PhD position at Heriot-Watt University

Applications are welcome for a PhD position within IAPETUS2 Doctoral Training Partnership (DTP), funded and accredited by the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC). The project focuses on the fundamental mechanics of soils, rock formations and their interaction in consequence of thermo-mechanical actions through a cross-scale experimental campaign. It is co-led by supervisors from both Heriot-Watt University (HW) and Newcastle University (NU).

Detailed information on the project can be found below:

Stability controls in subsurface interfaces subjected to thermal and mechanical actions – IAPETUS2

The studentship is available to both Home and Overseas students.

Home students can directly submit their application from the following link before the 5th of January 2024.

The overseas students are requested to contact us first, no later than the 11th of December 2023, before submitting their applications. Otherwise, the application will not be considered valid. (More details on this under the “International Applicants” title).

The successful candidates should possess at minimum a MSc and undergraduate degree in civil engineering, geotechnical engineering, earth science or a similar field. Strong interest and experience in experimental soil and rock mechanics are essential requirements of this project.

Further enquiries on the vacancies can be directed to Dr. Melis Sutman (, Dr. Sadegh Nadimi ( and Dr. Elli-Maria Charalampidou (

Faculty position at Northwestern University

Dear colleagues, 

The Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Northwestern University invites applications for a tenure-track faculty position at the Assistant Professor level. 

The research areas of primary interest include geotechnical engineering, geomechanics, structural engineering and mechanics of materials. Applicants with expertise and interests at the intersection of these research domains will be highly valued. Additional information about the scope of the position is provided in this document

Further information about how to apply is available at the link below:

Lecturer in Structural Engineering at the University of Dundee

Dear Colleagues,

The University of Dundee are seeking an exceptional candidate to contribute to our research led teaching in structural engineering and design: Lecturer in Structural Engineering (T&R) at University of Dundee (

Further particulars for the position are attached

The focus of research should be in Structural Engineering which could include operating at the interfaces between one or all of materials and concrete technology, geotechnics or earthquake engineering to compliment strong existing research in these areas. This will align and contribute to the strategy and focus of the Future Infrastructure and Environment Research Cluster. The current focus of the cluster includes the thematic areas of Energy, Global Uncertainties, Living with Environmental Change, and working towards “Net Zero” within a sustainability framework.

To apply for either position, please do so using the above links on   

The application deadline is 22nd November 2023. 

PhD Positions available at Northwestern University 

The geomechanics modeling group led by Prof. Giuseppe Buscarnera at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering of Northwestern University is about to open two Ph.D. positions. The two projects focus on activities pertaining to adaptive granular systems and geomechanics of subsurface storage, respectively. Further information can be provided upon request by directly contacting Prof. Buscarnera ( and is available at this link.

Postdocs Positions at Chinese Academy of Sciences

Three postdoctoral positions in computational mechanics are open at the Institute of Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), Beijing, China. CAS is the most prestigious research institute in China. Candidates should have a background in computational mechanics and (1) be familiar with at least one popular numerical method, such as the Finite Element Method, Material Point Method, Virtual Element Method, etc., (2) and be able to code in C++, Python, Julia or other languages. The salary will be 25-30 thousand RMB/year depending on background. Please send your CV and a one-page research summary to If the positions are filled, we will delete the ad. Otherwise, all applicants are welcome.

Lecturer / Associate Professor in Geomechanics

Are you an early or mid-career academic with a passion for Civil Engineering?  Are you looking to join an academic team where you can build your profile and experience?  Our Department of Civil, Maritime and Environmental Engineering is the ideal place to make your mark. We have brand new, world-class facilities, a vibrant research culture, and are committed to our staff and students achieving their best. We will support you to further develop your academic career while you play a pivotal role in enhancing our research strength and growing our activities. We are looking for applicants with expertise in geomechanics and interests aligned with one or more of these themes:

  • improved design and management of infrastructure for low carbon transport
  • development of renewable energy facilities, especially wind, wave and tidal
  • resilience of civil infrastructure against climate change and natural hazards
  • sustainable construction and asset management technologies
  • novel numerical or physical modelling, or data science, applied to geo-infrastructure
  • smart characterisation and monitoring of the sub-surface and geo-infrastructure

The link to the advert is:

Ph.D. Student Position at Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology

A PhD student is sought for a position in “Resilient Foundations in Calcareous Deposits Offshore Australia” in the multi-institutional EcoEnergy GeoLab at Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT) with collaborations across other labs and universities.

Candidates with strong academic and research background in numerical modelling of offshore foundations, constitutive modeling, and geotechnical centrifuge modeling are encouraged to apply with an intended start date in January 2024. Applicants must send their application documents (cover letter, CV, transcripts, publication(s) and contact information for two references) via email (

More information on this pdf file.

Post-doctoral position at Nantes Université / GeM Institut

Within the framework of the ANR PERSEE, a Post-doctoral position on “Permeability evolution of granular soils in an internal erosion context” is open at Nantes Université / GeM Institut (Saint-Nazaire campus).

Additional details regarding the position and the application process are attached on this pdf file. The deadline for submission of applications is November the 12th, 2023.