A joint PhD position on Investigation of hydromechanical and electrokinetic couplings during gas migration in saturated clayey rock at mesoscopic scales

Applications are welcomed for a joint PhD position between GeoRessources laboratory (University of Lorraine), LFCR laboratory (University of Pau) and IRSN. The objective of this thesis is to propose mesoscopic models capable of taking into account Hydromechanical and Electrokinetic couplings when simulating flow and transport in large representative elemental volumes (REVs) typically out of reach of molecular methods.

The candidate must be a highly motivated and autonomous person with a recent university master’s degree (or equivalent) in mechanics, reservoir engineering, applied mathematics, civil engineering or other relevant field. He or she must demonstrate a fundamental knowledge of the principles of fluid mechanics governing the behaviour of porous media. Experience in the development of numerical methods, in particular LBM methods would be an asset. The successful applicant will work under the supervision of

Dr Fabrice Golfier (GeoRessources) and Dr Amael Obliger (LFCR), as well as Dr Anne-Julie Tinet (GeoRessources) and Dr Magdalena Dymitrowska (IRSN).

Candidates are invited to submit their CV, master’s transcripts and cover letter here: https://bit.ly/2W2NFhI

More information in the attachment.

PhD position at Laboratoire 3SR (Grenoble)

Subject: “A micro-mechanical approach to cemented granular materials”

You will find the project description and more information on the recruitment process in this attached file.

Supervision team
• Alessandro Tengattini (alessandro.tengattini@3sr-grenoble.fr)
• Cino Viggiani (cino.viggiani@3sr-grenoble.fr)
• Pierre Bésuelle (pierre.besuelle@3sr-grenoble.fr)

Please send a detailed CV and a letter of motivation to all three emails above.

Application deadline: 31st May

April 2020 Newsletter and decisions due to the pandemic

Dear Alert friends,

first of all, the Board of Directors and the Bureau hope you (and your family) are doing well in these weird and difficult times…

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and after careful consideration, the Bureau and the BoD have decided to cancel the ALERT workshop in 2020 — it will take place in 2021 (from September 27 to September 29).
Concerning the OZ course, we propose to postpone it to April 2021.

The election of the Board of Director was supposed to be organized this year and after discussions, it is decided to postpone it in 2021. The current Bureau and the Board will remain in charge by a prorogation of their mandate for the ordinary matters.

*All the other activities will be organized remotely:*
– for the doctoral school, we have decided to keep it for this year– it will be taught and attended remotely, though.
– we have decided not to postpone also the PhD prize as well as the invited lecture, also these two events will take place online (either pre-recording it or giving it online via one of the several available platforms for distance teaching).

You will find more information in the Editorial of the Newsletter but you can imagine how painful this decision was. It will be the first time since 1994 that we will not meet in Aussois !

Keep staying safe!

Frédéric COLLIN
ALERT Director

Postdoctoral researcher position in the modelling of complex processes in geo-environmental engineering

2 year position in the newly formed Westlake University in Hangzhou China. Competitive salary ranging from 250k to 350k RMB per year, depending on experience, as well as relocation expenses. The project is focused on creating advanced modeling techniques combining different physics layers, such as fluids, soils and solids. Researchers with PhD in Mathematics, Physics, Civil or Mechanical Engineering, or related fields are welcome to apply. Experience in computational methods such as Discrete Element Method, Lattice Boltzmann Method, Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics, Particle Finite Element Method, Material Point Method and related methods is also highly desirable. We are also interested in persons with experience in Machine Learning applied to these problems.

For information on our research group, please visit our website  https://m3.westlake.edu.cn/

Westlake is a newly formed university with great support from the local government as well as the private sector. For more information about it please visit its website https://www.wias.org.cn/english/

For further information please send email to A/Prof Galindo Torres s.torres@westlake.edu.cn

Survey from Carlos Santamarina about the pandemic


These are unique times that we are living in! The short survey below
intends to gather data on our response to the pandemic, from our
position as researchers/academics.

Timing is important. *The survey will be open for ONE WEEK only*

Survey link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/S562DR7

(NOTE: all responses are completely anonymous).

Wishing all the best to you and your families!

Carlos Santamarina

PhD and Postdoc positions in Infrastructure Geotechnics at Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden

The Geotechnics Research Group (GRG) in Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering (ACE) at Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden, is looking for PhD students and  Postdoctoral Researchers in Infrastructure Geotechnics (max. two positions each). The applicants are expected to be passionate about introducing/developing the state-of-the-art of modelling and testing of coupled processes (thermo-hydro-mechanical) into geotechnical engineering. The current research projects in infrastructure geotechnics include application of deep mixing under road and railway embankments and bottom support of excavations, as well as modelling natural and man-made slopes etc. These are problems, where the coupling of mechanical, hydraulic and thermal response, as well as soil-structure interaction, is important. The applicants are expected to engage with industry, to create innovative solutions for major stakeholders. In parallel with research,  the applicants are expected to contribute to teaching at undergraduate or Masters level (typically max. 10%-20% of their time), with focus on Geotechnical Engineering. The positions area temporary research positions (4-5 years for PhD, 2 years for Postdoc), fully funded by external research projects.

Continue reading

PhD proposal INSA Strasbourg

Title: Study of the aggressiveness of tires on the wearing courses of road structures.

Academic tutors: C. Chazallon (ICUBE GC-E) F. Hammoum (IFSTTAR), J.C. Quezada (ICUBE GC-E) and P. Hornych (IFSTTAR)

Location: INSA Strasbourg (France)

Period: october 2020/september 2023

Contact: Pr. Cyrille Chazallon (cyrille.chazallon@insa-strasbourg.fr)

Further information in the attached file

Ecole Centrale Lyon: PhD opportunity Seismic behavior of rockfill dams with a dry stone rip-rap: a mixed DEM-FEM modeling

  • Research collaboration between the stakeholder Electricité de France, ITASCA, SAS and Ecole Centrale de Lyon
  • Location: Ecole Centrale de Lyon and ITASCA SAS Lyon
  • Field: numerical modeling
  • Closure of applications: 31th of May 2020 The position is filled.

More details in the attached file.

For further information, contact Eric Vincens : eric.vincens@ec-lyon.fr

Industry-sponsored PhD opportunity (University of Sydney – MolyCop)

• Research project to tackle energy efficiency issues in industrial crushing and grinding machinery.
• Based in Perth, Australia.
• Collaborative project between MolyCop and the University of Sydney.
• PhD stipend of $35,000 per year available for 3 years for living expenses.

More details in the attached file.

For further information, you can contact Itai Einav: itai.einav@sydney.edu.au