The presentations of the ALERT Workshop 2013 and the ALERT Doctoral School 2013 are now available online. The accompanying book of the ALERT Doctoral School 2013 can be downloaded here. Furthermore, the booklet containing the abstracts of the posters presented during the ALERT Poster Session is also available.
Category Archives: Meeting
ALERT Special Lecture 2014
The invited Special Lecture during the ALERT Workshop 2014 will be presented by Prof. Itai Einav from University of Sydney. The envisaged title of his talk is Geomaterials under extremes.
ALERT Workshop 2014
The ALERT Workshop 2014 will be organized from Monday, 29 September till Wednesday, 1 October in Aussois, France. It will include the following sessions:
Session 1 (Monday, September 29)
Constitutive modelling – what’s new?
Coordinators: Roberto Nova and Claudio di Prisco
Session 2 (Tuesday, September 30)
Railway geomechanics
Coordinators: Antonis Zervos and Farhang Radjai
(a half-day exploratory workshop)
Session 3 (Wednesday, October 1)
Multiphysics coupling
Coordinators: Robert Charlier, Lorenzo Sanavia and Jean Vaunat
ALERT Doctoral School on Stochastic analysis and inverse modelling will follow the workshop.
ALERT Doctoral School 2014
The title of the ALERT Doctoral School 2014 is Stochastic analysis and inverse modelling. It will take place in Aussois, October 2-4, 2014. The school organisers are Cristina Jommi and Michael Hicks (both TU Delft).
Impressions from the ALERT meeting 2013
The Workshop and Doctoral School of ALERT Geomaterials in Aussois 2013 is over. Like in the previous year, a collection of photographs by David Mašín can be found on his webpage. More news from the meeting will follow soon.
Registration for the ALERT Workshop & School 2013 is open!
The registration for the ALERT Workshop and School 2013 is open now! You can register using the form at . After filling the form and pressing the button “Register”, a window will open with your invoice. Please print it for your records! You will also get an email with the registration data afterwards. In case of the registration of ALERT members, the corresponding representative of the ALERT institution will receive the registration data too.
The deadline for the registration is the September 15th! The accomodation in Aussois will be processed in the order of the registrations (see the hints in the registration form).
Hints on how to get to Aussois!
ALERT Workshop & School 2013 – preliminary programme
The preliminary programme for the ALERT workshop 2012 is avalable now!
The invited Special Lecture during the ALERT Workshop 2013 will be presented by Prof. Ronaldo Borja from Stanford University. The title of his talk is Triggering a shear band in heterogeneous porous media.
ALERT Workshop 2013 – extended deadline
The deadline for the submission of abstracts for the ALERT Workshop 2013 has been extended up to May 31!
Workshop sessions:
Session 1 (Monday, September 30)
Geomechanics of slopes
Coordinators: Claudio di Prisco and Leonardo Cascini
Session 2 (Tuesday, October 1)
Contact problems in geomechanics
Coordinators: Euripides Papamichos and Jean Sulem
(this will be only a half-day exploratory workshop)
Session 3 (Wednesday, October 2)
Degradation in geomaterials
Coordinators: Ali Daouadji, Christophe Dano and Erich Bauer
Programme of the ALERT Doctoral School 2013
The programme of the ALERT Doctoral School 2013 can be already downloaded as a pdf file! The registration will open in June.
ALERT Newsletter No. 11
The ALERT Newsletter No. 11 has just been published online!