Rock Physics and Natural Hazards

A session on “Rock Physics and Natural Hazards” at the EGU Meeting will be held in Vienna, Austria from 22 to 27 April 2012 (for details see

Invited speakers
Prof. C. Scholz, Columbia University, USA
Dr. N. De Paola, University of Durham, England
Prof. K. Russell, University of Vancouver, Canada

Deadline for receiving abstracts is 17th January 2012

Professor of Geotechnical Engineering at UCL

The Department of Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering (CEGE) at UCL is renowned for its radical and innovative approach to teaching and for the breadth and variety of its research. We are seeking applications for a Professorship in the field of Geotechnics. Successful applicants will be expected to develop and manage a substantial research group and make an appropriate contribution to the department’s portfolio of teaching.

New ALERT Bureau

The ALERT Geomaterials network is managed by the ALERT Bureau. During the ALERT meeting in Aussois 2011, Manolo Pastor (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain) was elected as a new President of the ALERT Geomaterials. He will be supported by the Bureau composed of:

  • Ivo Herle, Director (Technische Universität Dresden, Institute of Geotechnical Engineering, Germany)
  • Andrea Galli, Vice-Director for Administration (Politecnico di Milano, Department of Structural Engineering, Italy)
  • Bruno Chareyre, Vice-Director for Economy (ENSHMG, Laboratoire 3S, France)

ALERT 2012 Workshop & School

ALERT Workshop 2012 will be organized from Monday October 1st till Wednesday October 3rd and Doctoral School from Thursday October 4th till Saturday 6th in Aussois.

Workshop sessions:
Session 1 (Monday, October 1st)
Micromechanics and critical steady states in geomaterials
Coordinators: Yannis Dafalias and Bruno Chareyre

Session 2 (Tuesday, October 2nd)
Geomechanics of underground structures

Coordinators: Claudio Tamagnini and David Mašín

Session 3 (Wednesday, October 3rd)
Geomechanics for energy production
Coordinators: Lyesse Laloui and Helen Lewis

The title of the Doctoral School is Advanced experimental techniques in geomechanics and the coordinators are Cino Viggiani, Steve Hall and Enrique Romero.