1st Int. Workshop RootS23 – “SOIL-PLANT-ATMOSPHERE INTERACTION: MECHANISMS, PROCESSES AND GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING IMPLICATIONS” – University of Perugia, Perugia (Italy) – 20th-21st April 2023

Dear Colleagues, 

we are delighted to inform you about the 1st International Workshop RootS23 – “SOIL-PLANT-ATMOSPHERE INTERACTION: MECHANISMS, PROCESSES AND GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING IMPLICATIONS”, which will be held on April 20th and 21st in Perugia, Italy

The 1st Int. Workshop RootS23 will focus on the current state of knowledge and research concerning the topic of soil-vegetation-atmosphere interaction. This is a very broad and multidisciplinary research theme, spanning several scientific fields, each contributing to the investigation and modeling of specific aspects of the soil and plant behavior, upon variable climatic conditions. The Workshop is mainly addressed to researchers in geotechnical engineering, but the participation of researchers working in other fields (e.g., foresters, agronomists, soil physicians, ecologists, ….) is very welcome and considered fruitful for a constructive contamination of knowledge. 

Twenty invited Speakers will present their research on two main aspects: 

– the mechanisms through which vegetation favours ground mechanical reinforcement;  

– the phenomena and processes underlying soil-plant-atmosphere interaction, which typically require thermo-hydro-mechanical (THM) coupled analyses

and in more detail on: plant’s physical and hydrological properties; root architecture and properties; experimental evidence of the effects of vegetation evolution on soil hydrological and mechanical conditions; THM numerical analysis of the soil-vegetation-atmosphere interaction; ground bio-engineering techniques for shallow slope stability.  

Two ‘open discussions’ will be specifically dedicated to researchers who shall contribute from the floor with very short presentations (3-4 minutes) dealing with in-progress research, aiming at a fruitful and inspiring cross-contamination. 

You may find attached the programme and the flyer of the workshop. 

We hope that the workshop will represent an opportunity to share ideas and encourage new research collaborations, thus improving the strength of the academic network. 

If any of you may find this workshop interesting, we will be happy to give further information about the location and the venue. 

In this case, please contact Manuela Cecconi (manuela.cecconi@unipg.it) and Vito Tagarelli (vito.tagarelli@poliba.it). 

We sincerely look forward to seeing you in Perugia next April. 

On the behalf of the organizing committee  (Manuela Cecconi, Federica Cotecchia, Vincenzo Pane, Vito Tagarelli)

Open PhD position at the Lusófona University of Lisbon

A call is open to award one researcher/PhD student grant within the I&D Project INTENT – Intelligent health monitoring of road infrastructures using bender elements embedded in pavements, reference 2022.06879.PTDC, funded by the Portuguese Science and Technology Foundation (FCT). The recipient is expected to conduct research in the field of Computational Geomechanics at the Lusófona University of Lisbon.

Job:  Research grant for MSc graduates, with an option to undertake a PhD

Research field: Computational Geomechanics

Stating date: 01.06.2023

Salary: €16,135.68 per annum (€13,735.68 net annual salary)

Duration: 30 months

Application deadline: April, 20, 2023

Applications must be made through an application letter together with the following documents: Curriculum Vitae, certificates of graduation degrees, and any other documents considered relevant by the candidate. The documents should be sent to Professor Ionut Dragos Moldovan,  dragos.moldovan@ulusofona.pt (or dragos.moldovan@gmail.com).

International conference dedicated to the memory of Prof. Pierre Bérest

An international conference on “Underground Storage and Geoenergies” will be held in Ecole Polytechnique (Palaiseau close to Paris) on 14-15 June 2023. This conference is dedicated to the memory of Prof. Pierre Bérest and will follow a summer school on the same topic on 12-13 June. 

The scope covers salt cavern storage, C02 sequestration, nuclear waste disposal and geothermal energy.

There is no registration fees (but registration is mandatory). The organization covers lunches and coffee breaks. 

More information and registration on this pdf file

Alexandre Dimanov <alexandre.dimanov@polytechnique.edu>;
Laura Blanco-Martin  <laura.blanco_martin@minesparis.psl.eu>; 
Philippe Cosenza  <philippe.cosenza@univ-poitiers.fr>; 
Jean Sulem <jean.sulem@enpc.fr>. 

Postdoc Position on Geomechanics at ZJU

A postdoc position is now open in computational geomechanics at Department of Civil Engineering of Zhejiang University, China (QS ranking 2022: 45th). The project is on the multiscale simulation of chemo-hydro-mechanical coupling in geotechnical problems with particular focus on landslide problems and tailings dam failure.

The postdoc will perform independent research under the supervision of Dr. Yanni Chen (https://person.zju.edu.cn/en/yannichen), in close contact with our two international collaborators: Prof. Giuseppe Buscarnera at Northwestern University and Prof. Itai Einav at the University of Sydney. A background on numerical modelling and Multiphysics coupling would be highly appreciated.

This is a two-year fixed term contract with possible extensions if needed and can be started immediately. Annual salary is around EUR 40,000 with extra bonus based on performance and contributions to the department.

Interested applicants can forward a single PDF consisting of a 1-page cover letter, a full CV, and contact details of two references to Dr Yanni Chen (yanni.chen@zju.edu.cn). The review of candidates will begin on April 1st, 2023, and applications will be accepted until the position is filled. For any additional information, see the attached pdf or please write a message to yanni.chen@zju.edu.cn.

PhD position at UTS Australia

Dr Xuzhen He from UTS is seeking high-achieving PhD students in 2023. The research project is “Modernise geotechnical investigation and analysis with machine learning”, which is funded by the Australian Research Council Discovery Project. Candidates with knowledge and research experience in computational geomechanics and/or machine learning are
encouraged to apply.

More information on the attached pdf. Applications can be sent to Dr Xuzhen He (hexuzhen@outlook.com; xuzhen.he@uts.edu.au). The positions are open until filled.