PhD Position at the University of Strathclyde and Chalmers University of Technology

TITLE: A pioneering investigation into the particle-scale origin of strength and stiffness of clayey geomaterials

DURATION: 3 years

START DATE: ASAP but no later than 30/09/2019

STIPEND: £1230/month

ELIGIBILITY: Applications from UK/EU applicants only. First Class Honours (or equivalent)

WHERE: Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland and Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Chalmers University of Technology , Sweden

SUPERVISORS: Professor Alessandro Tarantino ( and Prof Jelke Djikstra (

CONTACT: Alessandro Tarantino

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Soil surface erosion: local law and influence of soil and flow properties on the erosion resistance of hydraulic structures

We are looking for a candidate to apply for a PhD opportunity about “Soil surface erosion: local law and influence of soil and flow properties on the erosion resistance of hydraulic structures”.

This PhD will take place in collaboration between UMR RECOVER, Irstea, Aix Marseille Univ, Equipe G2DR, Aix-en-Provence and Université Paris Est, ESTP Paris, Institut de Recherche en Constructibilité, Cachan.

The deadline for application is 15th June 2019.

More details are available in the attached file.

ALERT Workshop 2019 – Call for abstracts deadline extension

The ALERT Workshop 2019 (30th Edition) will be held in Aussois from 30th September to 2nd October, 2019. 

Abstract submission has been a big success with most of the sessions being already complete at the present date. Nevertheless some presentations can still be allocated in the second session: The mechanics of root-soil systems: from microscopic to macroscopic approaches. The deadline for abstract submission has been extended for this session.

Please submit your abstracts by email directly to the coordinators using the Workshop abstract form (doc). If you wish to publish your presentation after the Workshop on the ALERT website, do not forget to agree by ticking the corresponding box in the abstract form.

An abstract can also be submitted for the poster session. The abstracts of the posters will be published in a separate booklet (ISSN registered).

The deadline for the abstract submission for the workshop has been extended to May 31, 2019. For any communication about your participation to the workshops, please contact the coordinators of the workshop sessions directly.

ALERT Poster session 2019

The ALERT Poster session will be held during the ALERT Workshop in September 30 – October 2, 2019 in Aussois. Those who are interested are asked to submit their abstracts (both word/openoffice and pdf files are required) by email to the coordinators Nadia Benahmed ( and Antoine Wautier ( using the attached abstract form (Template).

PhD Position: Are some phobias good? Examining hydro-mechanical relationships in hydrophobic soils

TOPIC: This project will exploit state-of-the-art experimental techniques to examine the evolution of water-repellent soil hydro-mechanical behaviour on the microstructural and macrostructural scale. It is well understood that microscopic interactions between water menisci and soil particles govern the macroscopic mechanical behaviour of unsaturated soils. However, how water repellency affects those interactions is largely unknown. Successfully accounting for the effect of repellency on soil hydro-mechanical behaviour could yield significant benefits to geotechnical design.

UNI: University of Edinburgh – supervised by Dr C. Beckett (in collaboration with Heriot-Watt university among others)

FUNDING: EU-UK students will receive a monthly stipend

WHEN: We are happy to start asap.

For more information contact Zeynep Karatza:

Post of research Assistant/Research Associate, in the School of Engineering at Newcastle University

I would like to draw your attention to the post of research Assistant/Research Associate, in the School of Engineering at Newcastle University in the area of computational geotechnics. The successful applicant will carry out high-quality research on infrastructure embankments and the impacts of climate change. This project is part ACHILLES consortium which comprises the Universities of Newcastle, Durham, Loughborough, Southampton, Bath and Leeds and the British Geological Survey.

The closing date for applications is 26th May 2019.

Postdoctoral position in Energy Geostructures field. Laboratory of Soil Mechanics (LMS) – EPFL

The research performed on energy geostructures at the LMS is centered on observing, measuring, understanding and predicting the behaviour of energy geostructures, by investigating the aspects of primary importance for maximising the energy, geotechnical and structural performance of energy geostructures from a multiphysical perspective. More information on the current activities and recent publications of LMS Research Group on Energy Geostructures can be found here (

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Geomechanics position at Imperial College

Applications are invited for a one year full-time researcher based in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Imperial College London in the area of discrete element modelling and computational fluid dynamics. The successful applicant will join the Geotechnics research group as a member of research staff and will conduct research on an EPSRC funded project entitled “Particle-scale investigation of seepage induced geotechnical instability(EP/P010393/1)”. The work will be conducted under the supervision of Professor Catherine O’Sullivan.

The primary focus of the proposed research is to use coupled discrete element method (DEM) and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations to improve understanding of seepage induced internal instability.  The particular mechanism of interest sometimes referred to as suffusion.  The researcher will be involved in code development, setting up and running discrete element method simulations and interpreting the results. 

The start date for this research post is July 1 2019 (with limited flexibility for moving it) and the salary will be based on the level of relevant experience of the successful candidate.

This is a fixed term appointment for up to 12 months.  Applications will be considered from both pre-doctoral and post-doctoral researchers.  Please contact Catherine O’Sullivan for further details (, telephone +44 20 759 46117)

Post-doctoral position: Geomechanics for CO2 storage. Laboratory for Soil Mechanics – Chair Gaz Naturel Petrosvibri

The goal of the Chair Gaz Naturel Petrosvibri at the Swiss federal Institute of Technology EPFL is to carry out fundamental research in the field geomechanics applied to CO2 geological storage. The scientific activities are developed in the context of the Swiss Competence Center for Energy Research – Supply of Electricity (, where the role and the contribution of geo-energies for a sustainable supply of electricity is analyzed.

Ongoing research at the Chair investigates the aspects related to caprock characterization, induced seismicity, thermo-hydro-chemo-mechanical analyses. The position in particular aims at analyzing the multiphysical processes occurring in shale caprock with an experimental, theoretical, and numerical approach.

Suitable candidates must have a PhD in Geomechanics, with a strong background in Geotechnical Engineering, Porous/Fluid mechanics and Numerical methods. Candidates are expected to be capable of developing their own independent research, and to have outstanding scientific reporting and communication skills, as well as very good teamwork attitude. Selected candidates will be invited for an interview at the EPFL.

We are offering excellent research facilities and a competitive salary (81’000 CHF/year). The EPFL offers an outstanding international environment full of training and development opportunities. We are looking for motivated candidates ready to undertake advanced experimental and numerical work within our team. The position foresees the participation to projects currently ongoing, and the part-time supervision of M.Sc. and PhD students.

The position is now open and will start on October 1st 2019 or upon agreement. Suitable candidates should send their application, consisting of motivation letter describing interests and qualifications and the CV, to the following email address:

Positions section in the EPFL website: link

PhD opportunity: Multiscale investigation of ductile-to-brittle transition in snow

Dear colleagues,

We are looking for a candidate to apply for a PhD opportunity about Multiscale investigation of ductile-to-brittle transition in snow (see below for details). This PhD will be supervised by M. Montagnat, P. Hagenmuller et G. Chambon and will take place in collaboration between Institut des Géosciences de l’Environnement (CNRS, Univ. Grenoble Alpes), Centre d’Etude de la Neige (CNRM MétéoFrance) and ETNA research unit (IRSTEA, Univ. Grenoble Alpes). Applications must be done on this site, before June 3rd.

Please contact Maurine Montagnat ( before application or for more information

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