Ioannis Vardoulakis PhD Prize 2023: Deadline extension

The deadline for the Ioannis Vardoulakis PhD Prize 2023 has been extended by one month. The deadline for the application is now the 30th April, 2023.

The participation to the prize is open to all the PhD students with at least one official supervisor from one of the institutions belonging to ALERT, that have successfully defended their PhD thesis in 2022.

The rulesagenda and further details are to be found on the ALERT website:

Ioannis Vardoulakis PhD Prize 2023

The Bureau of ALERT Geomaterials has decided to fund the Ioannis Vardoulakis PhD Prize 2023. Since 2016, the PhD prize is entitled Ioannis Vardoulakis PhD Prize to commemorate Prof. Vardoulakis and his contributions to research and teaching in the field of Geomechanics.

The participation to the prize is open to all the PhD students with at least one official supervisor from one of the institutions belonging to ALERT, that have successfully defended their PhD thesis in 2022. The deadline for the applications is 31st March, 2023.

The rulesagenda and further details are to be found on the ALERTwebsite:

Happy New Year 2023

Dear ALERT community,

On behalf of the ALERT Bureau and the Board of directors, we would like to wish you a Happy New Year 2023.

This year, two new members joined us (, and the annual meeting in Aussois was a great success, with more than 200 participants at the Center Paul Langevin. We can only hope to keep the same trend this year.

We wish you all the best for 2023, may it bring peace, health and joy to you and your loved ones.

See you all in Aussois,
Arthur and Frédéric.

ALERT Workshop 2022 – Extended Call for Abstract for Session 1

The deadline for the abstract submission has been extended to May 31, 2022 for the SESSION 1 ONLY. Please submit your abstracts by email directly to the coordinators using the Workshop abstract form (doc). If you wish to publish your presentation after the Workshop on the ALERT website, do not forget to agree by ticking the corresponding box in the abstract form.

As a reminder, here are the workshop sessions:

  • Session 1: “Mechanics of hard-soils/soft rocks” – EXTENDED CALL
    Organizers: Claudia Vitone ( (Politecnico di Bari, Italy), Nadia Benahmed ( (INRAE, France),  Elma Charalampidou ( (Heriot-Watt University Edinburgh, UK).
  • Session 2: “Robot-Ground Interaction“ – CLOSED
    Organizers: Raul Fuentes and Itai Einav
  • Session 3: “Multi-field approach of gravity-driven disasters in a global climate change context” – CLOSED
    Organizers: F. Nicot (EDYTEM / USMB), F. Magnin (EDYTEM / CNRS-USMB), S. Lambert (UGA – INRAE), F. Calvetti (Politecnico Milano)

Further information on this post.