Registration for the ALERT Workshop and School 2023 is OPEN!

Dear ALERT community,

I am pleased to inform you that the registration for the ALERT Geomaterials Workshop and School 2023 is now open! The preliminary programs of the Doctoral School is available here, the programme of the Workshop should be posted soon.

In the continuity of last year edition, a remote access to the doctoral school is proposed at the same price as the on-site option. However, this remote option only gives access to the passive attending of the presentations, and no questions could be asked.

This year, the ALERT Bureau has decided to offer one day of accomodation to:

  • all PhD students attending the doctoral school and belonging to an ALERT member institution (in a double room only);
  • all retired researchers attending the workshop.

Please read the hints in the registration form! After filling the form and pressing the button “Register”, a window will open with your invoice. Please print the window with the invoice for your records! You will also get an email with the registration data afterwards. If you are an ALERT members, the corresponding representative of your ALERT institution will receive the registration data too.

Click here to register for the ALERT Workshop and School 2023.

The deadline for the registration is the September 08th! The accommodation in Aussois will be processed in the order of the registrations (see the hints in the registration form). Please note that the number of rooms in the CNRS “Centre Paul Langevin” is limited.
See also hints on how to get to Aussois.

Looking forward to meeting you in Aussois!

ALERT Doctoral School 2023

The ALERT Doctoral School 2023 will take place from the 28th September to 30th September 2023.

The theme is “Machine Learning (ML) in Geomechanics”, and the school is coordinated by Ioannis Stefanou and Félix Darve.

The objective of this doctoral school is to explain what Machine Learning is, what its main methods are and how can it be used for solving real-case problems in geomechanics, in particular, and in solid mechanics, in general. Lectures and hands-on exercises using regression and classification ML methods, supervised and unsupervised ML techniques, Artificial Neural Networks, deep learning and model reduction techniques will be taught.

The students will:

  1. Gain an understanding of what ML is;
  2. Study the most important ML methods for regression, classification and model order reduction;
  3. Follow the basic mathematical and geometric notions behind ML methods;
  4. Use ML in simple examples, get aware of pitfalls and understand the need for physics- & geomechanics-based ML methods.

Requirements for the students:

  1. Python programming language (for those who are unfamiliar with Python we suggest the book “Python Crash Course: A Hands-On, Project-Based Introduction to Programming” by Eric Matthes, but many excellent tutorials can be found on the internet as well).
  2. Basic concepts in mathematics (algebra, analysis, elements of differential calculus and numerical analysis).
  3. Have some problems in mind in relation with their research and geomechanics that they believe that ML could help.

For those interested in participating in the doctoral school, a short poll is available in order to get some information about your expectations from this school and ML: see the poll here.

The online registration for the ALERT School will open in July and will be announced on the website.

ALERT Workshop & School 2023

Dear ALERT members,
Dear colleagues,

I am pleased to announce to you the themes and dates of the ALERT Workshop and School 2023.

Dates of the ALERT Workshop 2023: 25th September to 27th September 2023

  • Session 1: “Energy geomechanics
    Organizers: Jean-Michel Pereira, Carlos Santamarina and Diego Manzanal.
  • Session 2 (half-day): “Extraterrestrial geomechanics
    Organizers: Pierre Delage and Felipe Prada.
  • Session 3: “Anisotropy in geomaterials: theory, experiments and modelling”
    Organizers: Eleni Gerolymatou, Cino Viggiani, and Angelo Amorosi.

Dates of the ALERT School 2023: 28th September to 30th September 2023

  • Machine learning in geomechanics
    Organizers: Ioannis Stefanou and Félix Darve.

Hoping to see you in Aussois !

Registration for the ALERT Workshop and School 2022 is OPEN!

Dear ALERT community,

I am pleased to inform you that the registration for the ALERT Geomaterials Workshop and School 2022 is now open! The preliminary programs of the School and the Workshop are available here.

In the continuity of last year edition, it was decided to propose you two alternatives for your registration to the workshop and doctoral school: either you can come and participate in Aussois, or you can passively attend those remotely (no questions can be asked). Furthermore, all presenters must attend on-site.

This year, the ALERT Bureau has decided to offer one day of accomodation to:

  • all PhD students attending the doctoral school and coming from an ALERT member institution;
  • all retired researchers attending the workshop.

Please read the hints in the registration form! After filling the form and pressing the button “Register”, a window will open with your invoice. Please print the window with the invoice for your records! You will also get an email with the registration data afterwards. If you are an ALERT members, the corresponding representative of your ALERT institution will receive the registration data too.

Click here to register for the ALERT Workshop and School 2022.

The deadline for the registration is the September 16th! The accommodation in Aussois will be processed in the order of the registrations (see the hints in the registration form). Please note that the number of rooms in the CNRS “Centre Paul Langevin” is limited.
See also hints on how to get to Aussois.

Looking forward to meeting you in Aussois!

ALERT Workshop & School 2022

Dear ALERT members,
Dear colleagues,

I am pleased to announce to you the themes and dates of the ALERT Workshop and School 2022.

Dates of the ALERT Workshop 2022: 26th September to 28th September 2022

  • Session 1: “Mechanics of hard-soils/soft rocks
    Organizers: Claudia Vitone, Elma Charalampidou & Nadia Benahmed
  • Session 2 (half-day): “Robot ground interaction”
    Organizers: Raul Fuentes & Itai Einav.
  • Session 3: “Gravity-driven disasters in a global climate change context”
    Organizers: François Nicot, Florence Magnin, Stéphane Lambert & Francesco Calvetti.

Dates of the ALERT School 2022: 28th September to 2nd October 2022

  • Advanced experimental geomechanics
    Organizers: Edward Ando, Benjy Marks & Ryan Hurley

ALERT OZ Course 2022

There are still no propositions for the ALERT OZ Course 2022, so you are welcomed to send us your proposition!

Further information will arrive later.
Hoping to see you next year in Aussois !