Faculty Positions in Geotechnical Engineering at the National University of Singapore

The Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, National University of Singapore (NUS) invites applications for tenure-track faculty positions in Geotechnical Engineering, on areas related to Urban Sustainable Development and Climate Change. The candidate should hold a doctorate in civil engineering, preferably with background and experience in, but not limited to, one or more of the following geotechnical domain expertise: underground space, land creation, sustainable geo-materials and coastal resilience. Additional skills and knowledge in data analytics and machine learning will be highly advantageous. Relevant industry experience and professional qualifications (e.g. professional engineer) will be considered favorably. The opening is at the Assistant Professor or Lecturer level. Exceptionally well qualified applicants may be considered at the Associate Professor level.

More information in this attachment.

Assistant Professor in Offshore Geotechnics (Durham University, UK)

Ref: ENGI21-51

The Department of Engineering at Durham University is currently undergoing a period of strategic growth and is looking to fill nine new academic posts across a range of specialisations at various academic levels. We welcome applications from outstanding individuals with research and teaching interests in the following areas:

  • Offshore Geotechnics – Assistant Professor grade 7/8

This is an exciting opportunity to join an expanding, unified Engineering Department which is recognised as being one of the very best in the UK, with a reputation for excellence in teaching, research and employability of our students. In the REF2014 exercise, 90% of the Engineering outputs were graded 3* or 4*, and Durham was ranked 4th in the UK for impact in the General Engineering unit of assessment. The Department is committed to an ethos of research-led teaching at all levels of our taught programmes. Durham University was ranked 4th in The Guardian University Guide 2021, 6th in The Times and Sunday Times Good University Guide 2021 and 7th in The Complete University Guide 2021 for General Engineering. We were ranked 2nd in Engineering behind only Cambridge, in a recent Institute for Fiscal Studies report on the difference in graduate earnings by UK university choice.

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2 joint PhD scholarships “Cyclic soil-structure interaction framework for the foundations of offshore renewable energy structures” (KU Leuven & University of Melbourne)

Positions open until filled. Students can start immediately. Recruitment process deadline is August 2021.

If you are interested please submit a complete academic CV, transcripts, proof of English Language, contact details of three references, expected graduation date and a motivation letter in a single pdf.

PhD 1: Soil-structure interaction framework for monopiles in sand under cyclic loading (approx. 3 years at KU Leuven, 1 year at University of Melbourne) Contact: Dr George Anoyatis, KU Leuven  george.anoyatis@kuleuven.be

For more information: https://melkul.research.unimelb.edu.au/2020/10/16/soil-structure-interaction-framework-for-monopiles-in-sand-under-cyclic-loading/

PhD 2. Soil-structure interaction framework for plate anchors in sand under cyclic loading (approx. 3 years at University of Melbourne, 1 year at KU Leuven) Contact: Dr Shiaohuey Chow, University of Melbourne  shiaohuey.chow@unimelb.edu.au 

For more information: https://melkul.research.unimelb.edu.au/2020/10/16/soil-structure-interaction-framework-for-plate-anchors-in-sand-under-cyclic-loading-2/  

PhD position (University Gustave Eiffel – Nantes) on Soil reinforcement by rigid inclusions

We are looking for a PhD Student to collaborate with us on a project entitled:

Soil reinforcement by rigid inclusions: effect of complex surface loading – centrifuge and numerical modelling

supervised by Thibault Badinier, Luc Thorel and Matthieu Blanc at the Gustave Eiffel University (Nantes campus).

The application is open until the 23rd april 2021.

More details and application at the link below

14th Euroconference on Rock Physics and Rock Mechanics -Abstract submission

Dear colleagues,

I hope you are keeping well!

The 14th Euroconference on Rock Physics and Rock Mechanics will be in Scotland from the 30th of August to the 3rd of September 2021. Given COVID19 (travel restrictions and lockdown measures), the conference will take place virtually.

The session themes are:

  1. Subsurface deformation processes: from fracturing to friction and beyond
  2. Thermo-chemo-hydro-mechanical coupling
  3. Non-destructive testing in rock mechanics and rock physics
  4. Visualising and quantifying rock deformation and multi-phase flow interactions
  5. From lab to field: scaling relationships
  6. Energy storage: CO2, H, cold/heat
  7. Energy Extraction: shallow/deep geothermal, oil/gas
  8. UKGEOS: case studies and on-going research
  9. Open session on Rock Mechanics and Rock Physics

The abstract submission is now open. To submit your abstract, please follow the instructions that can be found in our website: https://www.euroconference2021.org/

During the following days, our website will be populated with all other useful information related to the 14th Euroconference on Rock Physics and Rock Mechanics.

See you all (virtually) on the 30th of August for a fascinating week of science!

Best wishes,

Elma (On behalf of the organising committee)

12th ALERT Olek Zienkiewicz course. 18-20 May 2021 (+ 13 & 20 April), Online.

The 12th ALERT Olek Zienkiewicz course 2021: Looking into the rhizosphere: the interface between plant science and soil mechanics will be held online on 18-20 May 2021. It is organised in five sessions. The course will be preceded by preparatory lectures organised in four sessions over two day, 13 & 20 April 2021.

The course is organised by the Alliance of Laboratories in Europe for Education, the University of Strathclyde (Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering),
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (Department of Geotechnical Engineering & Geosciences), CIMNE (Geomechanics Group) and TERRE Network. The course is coordinated by Alessandro Tarantino (University of Strathclyde) and Enrique Romero (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya).  

More information on the organisation of the course in this attachment.

The course is free of charge for participants affiliated to institutions member of ALERT Geomaterials. The web platform to register is not yet opened but registrations can already be made by email (see attachment above).

Thesis proposal on Particulate Materials under Compaction (Université de Montpellier, France)

The compaction of particulate materials is one of the most important industrial processes. It is used to manufacture net or near-net shape components with complex geometries and high tolerance, and with souhaitable strength. The compaction process transforms a loose particulate material into a compacted product with a higher density.

The PhD thesis will take place at the Laboratoire de Mécanique et Génie Civil (LMGC)-CNRSUniversité de Montpellier-France in collaboration with the INRAE Montpellier and the University of Leeds. Highly motivated candidates with a master’s degree in physics or mechanics, or graduated from an engineering school, and interested in numerical modelling are encouraged to apply.

More information in this attachment.

PhD position available at Université Grenoble Alpes (Laboratoire 3SR)

We are looking for a PhD Student to collaborate with us on a project entitled:

“Towards neutral carbon building materials: Chemo-hydro-mechanical response of cement paste carbonation through coupled X-ray and neutron high resolution imaging and modelling in recycled concrete aggregates”

supervised by Matthieu Briffaut, Alessandro Tengattini, and Stefano dal Pont, to be carried out at project at the Institut Laue Langevin/Laboratoire 3SR, at the Université Grenoble Alpes.

More details about this at the link below

PhD position on the Numerical modeling of granular materials for plant biorefinery (INRAE and University of Montpellier, France)

Agricultural and forestry plant residues are available sources of carbon, but require fragmentation/ separation operations to extract ultrafine powders with targeted properties. This plant-based dry biorefinery is a promising alternative to oil, particularly for energy and materials applications. IATE laboratory hosts the INRAE national plant fractionation platform and is developing, in collaboration with LMGC laboratory, unique numerical models for granular materials composed of breakable particles. A major challenge is to understand how the microstructure and interactions in plant tissues influence the size, composition and shapes of the fragments. In this thesis, we will associate a massively parallel peridynamic model for the propagation of the fracture across the histological structures of plants (μm scale), and a Discrete Element approach for grain fragmentation (process scale). The ultimate goal is to elucidate the deconstruction mechanisms and develop bottom-up models accounting for both mechanical and physicochemical interactions.

See attached file for more information.

PhD Position on the hydro-chemo-mechanical behavior of cementitious materials from the aggregate to the continuum scale

The Spanish National Research Council (IDAEA-CSIC, Barcelona) invites applications for a PhD position to develop a novel multi-scale approach to predict the hydro-chemo-mechanical behavior of cementitious materials from the aggregate to the continuum scale. The position is part of the MAGIC WP on Chemo-Mechanical AGIng of Cementitious materials (European Joint programme on Radioactive Waste Management, EJP-EURAD). The research team at IDAEA-CSIC is formed by Dr. Víctor Vilarrasa, Dr. Marco Dentz, Dr. Josep Soler and Dr. Jordi Cama.

We offer a 3-year PhD position for developing a novel multi-scale method and its subsequent application to numerical simulations of multi-scale hydro-chemomechanical behavior of cementitious materials (concrete) under repository conditions. The candidate will perform her/his research at the Institute of Environmental Assessment and Water Research, Spanish National Research Council (IDAEA-CSIC) in an interdisciplinary and collaborative environment.

See attached file for more information