position in Granular Mechanics at the University of Glasgow

A two-year EPSRC funded Research Associate position is available within the Glasgow Computation Engineering Centre at the University of Glasgow. The ambitious project aims to apply the multiscale quasicontinuum (QC) method to granular systems using the discrete element modelling (DEM). A granular QC method would allow fully resolved discrete simulations in areas of interest (e.g. at localisations) but a more efficient coarse-grained continuum simulation to be carried out away from these areas. The Research Associate will develop an open-source granular QC method with the aim of significantly accelerating DEM simulations for problems with localisations and with multiphysical challenges (e.g. mechanical and thermal coupling).  You will become a member of the Glasgow Computation Engineering Centre (, a research group consisting of 10 academics with a wide range of interests in computational mechanics.

Essential Requirements:

  • Applicants must have a Ph.D. or equivalent in engineering, applied mathematics or a related discipline.
  • Applicants must have a strong background in the computational modelling of granular systems.
  • Applications must have a strong background in the development of scientific/engineering software.
  • Applicants must have experience in engineering programming languages.
  • Applicants should have excellent communication and organizational skills and should be highly motivated.

Informal enquiries can be made to the Glasgow Computation Engineering Centre (

It is anticipated that interviews will take place in August 2019, with the anticipated start as soon as possible thereafter.

Postdoc position at the University of Pau & Pays Adour

Applications are invited for a one year full-time postdoctoral research position at the University of Pau & Pays Adour, France, on an “Experimental and numerical study of reactive transport in porous media under deep geothermal conditions”. 

The project will be conducted in the framework of a collaboration between the Laboratoire de Thermique, Energétique et Procédés (LaTEP) and IFP Énergies nouvelles (IFPEN), supported by CARNOT ISIFoR and IFPEN, and aims to improve the prediction of barite precipitation under geothermal conditions. In that prospect, the approach proposed in this project will combine laboratory experiments and reactive transport modeling.

The deadline for application is June 24th 2019. More details can be found in the attached file.