Mini-Symposium „Simulation of cutting, wear and abrasion“

In the frame of EURO:TUN 2017, 18-20 April 2017, Innsbruck, Austria ( a Mini-Symposium „Simulation of cutting, wear and abrasion“ will be organized by Dimitrios Kolymbas ( Abstracts (up to 1 page) to be submitted until 1. June 2016 to Templates are given at

Post-doct position at Institut GeM

A position for a post-doctoral researcher is available at the GeM laboratory (University of Nantes). The project is designed to start a new numerical FEM approach to model internal erosion, complementary to the experimental approach developed by the team. The project requires good modelling skills (FEM) and if possible knowledge of the mixture theory. You can find attached a one-page description of the postdoctoral position.

Position of Doctoral Candidate at Aalto University, Finland

Aalto University School of Engineering in Finland has launched an open call for Doctoral Candidate in Modelling of failure and post-failure behavior of granular slopes with Generalized Interpolation Material Point Method. Please find attached a pdf file with the job advertisement for the position, and a link to the advertisement at Aalto University webpage: Deadline for the applications is May 10th 2016.

PhD conference on Radioactive Waste Management and Geoloigcal Disposal

The second PETRUS-OPERA PhD early-stage researcher conference on Radioactive Waste Management and Geological Disposal will take place in Delft, 27 June – 1 July, 2016. The conference consists of two main components:
– A set of high quality lectures on radioactive waste disposal presented by international experts.
– Oral presentation and poster exhibition of on-going research work by participants. The best oral and poster presentations will be rewarded.
PhD students and early-stage researchers who are involved in any aspects of radioactive waste research are invited to submit an extended abstract of 1-3 pages. Research subjects from the social and economic areas related to the radioactive waste management are welcome too.
The conference is free of charge. For more information please see the attached pdf or

Four PhD positions at The University of Sydney

The DynamiX Laboratory is a new, state of the art facility for high speed X-ray radiography and tomography, designed exclusively for imaging inside deforming geomaterials. There are now four open PhD positions for those interested in experimental, numerical or analytical research work in granular materials and geomechanics. Please see here for more information: