2013 Shamsher Prakash Annual Prize for excellence in teaching of geotechnical engineering

The Shamsher Prakash Foundation solicits nomination (no application) for the “2012 SHAMSHER PRAKASH PRIZE FOR EXCELLENCE IN TEACHING OF GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING” for young teachers (less than 40 years old). Nominations are invited so as to reach the Honorary Secretary on or before October 31, 2013. More details at http://www.yoga10.org/teaching_award.html.

Two PhD positions at the University of Edinburgh

A PhD studentship is available on the topic of “Computational modelling of granular flow with shear localisation in silos” at the School of Engineering of the University of Edinburgh. More information can be found at: http://www.findaphd.com/search/projectDetails.aspx?PJID=44562.
Another PhD studentship is available on the topic of “Micromechanical motivation and numerical implementation of plasticity in generalised continuum models” at the School of Engineering of the University of Edinburgh. More information can be found at: http://www.findaphd.com/search/projectDetails.aspx?PJID=46418
The positions will remain open until filled.

Summer school on Modelling of Landslides and Debris Flow

A summer school on the Modelling of Landslides and Debris Flow, aimed at early stage researchers (i.e. PhD students), organized and funded by the MUMOLADE [www.mumolade.com] ITN network, will be hosted this September at BOKU University, Vienna. The scientific programme provides key lectures on computational plasticity (R. Borja), unsaturated soil mechanics (C. Tamagnini, P. Delage), and the behavior of a granular flow (C. Fang). For more information on the programme and full grants please visit the summer school’s website [www.baunat.boku.ac.at/22552.html].
The deadline for applications is 18 August 2013.

Experienced Researcher position within the ITN project MUMOLADE

2 years Experienced Researcher position (ER1 – post-doc) is available at University of Padua and Technical University of Darmstadt. A post-doc fellowship (Experienced Researcher position) is proposed in order to study the dynamics of catastrophic landslides considering thermo-poro-mechanical effects. This is a collaborative project funded by European Union with the ITN project (Marie Curie Initial Training Network) MUMOLADE (MUltiscale MOdelling of LAndslide and Debris flow – see www.mumolade.com). The deadline for applications is 25 August 2013.
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Post-Doc position at Deltares, Delft

Recently, Deltares together with the University of Cambridge started the Marie-Curie IAPP project MPM-DREDGE (–> http://cordis.europa.eu/search/index.cfm?fuseaction=proj.document&PJ_RCN=13391866) and are recruiting a post-doc, see also http://ec.europa.eu/euraxess/index.cfm/jobs/jobDetails/33871479. Deadline for the application is the 15 September 2013. Further details in a pdf file.

A PhD studentship in Southampton

A PhD studentship is available on “Characterizing landslide glide plane mechanics by combining high-resolution multi-offset seismic reflection data and numerical modelling.” This is a joint project between the National Oceanography Centre Southampton and the Faculty of Engineering and the Environment of the University of Southampton.
More information can be found at:
The deadline for applications is 31 July 2013.