Intl Workshop for Bifurcation and Degradation in Geomaterials IWBDG 2017

The 11th International Workshop for Bifurcation and Degradation in Geomaterials (IWBDG 2017), organized by the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and the University of Cyprus, will take place on 21-25 May 2017 in Limassol, Cyprus. IWBDG 2017 is supported by ALERT-Geomaterials. A special session in tribute of Prof Hans Muhlhaus will be organized by Profs A Dyskin and E Pasternak Univ of Western Australia. Sessions in Experimental modeling of instabilities, localization and degradation/ Constitutive modeling and multi-physical couplings for localization, instabilities and degradation of geomaterials/ Geomechanics for Energy, Environment and Geophysics/ Numerical modeling of failure, localized deformation and gravity driven flows/ Micromechanics and multi-scale analysis of instabilities and degradation/ Soil-tool interaction. More details in

Faculty Position (Associate Professor) at Chalmers in Applied Geology with focus on Rock Mechanics/Numerical modelling

Chalmers is advertising for a permanent Faculty position (Associate Professor) in Applied Geology, and looking for someone interested in numerical modelling of rock engineering problems, ideally someone who is developing novel numerical tools for solving complex problems, rather than just using existing software. More details can be found in:
Please note that applications need to be submitted via Chalmers applications systems before the deadline of 28 February, 2016.

EGU 2016

The abstract submission for EGU 2016 is now open! A new session Emerging technologies and challenges in the development of deep geothermal energy has been announced. In this session, novel contributions are invited on laboratory experiments, numerical modeling and field work (or a combination of these) covering the following aspects of deep geothermal energy:
– New developments in hot reservoir characterization (measurements, interpretation techniques etc.)
– Transfer of technologies from oil and gas (completion systems, stimulation techniques etc.)
– Characterization and control of the induced seismicity risk
– Long term processes (chemistry, fluids & mechanics) and their importance for the economics of deep geothermal reservoirs production
The deadline for support applications is 01 December 2015, and the abstract deadline is 13 January 2016. More details from