12th International Conference on Geosynthetics

With great pleasure and honour the Italian Geotechnical Society (AGI) and the Italian Chapter of IGS (AGI-IGS) invite you to attend the 12th International Conference on Geosynthetics, which will be held in Roma, Italy, on September 2023.

Hence the 12ICG intends to become the base for the next step therefore the conference theme will be: Geosynthetics, Leading the Way to a Resilient Planet

More information on this flyer.

Symposium on Energy Geotechnics (3-5 October 2023, Delft) – Call for abstracts

We are happy to announce that the upcoming edition of the symposium series on Energy Geotechnics (SEG23) will be held in Delft, 3-5 October 2023, organised under the auspices of the ISSMGE Technical Committee 308. Keynote lectures from prominent researchers and practitioners in the field of energy geotechnics, state-of-the-art lectures and technical sessions focusing on the task forces of the TC 308 will be a part of SEG23. We warmly welcome you to contribute and attend and we look forward to an exciting scientific exchange.

This symposium follows successful conferences and symposiums in: Barcelona in 2015, Kiel in 2016, Lausanne in 2018 and La Jolla in 2022.

Please find more details of the conference on our conference website: https://seg23.dryfta.com/.

The Call for Abstracts is now open – and is presented in the attached pdf. Contributions are welcome on various topics related to energy Geotechnics, including geothermal energy, energy geostructures, energy storage, carbon sequestration, radioactive waste disposal and induced seismicity. Researchers working on these challenging topics are invited to present their most recent advances. Practitioners are invited to share their experience and presentations of case studies is encouraged. To encourage debate on the latest findings, we invite extended abstracts only, which will be published open access with their own digital online identifier (doi). No full-length papers will be requested.

We look forward to seeing you in Delft. 

Best regards, 

Your local organising committee:
Anne-Catherine Dieudonné
Ahmed Elkadi
Nicole Fontein
Jacco Haasnoot
Siefko Slob
David Smeulders
Phil Vardon

One-day UCD Webinar: Geothermal Energy, Thermal Energy Storage and District Heating

Dear Colleagues,

We are organising a one-day hybrid seminar at University College Dublin on 15th Dec Thursday. Speakers from Ireland, China, UK, Netherlands and Denmark will present on Geothermal Energy, Thermal Energy Storage and District Heating.

Participants are welcomed to join through this registration link: https://ucd-ie.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_USrMng_5TxueCg9m3t8PVg

Many regards.


Please see the attached file for further details.

Announcement of webinar Dr. Anita Laera at Politecnico di Bari

Dear Colleagues,

On Friday 2 December 2022, at 17:00 CET, Dr. Anita Laera, PhD at the Politecnico di Bari and currently Research Engineer at Plaxis Geotechnical analysis, will deliver a webinar entitled: “Advanced constitutive modelling for soft rocks.”

The webinar is organised by the Geotechnical Research Group of DICATECh, Politecnico di Bari, Italy, and will be held both in presence at Politecnico di Bari and online through MS Teams. 

Participants can join the event by clicking on the following link: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_Mzc5ZGRmMmItMWNlNy00NDQyLWI4OWMtYTRhMDNiYTQzYjEw%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%225b406aab-a1f1-4f13-a7aa-dd573da3d332%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%224ea622af-265c-46ca-b01b-93f1eefd7dcd%22%7d

Please see the attached file for further details.

14th International Conference “Modern Building Materials, Structures and Techniques”

Dear Colleague,

We invite you to join the 14th International Conference “Modern Building Materials, Structures and Techniques”, which will be held in Vilnius, Lithuania, on 5–6 of October 2023. This conference provides an opportunity for scientists, engineers, managers and professionals from around the world to share the latest achievements in field of civil engineering. Such a conference is an excellent opportunity to meet colleagues, exchange knowledge and extend the list of new contacts.

Conference volume will be published in SPRINGER NATURE Conference Proceedings. All selected and high quality papers will be sent to international databases and indexed in Clarivate Analytics Web of Science ISI Proceedings and Scopus.

For more details please visit conference website: https://vilniustech.lt/mbmst

Abstract submission for the Special Session on Image Analysis and Machine Learning for Geomechanics in ISMLG 2023

The rising interest and demand for energy geo-structures and energy storage  systems require a fundamental understanding of the  hydro-chemo-thermo-mechanically coupled processes in soils and rocks for  thermal piles, nuclear waste disposal, gas storage and caprock integrity, etc. Advanced imaging techniques provide essential insights  into the behaviour of geomaterials under various applied conditions,  including hydraulic pressure, chemical reaction, temperature, and  mechanical loading. For example, X-ray micro-tomography is a  non-destructive 3D imaging tool for the in-situ multi-physical  characterisation of geomaterials. Other imaging techniques include  digital cameras, neutron tomography, X-ray diffraction, and magnetic  resonance imaging.
Image  analysis and machine learning apply widely in our daily life, from face  recognition to self-driving cars. In geomechanics, machine learning is  becoming increasingly popular to enhance the quantitative information  that image analysis can provide through phase segmentation, fracture  recognition, particle tracking, etc. This session aims to attract  high-quality contributions that use image analysis and machine learning  in geomechanics.
The relevant topics include but are not limited to:

  •  Soil mechanics
  • Rock mechanics
  • Multiphase flow
  • Hydraulic-induced instability
  • Dissolution and precipitation
  • Freezing and thawing
  • Fines migration and clogging
  • Microbially induced calcite precipitation

More information on https://www.ismlg2023.com/special-session7.

Seminar: “Meshfree models for Engineers. Where are they really worthwhile?”

Mesh-free models have become increasingly popular in the computational mechanics community, especially when traditional mesh-based approaches –such as the Finite Element Method (FEM)– may lose their predictive capacity due to excessive mesh distortions induced by large deformations. However, mesh-free models remain relatively unknown among most engineers (compared to FEM), and are relegated to purely academic cases most of the time. One of the reasons may be the fact that engineers do not usually design conventional structures to behave in the finite deformation regime, which is commonly associated with the post-failure behaviour of the structure (buckling, slope failure and others). Indeed, before it happens, FEM simulations are able to predict the early stages of the dominant failure mechanism and thus calculate safety factors, which is in most of the cases the main concern of professional engineers. Naturally, the following questions may arises, there is room for mesh-free methods in daily engineering? And finally, what are the applications that can be subject to this type of methodology? This thematic seminar aims answer this question (and related-ones) and to open a discussion between pure numerical researchers and those which interact with industry.

Further information can be found on the following links:

Soil-structure interaction in OpenSees: strategies, applications and perspectives Winter school – 7-10 February 2023

A four-day Winter School to explore the basics and advanced applications of soil-structure modelling in OpenSees, focussing on critical issues of the implementation and discussing possible solutions. A meeting point to interact within the world of dynamics of soil-structure systems, for sharing experience and pointing to new horizons.

More information on the contents and attendance modalities can be found in the flyer and brochure attached, as well as on this website.

The Organising Committee
Dr. Davide Noè Gorini (Sapienza University of Rome)
Prof. Luigi Callisto (Sapienza University of Rome)
Prof. Paolo Franchin (Sapienza Università of Rome)
Dr. Tony Fierro (University of Molise)

Ph.D. Course at University of Genoa: Unsaturated Soils: theory and practice

From the 28th of November to the 2nd of December 2022, the Department of Civil, Chemical and Environmental Engineering of the Università di Genova

is organizing a Ph.D. school entitled Unsaturated Soils: theory and practice

The objective is to provide the theoretical elements of unsaturated soils to be applied to geotechnical problems via numerical analysis. 

The course is taught in English and takes place in presence. It lasts 25 hours and is open to external Ph.D. students and researchers.

For more details and registration, please refer to the flyer attached.